blob: 48461f448c0cdb1441f95c9129d3a1e443f98aae [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.ui.core.test
import android.os.Build
import android.os.Handler
import android.view.PixelCopy
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewGroup
import android.view.ViewTreeObserver
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi
import androidx.compose.Composable
import androidx.compose.Compose
import androidx.compose.Model
import androidx.compose.composer
import androidx.test.filters.SdkSuppress
import androidx.test.filters.SmallTest
import androidx.test.rule.ActivityTestRule
import androidx.ui.core.AndroidCraneView
import androidx.ui.core.Constraints
import androidx.ui.core.ContextAmbient
import androidx.ui.core.Density
import androidx.ui.core.DensityAmbient
import androidx.ui.core.Draw
import androidx.ui.core.IntPx
import androidx.ui.core.Layout
import androidx.ui.core.ParentData
import androidx.ui.core.Ref
import androidx.ui.core.RepaintBoundary
import androidx.ui.core.WithConstraints
import androidx.ui.core.coerceAtLeast
import androidx.ui.core.coerceIn
import androidx.ui.core.ipx
import androidx.ui.core.max
import androidx.ui.core.setContent
import androidx.ui.core.toRect
import androidx.ui.engine.geometry.Rect
import androidx.ui.framework.test.TestActivity
import androidx.ui.painting.Paint
import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
import org.junit.Assert.assertSame
import org.junit.Assert.assertTrue
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Rule
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
* Corresponds to ContainingViewTest, but tests single composition measure, layout and draw.
* It also tests that layouts with both Layout and MeasureBox work.
* TODO(popam): remove this comment and ContainingViewTest when ComplexMeasureBox is removed
class AndroidLayoutDrawTest {
val activityTestRule = ActivityTestRule<TestActivity>(
private lateinit var activity: TestActivity
private lateinit var drawLatch: CountDownLatch
fun setup() {
activity = activityTestRule.activity
activity.hasFocusLatch.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
drawLatch = CountDownLatch(1)
// Tests that simple drawing works with layered squares
@SdkSuppress(minSdkVersion = Build.VERSION_CODES.O)
fun simpleDrawTest() {
val yellow = Color(0xFFFFFF00.toInt())
val red = Color(0xFF800000.toInt())
val model = SquareModel(outerColor = yellow, innerColor = red, size = 10.ipx)
validateSquareColors(outerColor = yellow, innerColor = red, size = 10)
// Tests that simple drawing works with draw with nested children
@SdkSuppress(minSdkVersion = Build.VERSION_CODES.O)
fun nestedDrawTest() {
val yellow = Color(0xFFFFFF00.toInt())
val red = Color(0xFF800000.toInt())
val model = SquareModel(outerColor = yellow, innerColor = red, size = 10.ipx)
validateSquareColors(outerColor = yellow, innerColor = red, size = 10)
// Tests that recomposition works with models used within Draw components
@SdkSuppress(minSdkVersion = Build.VERSION_CODES.O)
fun recomposeDrawTest() {
val white = Color(0xFFFFFFFF.toInt())
val blue = Color(0xFF000080.toInt())
val model = SquareModel(outerColor = blue, innerColor = white)
validateSquareColors(outerColor = blue, innerColor = white, size = 10)
drawLatch = CountDownLatch(1)
val red = Color(0xFF800000.toInt())
val yellow = Color(0xFFFFFF00.toInt())
activityTestRule.runOnUiThreadIR {
model.outerColor = red
model.innerColor = yellow
validateSquareColors(outerColor = red, innerColor = yellow, size = 10)
// Tests that recomposition of nested repaint boundaries work
@SdkSuppress(minSdkVersion = Build.VERSION_CODES.O)
fun recomposeNestedRepaintBoundariesColorChange() {
val white = Color(0xFFFFFFFF.toInt())
val blue = Color(0xFF000080.toInt())
val model = SquareModel(outerColor = blue, innerColor = white)
validateSquareColors(outerColor = blue, innerColor = white, size = 10)
drawLatch = CountDownLatch(1)
