Wojack, labeled "Proud Centrist," sitting in an armchair, looking smug and smoking, with an enormous brain. Behind him is a framed image of a pair of evenly-balanced scales. One side of the scale, labeled with an antifa logo, is weighed down with "punched a nazi." the other side of the scale, labeled with a white supremacist logo, is weighed down with "shootings, stabbings, car attacks"ALT
Photo of t-shirt that  reads "Racism is so American that when you protest it, people think you are protesting America."ALT
Three-panel illustration of a drowning man, barely holding his face above water. 3rd panel reveals he's just sitting at the bottom of a shallow tub and could easily stand up and be in waist-deep water. Caption reads: "victims of reverse racism be like"ALT
2 still images from Scooby-Doo: Image 1: the gang have a ghost, labeled "Alt-Right," tied up. A cop with the gang says "Alright, Alt-Right, let's see who you really are!" Image 2: Fred has pulled off the ghost's hood has been pulled off to reveal a large swastika where his head should be. Fred says "a Nazi movement!?" The ghost/nazi says "And I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddling kids!"ALT
Two still images from an anime. An unseen person points their finger to a cute anime figure, in an accusing way. Their arm reads "fascist demonstration" & the 1st image is captioned "...but thanks to that thing it was ruined!"  The 2nd image, the cute anime character is labeled "antifa counter protest" and is gleefully accepting of the accusation.ALT
Image of Dr. Manhattan from the Watchmen obliterating a person. The person being obliterated says "oh so you just ruin bigots lives instead of debating them?" Dr. Manhattan replies, "yes."ALT
Three still images from The Simpsons:  Image 1: Bart Simpsons classmates & teachers are all staring expectantly in his direction, in using asking him to "say the line!" Image 2: Bart has been replaced by a angry, crying wojack in a MAGA hat, who says "Antifa are the real fascists!" Image 3: the classroom cheersALT

Antifa meme dump #13, in commemoration of Antifa International’s 10th anniversary. More to come as we continue to dig through the antifa meme vault!

8-bit image of Pac-Man & Ms. Pac-Man lining up to eat swastikas.  Caption: Ready! Destroy Fascism!ALT
Wondermark comic by David Malki where an 18th century aristrocrat laments being unable to use invective & slurs or step on people without someone objecting.ALT
Still images from The Simpsons, showing Willie putting up his fists and challenging school children to a fight, saying "You want to pick on immigrants, then pick on Willie!"ALT
Portrait of John Brown next to the slogan I DON'T ARGUE WITH PEOPLE JOHN BROWN WOULD'VE SHOTALT
Elderly white women wearing a sweatshirt that reads: "Prejudice is an emotional commitment to ignorance." - Nathan RutsteinALT
Tweet from Alex Bertram-Powell @AlexBPArt: "In my day, they didn't have pronouns. Wait I mean we didn't...it didn't have. Fuck. In day, haven't pronouns."ALT
Image of two terrified children, labeled "Conservatives," cowering in a corner, scared of a bunny rabbit, labeled "pronouns," sitting next to a bucket.ALT
List of 10 Things You're Actually Saying When You Ignore Someone's Gender Pronouns: 1. I know you better than you know yourself. 2. I would rather hurt you repeatedly than change the way I speak about you 3. Your sense of safety is not important to me. 4. Your identity isn't real & should't be acknowledge. 5. I want to teach everyone around me to disrespect you. 6. Offending you is fine if it makes me comfortable. 7. I can hear you talking, but I'm not really listening. 8. Being who you truly are is an inconvenience to me. 9. I would prefer it if you stopped being honest with me. 10. I am not an ally, a friend, or someone you can trust.ALT
Album cover of a very cringey, failed boy band of 13-year olds. Title reads "Gavin McInnes Presents - PROUD BOYS "Snowflake Season" Includes the hit songs "Triggered Cucks" "Cucks Got Triggered" "Mom Can We Have Fishstick For Dinner Tonight?" Sticker on cover reads "THE ALT-RIGHT CAN FUCK OFF"ALT

Antifa meme dump #12, in commemoration of Antifa International’s 10th anniversary. More to come as we continue to dig through the antifa meme vault!

