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Daniel: how do vampires manage to hide in this modern era of technology?

Armand: yes i did fuck lestat thank you for asking i was on top btw


claudia + yellow

fuck that old man dot org slash volunteer opportunities


For Claudia, Lestat's influence will always linger. "That's his daughter," Hayles said simply. "He doesn't need to be a ghost. He's in her."

  • 16 icons under the cut.
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Who's that handsome man on the wall?

[id: two gifs of sherlock holmes, portrayed by jeremy brett, sitting peacefully against a tree with eyes closed. the grass is a pale yellow and blowing gently in the wind. in the second gif you can see the countryside in pastel greens. /end id]
the adventures of sherlock holmes ❧ 1x03 the naval treaty

do you think ed found stede’s explorer outfit in the auxiliary wardrobe and cried? do you think he remembered stede making that treasure hunt for him, and wondered why stede could do that but not show up when it really mattered? do you think he thought about lucius telling him stede liked him, how he was encouraged to play along and follow stede’s whims just to see him smile? how they sat and dreamt up their little snake snack story, or how they’d shared brandy afterwards in stede’s cosy cabin and agreed to be co-captains together? i think he saw it hanging up before he ditched all of stede’s things and wondered when stede decided their adventure was over.

objectify that middleaged man


the doctor on their way to steal your heart