In-depth Guides
Template Syntax

Template syntax

In Angular, a *template* is a chunk of HTML. Use special syntax within a template to build on many of Angular's features.

Tip: Check out Angular's Essentials before diving into this comprehensive guide.

Each Angular template in your application is a section of HTML to include as a part of the page that the browser displays. An Angular HTML template renders a view, or user interface, in the browser, just like regular HTML, but with a lot more functionality.

When you generate an Angular application with the Angular CLI, the app.component.html file is the default template containing placeholder HTML.

The template syntax guides show you how to control the UX/UI by coordinating data between the class and the template.

Empower your HTML

Extend the HTML vocabulary of your applications with special Angular syntax in your templates. For example, Angular helps you get and set DOM (Document Object Model) values dynamically with features such as built-in template functions, variables, event listening, and data binding.

Almost all HTML syntax is valid template syntax. However, because an Angular template is part of an overall webpage, and not the entire page, you don't need to include elements such as <html>, <body>, or <base>, and can focus exclusively on the part of the page you are developing.

IMPORTANT: To eliminate the risk of script injection attacks, Angular does not support the <script> element in templates. Angular ignores the <script> tag and outputs a warning to the browser console. For more information, see the Security page.

More on template syntax

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Topics Details
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