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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna
Artist Name: Ryan Hanson
Tumblr: http://ryanhansonill.tumblr.com/
Its all fun and games until someone loses their mind. Check out Joker’s origin story, based a poem by Geoff Kagan Trenchard and illustrated by Ryan Hanson in a collaboration...

Artist Name: Ryan Hanson

Tumblr: http://ryanhansonill.tumblr.com/

Its all fun and games until someone loses their mind. Check out Joker’s origin story, based a poem by Geoff Kagan Trenchard  and illustrated by Ryan Hanson in a collaboration orchestrated by art director Marc Scheff.

Full gif comic HERE

art artists on tumblr illustration GIF mixed media submission