Panel from a 1940s Batman comic, showing Batman punching a nazi, knocking him off his feet. An askew portrait of Hitler hangs on the wall. As Robin watch, Batman says "See, now he's scared! So keep hammering away at him...keep socking until he just naturally falls apart! That's the way to beat the nazi!"ALT
Simpsons "am I the one who's out of touch?" Principal Skinner meme, where Principal Skinner is now wearing a brown suit with a swastika armband and sporting a black eye while he ponders "Do people hate me because I want to murder them and begin a genocide against their people?" before concluding "No, it's because they hate free speech!"ALT
A looong explaation of why the Nazis were not, in fact, socialist, even though they called themselves "national socialists"ALT
Exploding brain meme template. Brain #1: The Nazis were socialists because they were called the National Socialist Workers' Party. Brain #2: Buffalo wings come from buffaloes. Brain #3: North Korea is a democracy because it's called the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. Brain #4: Duct tape is made of ducks.ALT
B&W image of a US solider in WW2 holding a BAR machine gun. Caption reads: SO, THREE NAZIS WALK INTO A BARALT
Photo of "Neon Nazi Action Man" action figure, wearing a hi-viz vest and carrying a bullhorn & smartphone. Doesn't stop shouting! Limited vocabulary! Genuinely abhorrent views! Abuses women! Comes with own paypal account! Thick as shit!ALT
Comic by Bruce R. (commonwombatstudio.com): A racialized woman is trying to speak to an angry white man, who interupts her each time.  "We're having a sit-in.." "Ugh, too hippie!" "We're blocking traffick" "Too disruptive!" "We're boycotting" "Too 'cancel culture!" etc. Ends with quote from Bernice King: "There is no form of protest against racism that is acceptable to racists"ALT
White man with fashy alt-right haircut and tattoos & a neckbeard, wearing a t-shirt reading "Normal Person" over a nazi uniform and a paper plate w/ a face drawn on it over his face, asking "Do you ever think that maybe people who don't want to let nazis organise are the real nazis?"ALT
Four-panel comic by Mart Virkus (@arcaderage): Two soldiers are pointing guns. One says "wait - there might be nazis here." There is a pause. Then, from the bushes, someone says "Not everyone you disagree with is a nazi!" The soldiers unload into the bushes.ALT

Antifa meme dump #11, in commemoration of Antifa International’s 10th anniversary. More to come as we continue to dig through the antifa meme vault!

"distracted boyfriend" meme, where the boyfriend is labeled "conservatives" the woman he is ogling is labeled "made up stuff about antifa" and his girlfriend is labeled "tangible proof of violent white supremacists"ALT
Simpsons' Skinner "Am I out of touch?" meme except Skinner is wearing a MAGA hat. Caption reads: "Am I a fascist? No, it's anti-fascists who are fascist."ALT
Clip-art drawing of a business woman. Caption reads: If we don't have room for immigrants and dreamers, maybe we should get rid of racists and white supremacists and make some room.ALT
Illustration of a cowboy with laser eyes playing a guitar that has Woody Guthrie's "This Machine Kills Fascists" slogan written on it, along with an antifascist "three arrows" symbol. caption reads MAMA DON'T LET YOUR BABIES GROW UP TO BE PROUD BOYSALT
Tweet from @donnaaarenee: "'Snowflake' is trending so perfect time to rescurrect the greatest meme of all of 2020 (possibly ever)." Meme is "strong dog weak dog" where the strong dog is covered in Trump, NRA, Police Lives Matter & confederate flags tattoos and is labeled "MAGA" & captioned "gun truck patriot eagle freedoms"  The weak dog is labeled "also MAGA," is crying and  is labeled "mask hurt facey"ALT
Painting of Jesus attacking the money changers, captioned "Evangelicals reading Matthew 21 12-13: I  USED TO SUPPORT JESUS UNTIL HIS PROTESTS TURNED VIOLENT AND DESTROYED BUSINESSES"ALT
FB post of an image of X-Wing fighters approaching the Death Star, captioned "violent antifascist left-wing extremists attacking peaceful alt-right gaterhing." Reply comment from Dylan Rutan that says "To start off, the Rebes were terrorist, so you just called..."ALT
"brain explosion" meme. #1: "They do the kind of jobs that Americans don't want to do." #2: "Immigrants pay taxes." #3: "Migration is a right; no human is illegal." #4: "US economic & military policy is responsible for most migration. Exploited migrant labor is structurally necessary to maintain capitalism.  People must within and across borders towards a vision of international citizenship centered on cooperation and collective community/worker ownership of major industries."ALT
4-Panel comic. 1st panel: speaker introducing the topic "how to  incite a moral panic in 3 easy steps. 2nd panel: 1. Make outlandish claims against people you don't like. Illustration is of two blue people, with a third one off wearing a hat. Blue person 1 says to blue person 2 "Did you hear about the hat people? I think they're eating babies."  2. Sit back & smile as the New York Times uncriticialy adopts your argument. Illustration is of the front page of the NYT with the headline "DO HAT PEOPLE DESERVE RIGHTS?" 3. Have fun & legally persecute the people you hate with few consequences. Illustration is of a blue politician behind a podium announcing "I am proud to enact the no hats law - the hat people will threaten children no longer."ALT
Tweet from @kopology: Me: "My pa fought the nazis" Liberal: "He's a hero!" Me: "I'm off to fight some now" Liberal: "You're just as bad as they are!"  #DoverALT