val yellow = Color(0xFFFFFF00.toInt())
activityTestRule.runOnUiThreadIR {
model.innerColor = yellow
validateSquareColors(outerColor = blue, innerColor = yellow, size = 10)
@SdkSuppress(minSdkVersion = Build.VERSION_CODES.O)
fun recomposeNestedRepaintBoundariesSizeChange() {
val white = Color(0xFFFFFFFF.toInt())
val blue = Color(0xFF000080.toInt())
val model = SquareModel(outerColor = blue, innerColor = white)
validateSquareColors(outerColor = blue, innerColor = white, size = 10)
drawLatch = CountDownLatch(1)
activityTestRule.runOnUiThreadIR {
model.size = 20.ipx
validateSquareColors(outerColor = blue, innerColor = white, size = 20)
// When there is a repaint boundary around a moving child, the child move
// should be reflected in the repainted bitmap
@SdkSuppress(minSdkVersion = Build.VERSION_CODES.O)
fun recomposeRepaintBoundariesMove() {
val white = Color(0xFFFFFFFF.toInt())
val blue = Color(0xFF000080.toInt())
val model = SquareModel(outerColor = blue, innerColor = white)
var offset = OffsetModel(10.ipx)
composeMovingSquaresWithRepaintBoundary(model, offset)
validateSquareColors(outerColor = blue, innerColor = white, size = 10)
drawLatch = CountDownLatch(1)
activityTestRule.runOnUiThreadIR {
// there isn't going to be a normal draw because we are just moving the repaint
// boundary, but we should have a draw cycle
activityTestRule.findAndroidCraneView().viewTreeObserver.addOnDrawListener(object :
ViewTreeObserver.OnDrawListener {
override fun onDraw() {
offset.offset = 20.ipx
validateSquareColors(outerColor = blue, innerColor = white, offset = 10, size = 10)
// When there is no repaint boundary around a moving child, the child move
// should be reflected in the repainted bitmap
@SdkSuppress(minSdkVersion = Build.VERSION_CODES.O)
fun recomposeMove() {
val white = Color(0xFFFFFFFF.toInt())
val blue = Color(0xFF000080.toInt())
val model = SquareModel(outerColor = blue, innerColor = white)
var offset = OffsetModel(10.ipx)
composeMovingSquares(model, offset)
validateSquareColors(outerColor = blue, innerColor = white, size = 10)
drawLatch = CountDownLatch(1)
activityTestRule.runOnUiThreadIR {
// there isn't going to be a normal draw because we are just moving the repaint
// boundary, but we should have a draw cycle
activityTestRule.findAndroidCraneView().viewTreeObserver.addOnDrawListener(object :
ViewTreeObserver.OnDrawListener {
override fun onDraw() {
offset.offset = 20.ipx
validateSquareColors(outerColor = blue, innerColor = white, offset = 10, size = 10)
// Tests that recomposition works with models used within Layout components
@SdkSuppress(minSdkVersion = Build.VERSION_CODES.O)
fun recomposeSizeTest() {
val white = Color(0xFFFFFFFF.toInt())
val blue = Color(0xFF000080.toInt())
val model = SquareModel(outerColor = blue, innerColor = white)
validateSquareColors(outerColor = blue, innerColor = white, size = 10)
drawLatch = CountDownLatch(1)
activityTestRule.runOnUiThreadIR { model.size = 20.ipx }
validateSquareColors(outerColor = blue, innerColor = white, size = 20)
// The size and color are both changed in a simpler single-color square.
@SdkSuppress(minSdkVersion = Build.VERSION_CODES.O)
fun simpleSquareColorAndSizeTest() {
val green = Color(0xFF00FF00.toInt())
val model = SquareModel(size = 20.ipx, outerColor = green, innerColor = green)
activityTestRule.runOnUiThreadIR {
activity.setContent {
Padding(size = (model.size * 3)) {
validateSquareColors(outerColor = green, innerColor = green, size = 20)
drawLatch = CountDownLatch(1)
activityTestRule.runOnUiThreadIR {
model.size = 30.ipx
validateSquareColors(outerColor = green, innerColor = green, size = 30)
drawLatch = CountDownLatch(1)
val blue = Color(0xFF0000FF.toInt())
activityTestRule.runOnUiThreadIR {
model.innerColor = blue
model.outerColor = blue
validateSquareColors(outerColor = blue, innerColor = blue, size = 30)
// Components that aren't placed shouldn't be drawn.
