blob: 8fde5361057ac4373b663474eb3a7d2665443e22 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.MeasureResult
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.Placeable
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Constraints
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Density
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.LayoutDirection
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.constrainHeight
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.constrainWidth
import androidx.compose.ui.util.fastForEach
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.roundToInt
import kotlin.math.sign
* Measures and calculates the positions for the currently visible items. The result is produced
* as a [LazyListMeasureResult] which contains all the calculations.
internal fun measureLazyList(
itemsCount: Int,
itemProvider: LazyMeasuredItemProvider,
mainAxisAvailableSize: Int,
beforeContentPadding: Int,
afterContentPadding: Int,
firstVisibleItemIndex: DataIndex,
firstVisibleItemScrollOffset: Int,
scrollToBeConsumed: Float,
constraints: Constraints,
isVertical: Boolean,
headerIndexes: List<Int>,
verticalArrangement: Arrangement.Vertical?,
horizontalArrangement: Arrangement.Horizontal?,
reverseLayout: Boolean,
density: Density,
layoutDirection: LayoutDirection,
placementAnimator: LazyListItemPlacementAnimator,
layout: (Int, Int, Placeable.PlacementScope.() -> Unit) -> MeasureResult
): LazyListMeasureResult {
require(beforeContentPadding >= 0)
require(afterContentPadding >= 0)
if (itemsCount <= 0) {
// empty data set. reset the current scroll and report zero size
return LazyListMeasureResult(
firstVisibleItem = null,
firstVisibleItemScrollOffset = 0,
canScrollForward = false,
consumedScroll = 0f,
measureResult = layout(constraints.minWidth, constraints.minHeight) {},
visibleItemsInfo = emptyList(),
viewportStartOffset = -beforeContentPadding,
viewportEndOffset = afterContentPadding,
totalItemsCount = 0,
reverseLayout = reverseLayout,
orientation = if (isVertical) Orientation.Vertical else Orientation.Horizontal
} else {
var currentFirstItemIndex = firstVisibleItemIndex
var currentFirstItemScrollOffset = firstVisibleItemScrollOffset
if (currentFirstItemIndex.value >= itemsCount) {
// the data set has been updated and now we have less items that we were
// scrolled to before
currentFirstItemIndex = DataIndex(itemsCount - 1)
currentFirstItemScrollOffset = 0
// represents the real amount of scroll we applied as a result of this measure pass.
var scrollDelta = scrollToBeConsumed.roundToInt()
// applying the whole requested scroll offset. we will figure out if we can't consume
// all of it later
currentFirstItemScrollOffset -= scrollDelta
// if the current scroll offset is less than minimally possible
if (currentFirstItemIndex == DataIndex(0) && currentFirstItemScrollOffset < 0) {
scrollDelta += currentFirstItemScrollOffset
currentFirstItemScrollOffset = 0
// this will contain all the MeasuredItems representing the visible items
val visibleItems = mutableListOf<LazyMeasuredItem>()
// include the start padding so we compose items in the padding area. before starting
// scrolling forward we would remove it back
currentFirstItemScrollOffset -= beforeContentPadding
// define min and max offsets (min offset currently includes beforeContentPadding)
val minOffset = -beforeContentPadding
val maxOffset = mainAxisAvailableSize
// max of cross axis sizes of all visible items
var maxCrossAxis = 0
// we had scrolled backward or we compose items in the start padding area, which means
// items before current firstItemScrollOffset should be visible. compose them and update
// firstItemScrollOffset
while (currentFirstItemScrollOffset < 0 && currentFirstItemIndex > DataIndex(0)) {
val previous = DataIndex(currentFirstItemIndex.value - 1)
val measuredItem = itemProvider.getAndMeasure(previous)
visibleItems.add(0, measuredItem)
maxCrossAxis = maxOf(maxCrossAxis, measuredItem.crossAxisSize)
currentFirstItemScrollOffset += measuredItem.sizeWithSpacings
currentFirstItemIndex = previous
// if we were scrolled backward, but there were not enough items before. this means
// not the whole scroll was consumed
if (currentFirstItemScrollOffset < minOffset) {
scrollDelta += currentFirstItemScrollOffset
currentFirstItemScrollOffset = minOffset
// neutralize previously added start padding as we stopped filling the before content padding
currentFirstItemScrollOffset += beforeContentPadding
var index = currentFirstItemIndex
val maxMainAxis = (maxOffset + afterContentPadding).coerceAtLeast(0)
var currentMainAxisOffset = -currentFirstItemScrollOffset
// first we need to skip items we already composed while composing backward
visibleItems.fastForEach {
currentMainAxisOffset += it.sizeWithSpacings
// then composing visible items forward until we fill the whole viewport.