Antifa meme dump #10, in commemoration of Antifa International’s 10th anniversary. More to come as we continue to dig through the antifa meme vault!

"Arguing with liberals about the riots" bingo card, with squares for "riots are just excuses to be violent," "Nazis deserve free speech too!," "Starbucks is on our side," "this will never make a difference," "antifascists are the real fascists!," Random Ghandi/MLK quote, "we need to get permission from the State before resisting the State," that one Voltaire quote, "This isn't what America is about," "breaking a window is a crime against humanity," "burning down their own city," etc., etc.ALT
4-Panel comic. Person sees a dog & says "Owww, aren't you the cutest little thing!" The dog replies "Denying fascists their freedom of speech makes you a fascist" Person responds "On no - it's a liberal!"ALT
Safely Endangered comic: Winnie the Pooh is eating hunny. Tigger sees and warns him "Sweet Jesus, Pooh! That's not honey - you're eating liberal ideology!" Pooh says "Resisting fascism through violent means makes you a fascist, too"ALT
"Is this a butterfly" meme. Butterfly is labeled "Antifascist" Dude in glasses is labeled "Liberal" and he's now asking "Is this a Nazi?"ALT
Image of smug-looking man in pyjamas, drinking a cup of cocoa, captioned "I do not agree with ethnic cleansing, but I will defend to the death your right to recruit and organize it."ALT
Photo montage of white man crying on a beach w/ tweet from @UKIPBlackpool captioning it "When a liberal hears a fascist was punched."ALT
Trolly problem meme where the trolley is now an anti-fascist punching a swastika-wearing Pepe and 1 track is an NYT columnist - "if you don't pull the switch, the antifa doesn't punch the Nazi, who then goes out & bashes 5 minorities. However, if you pull the swith, the antifa will punch a Nazi, causing an NYT columnist to rebuke you for not respecting his right to free speeach. What do you do?"ALT
Comic: a rabbit, labeled "Libertarian," is visiting the zoo. At the lion cage, a lion, labeled "fascism" says "let me out and we'll fight the left." The rabbit cuts the cage bars, freeing the lion, who at first dances merrily away from the zoo with the rabbit, before tearing it apart and eating it.ALT
Simpsons "Leftorium" still: Homer is imagining Jordan Peterson being dead broke. Next, Homer is imagining a store called "Peterson's Stupid Lobster Cult" with a "going out of business" sign in the window and laughing about it. Finally, Homer is imaging Jordan Peterson's grave, commenting "Eh..too far."ALT
Photo of two dogs starting at the photographer, in a living room surrounded by shredded papers and a huge mess. Caption reads THANK GOD YOU ARE HOME - LOOK WHAT ANTIFA DIDALT

Antifa meme dump #9 (liberal edition), in commemoration of Antifa International’s 10th anniversary. More to come as we continue to dig through the antifa meme vault!

