blob: d050ce0448ff0a8a3ce343fa4f8a85139047aecd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.compose.runtime
import androidx.compose.runtime.collection.IdentityArrayIntMap
import androidx.compose.runtime.collection.IdentityArrayMap
import androidx.compose.runtime.collection.IdentityArraySet
* Represents a recomposable scope or section of the composition hierarchy. Can be used to
* manually invalidate the scope to schedule it for recomposition.
interface RecomposeScope {
* Invalidate the corresponding scope, requesting the composer recompose this scope.
* This method is thread safe.
fun invalidate()
private const val UsedFlag = 0x01
private const val DefaultsInScopeFlag = 0x02
private const val DefaultsInvalidFlag = 0x04
private const val RequiresRecomposeFlag = 0x08
private const val SkippedFlag = 0x10
private const val RereadingFlag = 0x20
* A RecomposeScope is created for a region of the composition that can be recomposed independently
* of the rest of the composition. The composer will position the slot table to the location
* stored in [anchor] and call [block] when recomposition is requested. It is created by
* [Composer.startRestartGroup] and is used to track how to restart the group.
internal class RecomposeScopeImpl(
var composition: CompositionImpl?
) : ScopeUpdateScope, RecomposeScope {
private var flags: Int = 0
* An anchor to the location in the slot table that start the group associated with this
* recompose scope.
var anchor: Anchor? = null
* Return whether the scope is valid. A scope becomes invalid when the slots it updates are
* removed from the slot table. For example, if the scope is in the then clause of an if
* statement that later becomes false.
val valid: Boolean get() = composition != null && anchor?.valid ?: false
val canRecompose: Boolean get() = block != null
* Used is set when the [RecomposeScopeImpl] is used by, for example, [currentRecomposeScope].
* This is used as the result of [Composer.endRestartGroup] and indicates whether the lambda
* that is stored in [block] will be used.
var used: Boolean
get() = flags and UsedFlag != 0
set(value) {
if (value) {
flags = flags or UsedFlag
} else {
flags = flags and UsedFlag.inv()
* Set to true when the there are function default calculations in the scope. These are
* treated as a special case to avoid having to create a special scope for them. If these
* change the this scope needs to be recomposed but the default values can be skipped if they
* where not invalidated.
var defaultsInScope: Boolean
get() = flags and DefaultsInScopeFlag != 0
set(value) {
if (value) {
flags = flags or DefaultsInScopeFlag
} else {
flags = flags and DefaultsInScopeFlag.inv()
* Tracks whether any of the calculations in the default values were changed. See
* [defaultsInScope] for details.
var defaultsInvalid: Boolean
get() = flags and DefaultsInvalidFlag != 0
set(value) {
if (value) {
flags = flags or DefaultsInvalidFlag
} else {
flags = flags and DefaultsInvalidFlag.inv()
* Tracks whether the scope was invalidated directly but was recomposed because the caller
* was recomposed. This ensures that a scope invalidated directly will recompose even if its
* parameters are the same as the previous recomposition.
var requiresRecompose: Boolean
get() = flags and RequiresRecomposeFlag != 0
set(value) {
if (value) {
flags = flags or RequiresRecomposeFlag
} else {
flags = flags and RequiresRecomposeFlag.inv()
* The lambda to call to restart the scopes composition.
private var block: ((Composer, Int) -> Unit)? = null
* Restart the scope's composition. It is an error if [block] was not updated. The code
* generated by the compiler ensures that when the recompose scope is used then [block] will
* be set but it might occur if the compiler is out-of-date (or ahead of the runtime) or
* incorrect direct calls to [Composer.startRestartGroup] and [Composer.endRestartGroup].
fun compose(composer: Composer) {
block?.invoke(composer, 1) ?: error("Invalid restart scope")
* Invalidate the group which will cause [composition] to request this scope be recomposed,
* and an [InvalidationResult] will be returned.
fun invalidateForResult(value: Any?): InvalidationResult =
composition?.invalidate(this, value) ?: InvalidationResult.IGNORED
* Invalidate the group which will cause [composition] to request this scope be recomposed.
