Promenade - EUH2020

Promenade - EUH2020

Maritime Transportation

Research & Innovation Programme.

About us

This project receives funding from the @EU_H2020 Research & Innovation Programme. GA 101021673. Posts reflect only the views of the project owner. European waters are navigated daily by some 12,000 vessels, which share their positions to avoid collisions, generating a huge number of positional messages every month. It is important that this overabundance of information will not overwhelm the marine operator in charge for decision-making. Promenade promotes collaborative exchange of these information between maritime surveillance authorities, cutting down the time to market and guaranteeing compliance with legal and ethical regulations and norms. The Use of Artificial Intelligence allows the analysis of a large amount of data also by combining it with the use of big data infrastructure to improve border and external security capabilities. Promenade will foster new technologies to provide to the Border Guards Authorities a toolkit for automatic vessel detection, tracking and behaviour analysis.

Maritime Transportation
Company size
201-500 employees



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