Illustration of Jordan Peterson with a boy on his lap. The boy is excitedly gesturing and exclaiming "He's got all these cool new ideas, like Christian conservatism"ALT
Children's book cover showing Jordan Peterson, in pyjamas, riding a tobaggan through the air. The book it titled "Everything I don't like is 'post-modern Marxism: A child's guide to online political discussion"ALT
Infographic of transmission risks, showing a 90% risk of transmission if two people are speaking to each other unmasked; a 30% risk if one of them is masked; a 1.5% risk if both of them are masked; and a 0% risk if one is masked but saying "So if you listen to the entire 45 minute speech by Jordan Peterson in context..." while the other person turns away & leaves.ALT
Altered screen shot from Futurama, titled "When the University system becomes infected with leftists." Image shows Jordan Peterson in a fur coat with a lobster claw for a hand, saying "I'll make my own university...with lobster memes...and vacuum cleaners"ALT
Post by Dr. Charlotta Lofqvist S.J.: "jordan peterson: everything in nature has a hierarchy modelled on america in the 1950s. even the dinosaurs, you'd see a weaker dinosaur being used as a lamp, or a stapler, by a cave-man in a tie! a man was judged by how fast he ran inside his stone car."ALT
Cheesy 90s meme of grinning blond dude giving an enthused two thumbs up. Caption reads: it's just a coincidence that i only show support for THE FASCIST ONESALT
Image from the Simpsons of Grandpa Simpson in his pyjamas, chasing after a garbage truck while holding a giant Blue Lives Matter flag, yelling "HEY WAIT, STOP - I HAVE GARBAGE!"ALT
Image of Eric Cantona kicking a seig-heiling man in the chest at a football match, captioned KICK RACISM OUT OF RACISTSALT
Checklist titled "Is your child an Antifa supersoldier? Check their text messages. Know the signs. LOL = "Looting, Only Looting;" LMAO = Lenin? Mao? All OK;" OMG = Our Marauder Group;" WTF = War! That's Fun" BRB = Burning Religious Book; IMHO = Probably Something In Arabic; TBH = Terrorism? Boy Howdy; IDK = I Do Kneel; RN = Riot Night; AF = Attack (the American) Flag; & BLM = (Meaning still unclear)ALT
Logo for the game Wolfenstein II, with a text from Diego Sosa: "Hello everyone, I'm a centrist liberal & let me say that the 1st Wolfenstein is too damn hard & I can't get past the 1st level. The enemies won't listen to my reasoned discourse on why their ideology is flawed & just shoot me to death. I have lots of weapons at my disposal, but killing the nazis would make me as bad as them." etc.ALT

Antifa meme dump #8 (Jordan Peterson edition), in commemoration of Antifa International’s 10th anniversary. More to come as we continue to dig through the antifa meme vault!

Post by @existentialcoms: "Stockholders have an incentive to drive wages down. Landlords have an incentive to drive rent up. These 2 groups own basically everything & control most of our society & politics. But yes, immigrants are to blame.ALT
Graphic of the three arrows antifascist symbol, captions IMMIGRANT WELCOME FASCISTS FUCK OFF!ALT
Still image from The Simpsons of Ralph Wiggums talking to his mom and dad, captioned "George Soros and Obama were driving a bus full of antifas into town, and I saw one of the antifas, and the antifa looked at me."ALT
Two photos: Photo one: a b&w photo of Hitler and several high-ranking Nazis, captioned "we're not racists, Judaism isn't a race." Photo 2: a colour photograph of an anti-Islam protest in the UK, captioned "we're not racist, Islam isn't a race."ALT
Butterfly meme: a man wearing glasses and labeled WHITE NATIONALISTS gestures towards a butterfly, labeled NOT HAVING A GIRLFRIEND and asks "Is this GENOCIDE?"ALT
A photo of a hand pushing two buttons on a soda dispenser at the same time, so two different drinks pour into the same cup.  One drink is labeled "The Capitol rioters were just patriots showing what happens when Americans are pushed too far!" The other drink is labeled "IT WAS ANTIFA!"ALT
Mural of James Baldwin with the quote "We can disagree and still love each other unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist."ALT
Born To Die World Is A Fuck meme template with an image of John Brown. Meme now reads BORN TO RAID SOUTH IS A FUCK FREM EM ALL 1859 I AM JOHN BROWN 410,747,864,530 DEAD CONFEDERATESALT

Antifa meme dump #7,  in commemoration of Antifa International’s 10th anniversary. More to come as we continue to dig through the antifa meme vault!