* Unlike [invalidateForResult], this method is thread safe and calls the thread safe
* invalidate on the composer.
override fun invalidate() {
composition?.invalidate(this, null)
* Update [block]. The scope is returned by [Composer.endRestartGroup] when [used] is true
* and implements [ScopeUpdateScope].
override fun updateScope(block: (Composer, Int) -> Unit) { this.block = block }
private var currentToken = 0
private var trackedInstances: IdentityArrayIntMap? = null
private var trackedDependencies: IdentityArrayMap<DerivedState<*>, Any?>? = null
private var rereading: Boolean
get() = flags and RereadingFlag != 0
set(value) {
if (value) {
flags = flags or RereadingFlag
} else {
flags = flags and RereadingFlag.inv()
* Indicates whether the scope was skipped (e.g. [scopeSkipped] was called.
internal var skipped: Boolean
get() = flags and SkippedFlag != 0
private set(value) {
if (value) {
flags = flags or SkippedFlag
} else {
flags = flags and SkippedFlag.inv()
* Called when composition start composing into this scope. The [token] is a value that is
* unique everytime this is called. This is currently the snapshot id but that shouldn't be
* relied on.
fun start(token: Int) {
currentToken = token
skipped = false
fun scopeSkipped() {
skipped = true
* Track instances that were read in scope.
fun recordRead(instance: Any) {
if (rereading) return
(trackedInstances ?: IdentityArrayIntMap().also { trackedInstances = it })
.add(instance, currentToken)
if (instance is DerivedState<*>) {
val tracked = trackedDependencies ?: IdentityArrayMap<DerivedState<*>, Any?>().also {
trackedDependencies = it
tracked[instance] = instance.currentValue
* Returns true if the scope is observing derived state which might make this scope
* conditionally invalidated.
val isConditional: Boolean get() = trackedDependencies != null
* Determine if the scope should be considered invalid.
* @param instances The set of objects reported as invalidating this scope.
fun isInvalidFor(instances: IdentityArraySet<Any>?): Boolean {
// If a non-empty instances exists and contains only derived state objects with their
// default values, then the scope should not be considered invalid. Otherwise the scope
// should if it was invalidated by any other kind of instance.
if (instances == null) return true
val trackedDependencies = trackedDependencies ?: return true
if (
instances.isNotEmpty() &&
instances.all { instance ->
instance is DerivedState<*> && trackedDependencies[instance] == instance.value
return false
return true
fun rereadTrackedInstances() {
composition?.let { composition ->
trackedInstances?.let { trackedInstances ->
rereading = true
try {
trackedInstances.forEach { value, _ ->
} finally {
rereading = false
* Called when composition is completed for this scope. The [token] is the same token passed
* in the previous call to [start]. If [end] returns a non-null value the lambda returned
* will be called during [ControlledComposition.applyChanges].
fun end(token: Int): ((Composition) -> Unit)? {
return trackedInstances?.let { instances ->
// If any value previous observed was not read in this current composition
// schedule the value to be removed from the observe scope and removed from the
// observations tracked by the composition.
// [skipped] is true if the scope was skipped. If the scope was skipped we should
// leave the observations unmodified.
if (
!skipped && instances.any { _, instanceToken -> instanceToken != token }
) { composition ->
if (
currentToken == token && instances == trackedInstances &&
composition is CompositionImpl
) {
instances.removeValueIf { instance, instanceToken ->
(instanceToken != token).also { remove ->
if (remove) {
composition.removeObservation(instance, this)
(instance as? DerivedState<*>)?.let {
trackedDependencies?.let { dependencies ->
if (dependencies.size == 0) {
trackedDependencies = null
if (instances.size == 0) trackedInstances = null
} else null