Gaming —

Gamers indifferent to convergent consoles, study finds

Despite console manufacturer attempts to commandeer the living room with …

Most gamers don't care about non-gaming extras when it comes to buying video game consoles, a new study by market researcher Frank M. Magid Associates reveals.

The study, which surveyed more than 1,200 gamers (both male and female ages 12-64), asked how interested said players would be in purchasing a gaming device that also played movies, music, TV, and Internet in addition to games. Two thirds expressed apathy or no interest at all.

"When you talk to video gamers, of all ages, the majority say they don't
really care about a completely converged entertainment device with
games, music, movies, IPTV, Internet and more," said Magid's Mike Vorhaus, in a guest column for GameDaily published Monday. "Many consumers buy and prefer dedicated, single purpose (or limited purpose) devices," he added, with the notable exception being smart phones.

As the chart shows, half of gamers ages 12-17 (without significant purchasing power, mind you) favor convergence. It seems you'll take as much as you can get when short on cash. For everyone else, the games are the real driving factor for buying a gaming device. Go figure.

Furthermore, the findings suggest that Sony and Microsoft may have backed the wrong horse while promoting movies, television, or any other non-gaming uses with their respective PS3 and Xbox 360 machines. Vorhaus remained upbeat, however, saying, "The future is with the young people, so we can anticipate more and more consumer demand for broad and comprehensive gaming devices over time."

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