

Vevo DSCVR Artists to Watch 2024


Hi, we're Ellie and Kaylee Hillier. We started our fertility journey over a year ago, where we had a very disappointing and insulting GP appointment, leading us to go the private route. We have since found out, however, that our treatment would not be funded by the NHS due to us being a same-sex couple regardless.

This past year, we have travelled to Denmark multiple times to undergo IUI (Intrauterine Insemination), and had multiple procedures here in the UK too. Each attempt has been more medicated than the last, causing an intense amount of stress on my (Ellie) body and on both of us mentally. Despite this, we now both have multiple jobs as each round has set us and my family back thousands of £ at a time in hopes of funding further treatments.

In August, we suffered an early loss, and all IUI attempts since have failed. Due to this, we are now moving onto IVF—a more invasive and more costly procedure, though one with statistically better results.

As we cannot get NHS funding, we have had to pay out of pocket for our procedures and treatments, and while we have been helped greatly by my parents, we are over £15,000 down with no baby to show for it, and about to throw more money at IVF.

All we want is to start our family. We want to be mummies to our own baby, and we mourn the loss we endured and the funds we have spent that people who are able to conceive naturally or with NHS funding are able to spend giving their child a wonderful life. Crowdfunding is the only "official" option we've had suggested to us, and while we hate to ask for money, we're not sure what else to do.

Any spare cash would be so much appreciated as we continue this horrible journey to hopefully give us the baby we so desperately wish for. We thank you so much for reading all of this, and in advance for any donations or even post shares we receive.

xo, Ellie and Kaylee

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