An illustration of a guillotine, captioned "Give nazis a platform"ALT
Four-panel comic showing Pepe, with a swastika armband, on the guillotine. Gritty, his executioner, asks "any last words?" Pepe says "So much for the tolerant left." Gritty then releases the blade and Pepe's head is chopped off with a "CHOP" sound.ALT
Richard Spencer getting punch remixed with Hans Moleman presents "Nazi Getting Punched In The Head" and Homer Simpsons laughing uproariously.ALT
Buff doge meme: Buff doge is dressed as a Unionist soldier & labeled "Republicans in 1985," saying "I just shot 60 slaveowners."  Cheems doge, labeled "Republicans in 2020," is wearing a MAGA hat and saying "I cant' sleep without my Robert E. Lee bodypillow."ALT
Steve Buscemi "how do you do, fellow children?" meme, except Steve is covered in white supremacist tattoos but wearing a mask & an antifa t-shirt while holding a suss "antifa" flyer designed to make anti-fascists look bad. Steve is saying "how do you do, fellow antifas?"ALT
Nib comic by Mattie Lubchansky titled "How To Tell If Someone Is A Nazi, With Your Friend, the Important Pundit" in which the pundit fails/refuses to acknowledge that several examples of actual nazis are nazis, but is quick to call a masked anti-fascist "a violent nazi."  Link to original comic: https://thenib.com/how-to-tell-if-someone-is-a-nazi/ALT
Photo of a very cute Husky dog, on a leash at a protest. The husky is wearing a sign that reads "I'm a husky + I hate fascists"ALT
Post by Libertarian Marxist Musings: "If you leave fascists alone, they will hurt & murder innocent people. If you leave Antifascists along, whey will hang out w/ their friends, drink craft beer, smoke weed, go to concerts, (etc.) Antifascists don't want to be out in the streets fighting Nazis. But if they don't confront these fucks, no one will, so they hit the streets out of a sense of moral obligation...ALT
Four-panel comic by Barry Deutsch (patreon.com/barry): Panel 1: an editor is telling an upset columnist that his colum is being dropped b/c of how extreme it is. The angry columnist says "I have been silenced!" Panel 2: the columnist is at a lecture podium, telling an audience "I have been silenced!" Panel 3: Washington Post front page photo of the columnist, declared "I have been silenced!"ALT
Tweet by Jesse Berney (@jesseberney): "Imagine a world where Nazis are openly marching in the streets and your main concern is the people marching to oppose them."ALT

Antifa meme dump #6,  in commemoration of Antifa International’s 10th anniversary. More to come as we continue to dig through the antifa meme vault!

B&W photo of Dr. Cornell West w/ a quote from him about his nearly being lynched by torch-carrying alt-right extremists in Charlottesville on 8/11/18: "The police didn't do anything in terms of protecting the people of the community, the clergy...if it hadn't been for the anti-fascists protecting us from the neo-facists, we would have been crushed like cockroaches."ALT
Photo of a man using a sledgehammer to smash the Berlin Wall, captioned HISTORY BEING ERASED IN 1989. NOBODY KNOWS WHAT THIS IS.ALT

Still images from Lord of the Rings, re-captioned, with the 1st character saying "the ring must be destroyed!" & other characters protesting, saying "Vandals! A ring is a ring! You can't erase Mordor's history! Why not destroy Gandalf's staff too then? Saruman's choice needs to be contextualized!"ALT
Post by Nick Estes (@nick_w_estes) that reads: "Historian here: tearing down a statue is not erasing history. Putting up a statue on land whose original caretakers you can't name is." Reply from Courtney R. Baker, PhD: "This is the best TED talk I ever attended.ALT
Three-panel comic. PANEL 1: two debating opponents shake hands in front of their podiums. Caption reads "Debates are often seen as two opposing sides finding common ground in the middle." PANEL 2:  One debater, defending genocide, is in a hole in the ground, while the other debater, defending civil rights, looks at him from atop a hill. Caption reads: "However, the framework presumes both viewpoints are valid and equal, when in reality not viewpoints are, or should be considered as such." PANEL 3:  Shows the genocide-defending opponent shaking hand with the civil-rights defending opponent under a banner reading MURDER. Caption reads: "And sometimes when you concede ground to meet in the middle, you still end up losing."ALT
XKCD comic: "The right to free speech means the gov't. can't arrest you for what you say. It doesn't mean that anyone else has to listen to your bullshit or host you while you share it. The 1st amendment doesn't shield you from criticism or consequences. It's just that the people listening think you're an asshoule & they're showing you the door."ALT
4-panel comic by @Ryan Healy: PANEL 1: 1st person: *BIGOTED OPINION* 2nd person: Hey dude that's shitty 2nd PANEL: 1st person: "You're taking away my free speech!!!!" 3rd PANEL: 2nd person: "I'm not taking away your freedom of speech. I'm using mine to call out your shitty opinions!" 4th PANEL: 2nd person: "What you want is to be shitty and no one call you out on it"ALT
Comic: a hideous, gholish vampire is knocking at a person's window. Vampire: Dude! Let me in! Fascism is a legitimate political ideology! Don't you believe in free speech?ALT

Antifa meme dump #5, in commemoration of Antifa International’s 10th anniversary. More to come as we continue to dig through the antifa meme vault!

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