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How to Train Amazon's Alexa to Recognize Your Voice

Does your home have several Echo users? Does Alexa get confused when you issue commands? Here's how to set up an Alexa Voice ID so she can better understand you.

Amazon’s Alexa can sometimes misunderstand or misinterpret you when you speak to your Echo device. If you live in a household with other Amazon users, the voice assistant may also have trouble figuring out which person is speaking. Thankfully, there's a solution.

You can train Alexa to better recognize you by creating a Voice ID. After you set up your ID, Alexa can call you by your name and deliver personalized results based on your voice. Alexa can even distinguish your voice from those of other people in the house. Adults, teenagers, and children can all create a voice profile. Let’s check out how.

Create a Voice ID

To create your Voice ID, open the Alexa app on your mobile device. Alexa automatically associates the ID you create with whomever is signed into the Alexa app, so make sure the right person is signed in. To check, tap the More icon in the bottom toolbar and go to Settings > Your Profile & Family. Make sure it says Your Profile under your name.

Tap your name, then select Set Up Voice ID. If you’ve already created your ID, you won’t see this option. Instead, the screen will indicate that your profile is ready and your voice is recognized.

If you wish to redo the process, tap Voice ID. At the next screen, tap the Delete Voice ID button and then confirm the deletion. Then tap the Set Up Voice ID button.

Teach Alexa Your Voice

At the Set up Voice ID screen, tap the Agree and Continue button. You’re now asked to repeat four different questions and commands so that Alexa can understand your voice. The screen displays the first phrase for you to say so Alexa will pick up your voice. Speak the phrase and Alexa automatically displays the next phrase.

Continue until you’ve spoken all the phrases that Alexa offers you. If Alexa fails to understand a specific phrase, you’ll be asked to repeat it. After you’ve finished the process, Alexa tells you that your Voice ID has been created. Tap Done.

Confirm the Pronunciation of Your Name

With your Voice ID created, you next want to make sure that Alexa knows how to pronounce your first name. At your profile screen, tap the Edit name and pronunciation link under your name.

At the next screen, tap the Go to Saved Pronunciation button at the bottom of the screen.

Tap the Play button next to your name to hear how Alexa pronounces it. If the pronunciation is off, tap the Let’s Fix That link. Play the different options to find the best pronunciation for your name.

Otherwise, you can select the Write it out option, then type a pronunciation on the keyboard. When Alexa gets it right, tap That’s Better. If Alexa gets it right on the first shot, tap Nailed it.

Enable Third-Party Skills

You can make sure that third-party Alexa skills can recognize your voice as well. At your profile screen, tap Voice ID, then select the Voice ID settings option.

Turn on the Personalize skills switch so that third-party skills can distinguish your voice from other users.

Add More Voice Profiles

Other people in your household who wish to set up a voice profile with Alexa must go through the same process in the Alexa app on their own mobile device. You can also add a Voice ID for a child. At your family screen, tap the name of the child for whom you want to set up the ID, then tap Set Up Voice ID.

The next screen lists certain steps for a kid-friendly experience. Assuming you already created the child’s profile and set up parental consent, tap the Next button to create their Voice ID, then tap Agree and Continue. The app asks if your child is with you. If so, tap Get Started.

Alexa talks to you and your child to explain how the Voice ID setup works. Alexa will then have your child speak several phrases in order to learn their voice. When finished, tap Done.

Alexa then displays a screen explaining what tasks your child can perform when talking to your Echo. To delve further into more kid-friendly options, ask Alexa to open Amazon kids or tap the Parent Dashboard link. Otherwise, tap Done.

Use Adaptive Listening Mode

You can further help Alexa understand different voices and speech patterns through a feature called Adaptive Listening Mode. To enable this in the Alexa app, go to Settings > Accessibility > Adaptive Listening Mode.

Check the specific Echo devices to which you want to apply this mode. You can also check All Devices. Alexa on those devices will now try to better recognize voices with different speech patterns and offer you more time to speak before responding.

Use Alexa

Now you should be able to ask Alexa to perform certain tasks without needing to clarify who you are. Ask Alexa to play your messages, send a message, call another person, shop at Amazon, play a flash briefing, or play music, and the voice assistant will provide a personalized experience based on your voice profile.

Even if you switch to another person's account, Alexa should be able to identify you by voice. To make sure Alexa knows who you are, say "Alexa, who am I?" or "Alexa, whose profile is this?"

For help or feedback on using voice profiles and other Alexa features, return to your profile screen in the Alexa app and select the Voice ID entry. Tap the Learn More link to display a screen of Alexa and Alexa Device FAQs.

About Lance Whitney