
ashenblackfish254 asked

If your Elden Ring character had a day off, no quests, no monster slaying, no repeated deaths and rebirths, what would they do? Go fishing? Read a book? What do?

Hmm. Hilde will probably cook soup and then read some books about celestial sorceries! Or will busy herself with drafting the design of the new weapon and counting the amount of resources needed to forge it. Once the plot starts, Hildegarda rarely has a possibility to go back to smithing, but when she can, it makes her happy 🥹

goofy ahh Hunter
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Hildegarda was a soldier once, and after getting sick she became a weapon smith. When the illness continued to bother her, she started to travel so seek the cure. She tried everything she could, forbidden magic, forgotten talismans, etc - nothing had helped. As a result, Hilde became very superstitious and that’s the reason she wears lots of different charms and got these strange tattoos - they were supposed to cure her. At the end of her travels, she has arrived to Yharnam and became a Hunter.