Webinar - June 20, 2024 10 AM PT Open Source Code Along: SpiceDB for Modern Authorization

AuthZed Blog

Articles from the AuthZed team about SpiceDB, Fine Grained Authorization, Google Zanzibar, and engineering culture.

Pitfalls of JWT Authorization

Jimmy Zelinskie
April 18, 2023
At AuthZed, we believe there’s a time and place for every piece of technology; the tricky part is determining if your use case actually is the time and place. For many years, there’s been a strong argument by domain experts against using JWTs for web sessions. While this campaign has succeeded to help improve the security of the web frontend, there hasn’t been an equivalent campaign for the backend. While building [SpiceDB](https://github.com/authzed/spicedb), we’ve surveyed many backend developers only to find that many don’t know the pitfalls of JWTs or even that alternatives exist. SpiceDB is an open source project that implements one such alternative called _centralized authorization_. Because of this, I’ll be sure to include exactly how a centralized strategy accounts for the pitfalls with JWTs, too!
8 minutes

Google Zanzibar Through Our Eyes

Jake Moshenko
December 8, 2022
Understanding Google's Zanzibar paper the way the Authzed team does.
4 minutes

Check it out #2: How intersections and exclusions are computed in SpiceDB and Authzed

Joey Schorr
March 3, 2022
Walking the graph to resolve permissions answers
9 minutes

Writing relationships to SpiceDB

Joey Schorr
February 17, 2022
A tale of writing to two databases
8 minutes

Unveiling wildcard permissions in SpiceDB

Joey Schorr
December 23, 2021
A public display of development
5 minutes

Understanding Google Zanzibar: A Comprehensive Overview

Jake Moshenko
May 12, 2021
What is Google Zanzibar? Why did they build it? And why is it important? I'll break down and answer those questions based on the research paper and from our experience building SpiceDB, the open source, fine-grained permissions database inspired by Google Zanzibar.
13 minutes

Check it out: How permissions are answered in SpiceDB and Authzed

Joey Schorr
March 17, 2021
Walking the graph to resolve permissions answers
10 minutes