@SdkSuppress(minSdkVersion = Build.VERSION_CODES.O)
fun noPlaceNoDraw() {
val green = Color(0xFF00FF00.toInt())
val white = Color(0xFFFFFFFF.toInt())
val model = SquareModel(size = 20.ipx, outerColor = green, innerColor = white)
activityTestRule.runOnUiThreadIR {
activity.setContent {
Layout(children = {
Padding(size = (model.size * 3)) {
Padding(size = model.size) {
}, measureBlock = { measurables, constraints ->
val placeables = { it.measure(constraints) }
layout(placeables[0].width, placeables[0].height) {
placeables[0].place(0.ipx, 0.ipx)
validateSquareColors(outerColor = green, innerColor = green, size = 20)
// Make sure that draws intersperse properly with sub-layouts
@SdkSuppress(minSdkVersion = Build.VERSION_CODES.O)
fun drawOrderWithChildren() {
val green = Color(0xFF00FF00.toInt())
val white = Color(0xFFFFFFFF.toInt())
val model = SquareModel(size = 20.ipx, outerColor = green, innerColor = white)
activityTestRule.runOnUiThreadIR {
activity.setContent {
Draw { canvas, parentSize ->
// Fill the space with the outerColor
val paint = Paint()
paint.color = model.outerColor
canvas.drawRect(parentSize.toRect(), paint)
val offset = parentSize.width.value / 3
// clip drawing to the inner rectangle
canvas.clipRect(Rect(offset, offset, offset * 2, offset * 2))
Padding(size = (model.size * 3)) {
Draw { canvas, parentSize ->
// Fill top half with innerColor -- should be clipped
val paint = Paint()
paint.color = model.innerColor
val paintRect = Rect(
0f, 0f, parentSize.width.value,
parentSize.height.value / 2f
canvas.drawRect(paintRect, paint)
Draw { canvas, parentSize ->
// Fill bottom half with innerColor -- should be clipped
val paint = Paint()
paint.color = model.innerColor
val paintRect = Rect(
0f, parentSize.height.value / 2f,
parentSize.width.value, parentSize.height.value
canvas.drawRect(paintRect, paint)
// restore the canvas
validateSquareColors(outerColor = green, innerColor = white, size = 20)
fun withConstraintsTest() {
val size = 20.ipx
val countDownLatch = CountDownLatch(1)
val topConstraints = Ref<Constraints>()
val paddedConstraints = Ref<Constraints>()
val firstChildConstraints = Ref<Constraints>()
val secondChildConstraints = Ref<Constraints>()
activityTestRule.runOnUiThreadIR {
activity.setContent {
WithConstraints { constraints ->
topConstraints.value = constraints
Padding(size = size) {
WithConstraints { constraints ->
paddedConstraints.value = constraints
Layout(measureBlock = { _, childConstraints ->
firstChildConstraints.value = childConstraints
layout(size, size) { }
}, children = { })
Layout(measureBlock = { _, chilConstraints ->
secondChildConstraints.value = chilConstraints
layout(size, size) { }
}, children = { })
Draw { _, _ ->
assertTrue(countDownLatch.await(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
val expectedPaddedConstraints = Constraints(
topConstraints.value!!.minWidth - size * 2,
topConstraints.value!!.maxWidth - size * 2,
topConstraints.value!!.minHeight - size * 2,
topConstraints.value!!.maxHeight - size * 2
assertEquals(expectedPaddedConstraints, paddedConstraints.value)
assertEquals(paddedConstraints.value, firstChildConstraints.value)
assertEquals(paddedConstraints.value, secondChildConstraints.value)
// Tests that calling measure multiple times on the same Measurable causes an exception
fun multipleMeasureCall() {
val latch = CountDownLatch(1)
activityTestRule.runOnUiThreadIR {
activity.setContent {
TwoMeasureLayout(50.ipx, latch) {
AtLeastSize(50.ipx) {
assertTrue(latch.await(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
fun multiChildLayoutTest() {
val childrenCount = 3
val childConstraints = arrayOf(
val headerChildrenCount = 1
val footerChildrenCount = 2
activityTestRule.runOnUiThreadIR {
activity.setContent {
val header = @Composable {
