Privacy Statement

Processing of personal data by Beresnev s.r.o.

Act No. 110 /2019 Coll. on Personal Data Processing, which transposes applicable regulations of the European Union, came into force on 24 April 2019. This memorandum contains information relating to the processing of personal data by Beresnev s.r.o.

1. Who controls my personal data?

The controller of your personal data is Beresnev s.r.o., with place of business at U rychty 14/6, Sedlec, 160 00 Praha 6, ID No: 05560004, entered in the Commercial Register of the Municipal Court in Prague under ref. no. C 265582 (hereafter the Company).

2. Who is the contact person for personal data protection and what is their contact information?

The contact person for personal data protection is a person named by the controller or processor of personal data on the basis of their professional qualities and who executes the duties stipulated by law. This individual primarily serves as a contact person for you in all matters relating to the processing of your personal data and the exercise of your rights as provided by law.
Within the Company, the contact person for personal data protection is Dotsenko Anna. You can contact her with your requests by email at [email protected]
You can address any questions about the processing of your personal data or the execution of your rights related to the processing of personal data, to any of the contacts listed in this chapter. We will answer any questions or requests free of charge.

3. For what purposes is my personal data processed and on what legal grounds?

This Privacy Statement applies to:
• employees,
• potential candidates who applied for any vacancy published by Company
• potential candidates who sent a job application via the Company Form or in writing to the address of the Company /via e-mail, unrelated to the current job vacancies published by the Company and
• non-selected candidates who have consented to the retention of personal data for future recruitment purposes.

The purposes of the processing related to the employees:
• entry into and execution of an employment contract concluded with the employer and the fulfilment of other obligations of the employer arising from the employment relationship (for example, accounting and payroll preparation, payment of taxes and contributions etc.),
• supervision of the fulfilment of the obligations arising from the employment relationship for a particular worker,
• transfer of employee’s personal data to third parties where there is a legal basis for this,
• publication of photos taken at corporate events.

The purposes of the processing related to the candidates:
• processing of personal data provided by the candidate in the context of an employment process at the Company (e.g. a CV, the information you provide to us through the questionnaire upon applying for a job) in order to select the appropriate candidate for a vacant post,
• processing of personal data submitted by the candidate via e-mail unrelated to the current job vacancies published by the Company, in order to determine whether the candidate is suitable for the published job vacancy or if the candidate could potentially be employed in the near future (in the latter case, we will ask for your consent for the retention of data.

4. What personal data do you use?

We only use personal data necessary for the fulfilment of the aforesaid purposes. This data primarily includes:
• identification information (e.g. name, surname, date of birth, national identification number);
• contact information (e.g. address, telephone number, email);
• sociodemographic information (e.g. age, gender, current occupation);
• work expirience (for example, when you provide us with a CV or if you provide us with the information when concluding an employment contract).

5. What sources does this information come from?

The data processed by the Company primarily comes from you and from public sources.

6. Who can process my personal data?

Personal data protection statutes allow the controller to entrust data processing to a processor. A personal data processor is any natural person who processes personal data on the basis of a legal provision or by authorization of the controller. Should the Company use this method in the processing of your personal data, it will do so only on the condition that the given personal data processor is contractually bound to guarantee the same principles of personal data protection as those upheld by the Company and that the processor meets all requirements as stipulated by law. The processors used by the Company to process your personal data are:
• information technology providers or operators;
• HR agencies that have a contract with the Company.

7. How long will my personal data be kept?

We store all personal data that we process in accordance with the law and only for the time period required to achieve the purposes for which the data were collected.
When the time period for the retention of personal data is prescribed by the law, the data are kept in accordance with the provisions of such act.
In this time, or once your consent to the processing of personal data has expired, your personal data will be erased, anonymized, or processed only to the extent and for purposes that do not require your consent.

8. What are my rights pertaining to the processing of my personal data?

Your rights pertaining to your personal data are:
• the right to access — you can ask the Company for access to personal data that pertains to you or is being processed about you; the Company will provide you with a copy of the processed personal data. For subsequent copies, the Company is entitled to charge a reasonable fee to cover administrative costs.
• the right to rectification — you can ask the Company to rectify inaccurate or incomplete personal data pertaining to you.
• the right to erasure — you can ask the Company to erase your personal data if one of following situations arises:
o the personal data is no longer need for the purposes it was collected or otherwise processed;
o the consent by which your personal data was processed was withdrawn and there are legal grounds for its continued processing;
o your personal data was processed unlawfully;o your personal data was collected in relation to an offer of services from an information company.
• Right to restriction of processing — you can ask the Company to restrict the processing of your personal data if one of the following situations arises:
o you have contested the accuracy of the personal data for a period sufficient for the Company to verify the accuracy of the personal data;
o the processing of your personal data is unlawful, but you refuse erasure of this data and instead request that its use be restricted;
o the Company no longer needs the personal data for processing purposes, but you request it for the establishment, exercise, or defence of legal claims;
o you have objected to the processing of your personal data pursuant to paragraph 1 of Article 21 of the General Data Protection Regulation pending verification of whether the legitimate grounds of the Company override your legitimate grounds.
• the right to data portability — you have the right to receive your personal data from the Company in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and this right shall not adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others.
• the right to withdraw consent — you have the right to withdraw at any time your consent to the processing of personal data for the purpose you consented to; withdrawal of your consent shall have no effect on the processing of personal data prior to withdrawal;
• the right to object — you can raise an objection at any time to the processing of your personal data by the Company for direct marketing purposes;
• the right to lodge a complaint — you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Company at U rychty 14/6, Sedlec, 160 00 Praha 6, or with the supervisory body — the Office for Personal Data Protection, with place of business at Pplk. Sochora 27, 170 00 Praha 7,

9. Is consent with the processing of my personal data voluntary or required?

Granting consent to the processing of your personal data for the purpose of receiving offers is entirely voluntary (not required at this time).