// we want to have at least one item in visibleItems even if in fact all the items are
// offscreen, this can happen if the content padding is larger than the available size.
while ((currentMainAxisOffset <= maxMainAxis || visibleItems.isEmpty()) &&
index.value < itemsCount
) {
val measuredItem = itemProvider.getAndMeasure(index)
currentMainAxisOffset += measuredItem.sizeWithSpacings
if (currentMainAxisOffset <= minOffset && index.value != itemsCount - 1) {
// this item is offscreen and will not be placed. advance firstVisibleItemIndex
currentFirstItemIndex = index + 1
currentFirstItemScrollOffset -= measuredItem.sizeWithSpacings
} else {
maxCrossAxis = maxOf(maxCrossAxis, measuredItem.crossAxisSize)
// we didn't fill the whole viewport with items starting from firstVisibleItemIndex.
// lets try to scroll back if we have enough items before firstVisibleItemIndex.
if (currentMainAxisOffset < maxOffset) {
val toScrollBack = maxOffset - currentMainAxisOffset
currentFirstItemScrollOffset -= toScrollBack
currentMainAxisOffset += toScrollBack
while (currentFirstItemScrollOffset < beforeContentPadding &&
currentFirstItemIndex > DataIndex(0)
) {
val previousIndex = DataIndex(currentFirstItemIndex.value - 1)
val measuredItem = itemProvider.getAndMeasure(previousIndex)
visibleItems.add(0, measuredItem)
maxCrossAxis = maxOf(maxCrossAxis, measuredItem.crossAxisSize)
currentFirstItemScrollOffset += measuredItem.sizeWithSpacings
currentFirstItemIndex = previousIndex
scrollDelta += toScrollBack
if (currentFirstItemScrollOffset < 0) {
scrollDelta += currentFirstItemScrollOffset
currentMainAxisOffset += currentFirstItemScrollOffset
currentFirstItemScrollOffset = 0
// report the amount of pixels we consumed. scrollDelta can be smaller than
// scrollToBeConsumed if there were not enough items to fill the offered space or it
// can be larger if items were resized, or if, for example, we were previously
// displaying the item 15, but now we have only 10 items in total in the data set.
