Hi! Please read the following before submitting:


We are accepting member applications for content creators and queue monitors. Queue monitors are not required to contribute content. For member applications, please answer the following questions in your submission:

- Name:
- Age:
- Role you are applying for (content creator or queue monitor):
- Link to your creations (if you are applying to be a queue monitor, you are not required to answer this question):
- How often you can contribute content (content creators must contribute at least once a month, queue monitors must update the queue at least once a week):
- Discord username:


We are accepting affiliate applications from anime and/or manga source blogs/networks/fansites. Affiliate status is a mutual exchange. If we appear on your blog, you will appear on ours and vice versa. We do not accept affiliate applications from personal blogs. For affiliate applications, please answer the following questions in your submission:

- Blog URL:
- Blog title:
- Link to a .png/.jpeg of blog icon:
- Link to promo post (optional):

Please give us up to a week to respond to your application. All applications will be responded to, even if you are not accepted. Thank you!