val consumedScroll = if (scrollToBeConsumed.roundToInt().sign == scrollDelta.sign &&
abs(scrollToBeConsumed.roundToInt()) >= abs(scrollDelta)
) {
} else {
// the initial offset for items from visibleItems list
val visibleItemsScrollOffset = -currentFirstItemScrollOffset
var firstItem = visibleItems.first()
// even if we compose items to fill before content padding we should ignore items fully
// located there for the state's scroll position calculation (first item + first offset)
if (beforeContentPadding > 0) {
for (i in visibleItems.indices) {
val size = visibleItems[i].sizeWithSpacings
if (size <= currentFirstItemScrollOffset && i != visibleItems.lastIndex) {
currentFirstItemScrollOffset -= size
firstItem = visibleItems[i + 1]
} else {
val layoutWidth =
constraints.constrainWidth(if (isVertical) maxCrossAxis else currentMainAxisOffset)
val layoutHeight =
constraints.constrainHeight(if (isVertical) currentMainAxisOffset else maxCrossAxis)
val positionedItems = calculateItemsOffsets(
items = visibleItems,
layoutWidth = layoutWidth,
layoutHeight = layoutHeight,
finalMainAxisOffset = currentMainAxisOffset,
maxOffset = maxOffset,
itemsScrollOffset = visibleItemsScrollOffset,
isVertical = isVertical,
verticalArrangement = verticalArrangement,
horizontalArrangement = horizontalArrangement,
reverseLayout = reverseLayout,
density = density,
layoutDirection = layoutDirection
val headerItem = if (headerIndexes.isNotEmpty()) {
composedVisibleItems = positionedItems,
itemProvider = itemProvider,
headerIndexes = headerIndexes,
beforeContentPadding = beforeContentPadding,
layoutWidth = layoutWidth,
layoutHeight = layoutHeight
} else {
consumedScroll = consumedScroll.toInt(),
layoutWidth = layoutWidth,
layoutHeight = layoutHeight,
reverseLayout = reverseLayout,
positionedItems = positionedItems,
itemProvider = itemProvider
val maximumVisibleOffset = minOf(currentMainAxisOffset, maxOffset) + afterContentPadding
return LazyListMeasureResult(
firstVisibleItem = firstItem,
firstVisibleItemScrollOffset = currentFirstItemScrollOffset,
canScrollForward = currentMainAxisOffset > maxOffset,
consumedScroll = consumedScroll,
measureResult = layout(layoutWidth, layoutHeight) {
positionedItems.fastForEach {
if (it !== headerItem) {
// the header item should be placed (drawn) after all other items
viewportStartOffset = -beforeContentPadding,
viewportEndOffset = maximumVisibleOffset,
visibleItemsInfo = positionedItems,
totalItemsCount = itemsCount,
reverseLayout = reverseLayout,
orientation = if (isVertical) Orientation.Vertical else Orientation.Horizontal
* Calculates [LazyMeasuredItem]s offsets.
private fun calculateItemsOffsets(
items: List<LazyMeasuredItem>,
layoutWidth: Int,
layoutHeight: Int,
finalMainAxisOffset: Int,
maxOffset: Int,
itemsScrollOffset: Int,
isVertical: Boolean,
verticalArrangement: Arrangement.Vertical?,
horizontalArrangement: Arrangement.Horizontal?,
reverseLayout: Boolean,
density: Density,
layoutDirection: LayoutDirection
): MutableList<LazyListPositionedItem> {
val mainAxisLayoutSize = if (isVertical) layoutHeight else layoutWidth
val hasSpareSpace = finalMainAxisOffset < minOf(mainAxisLayoutSize, maxOffset)
if (hasSpareSpace) {
check(itemsScrollOffset == 0)
val positionedItems = ArrayList<LazyListPositionedItem>(items.size)
if (hasSpareSpace) {
val itemsCount = items.size
val sizes = IntArray(itemsCount) { index ->
val reverseLayoutAwareIndex = if (!reverseLayout) index else itemsCount - index - 1
val offsets = IntArray(itemsCount) { 0 }
if (isVertical) {
with(requireNotNull(verticalArrangement)) {
density.arrange(mainAxisLayoutSize, sizes, offsets)
} else {
with(requireNotNull(horizontalArrangement)) {
density.arrange(mainAxisLayoutSize, sizes, layoutDirection, offsets)
offsets.forEachIndexed { index, absoluteOffset ->
val reverseLayoutAwareIndex = if (!reverseLayout) index else itemsCount - index - 1
val item = items[reverseLayoutAwareIndex]
val relativeOffset = if (reverseLayout) {
mainAxisLayoutSize - absoluteOffset - item.size
} else {
val addIndex = if (reverseLayout) 0 else positionedItems.size
positionedItems.add(addIndex, item.position(relativeOffset, layoutWidth, layoutHeight))
} else {
var currentMainAxis = itemsScrollOffset
items.fastForEach {
positionedItems.add(it.position(currentMainAxis, layoutWidth, layoutHeight))
currentMainAxis += it.sizeWithSpacings
return positionedItems