Layout(measureBlock = { _, constraints ->
assertEquals(childConstraints[0], constraints)
layout(0.ipx, 0.ipx) {}
}, children = {})
val footer = @Composable {
Layout(measureBlock = { _, constraints ->
assertEquals(childConstraints[1], constraints)
layout(0.ipx, 0.ipx) {}
}, children = {})
Layout(measureBlock = { _, constraints ->
assertEquals(childConstraints[2], constraints)
layout(0.ipx, 0.ipx) {}
}, children = {})
Layout(header, footer) { measurables, _ ->
assertEquals(childrenCount, measurables.size)
measurables.forEachIndexed { index, measurable ->
assertEquals(headerChildrenCount, measurables[header].size)
assertSame(measurables[0], measurables[header][0])
assertEquals(footerChildrenCount, measurables[footer].size)
assertSame(measurables[1], measurables[footer][0])
assertSame(measurables[2], measurables[footer][1])
layout(0.ipx, 0.ipx) {}
fun multiChildLayoutTest_doesNotOverrideChildrenParentData() {
activityTestRule.runOnUiThreadIR {
activity.setContent {
val header = @Composable {
ParentData(data = 0) {
Layout(measureBlock = { _, _ -> layout(0.ipx, 0.ipx, {}) }, children = {})
val footer = @Composable {
ParentData(data = 1) {
Layout(measureBlock = { _, _ -> layout(0.ipx, 0.ipx, {}) }, children = {})
Layout(header, footer) { measurables, _ ->
assertEquals(0, measurables[0].parentData)
assertEquals(1, measurables[1].parentData)
layout(0.ipx, 0.ipx, {})
// TODO(lmr): refactor to use the globally provided one when it lands
private fun Activity.compose(composable: @Composable() () -> Unit) {
val root = AndroidCraneView(this)
Compose.composeInto(root.root, context = this) {
ContextAmbient.Provider(value = this) {
DensityAmbient.Provider(value = Density(this)) {
// When a child's measure() is done within the layout, it should not affect the parent's
// size. The parent's layout shouldn't be called when the child's size changes
@SdkSuppress(minSdkVersion = Build.VERSION_CODES.O)
fun measureInLayoutDoesNotAffectParentSize() {
val white = Color(0xFFFFFFFF.toInt())
val blue = Color(0xFF000080.toInt())
val model = SquareModel(outerColor = blue, innerColor = white)
var measureCalls = 0
var layoutCalls = 0
val layoutLatch = CountDownLatch(1)
activityTestRule.runOnUiThreadIR {
activity.compose {
Draw { canvas, parentSize ->
val paint = Paint()
paint.color = model.outerColor
canvas.drawRect(parentSize.toRect(), paint)
Layout(children = {
AtLeastSize(size = model.size) {
Draw { canvas, parentSize ->
val paint = Paint()
paint.color = model.innerColor
canvas.drawRect(parentSize.toRect(), paint)
}, measureBlock = { measurables, constraints ->
layout(30.ipx, 30.ipx) {
val placeable = measurables[0].measure(constraints)
(30.ipx - placeable.width) / 2,
(30.ipx - placeable.height) / 2
layoutLatch.await(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
validateSquareColors(outerColor = blue, innerColor = white, size = 10)
layoutCalls = 0
measureCalls = 0
drawLatch = CountDownLatch(1)
activityTestRule.runOnUiThreadIR {
model.size = 20.ipx
validateSquareColors(outerColor = blue, innerColor = white, size = 20, totalSize = 30)
assertEquals(0, measureCalls)
assertEquals(1, layoutCalls)
fun testLayout_whenMeasuringIsDoneDuringPlacing() {
fun FixedSizeRow(
width: IntPx,
height: IntPx,
children: @Composable() () -> Unit
) {
Layout(children = children, measureBlock = { measurables, constraints ->
val resolvedWidth = width.coerceIn(constraints.minWidth, constraints.maxWidth)
val resolvedHeight = height.coerceIn(constraints.minHeight, constraints.maxHeight)
layout(resolvedWidth, resolvedHeight) {
val childConstraints = Constraints(
var left = IntPx.Zero
for (measurable in measurables) {
val placeable = measurable.measure(childConstraints)
if (left + placeable.width > width) {
}, IntPx.Zero)
left += placeable.width
fun FixedWidthBox(
width: IntPx,
measured: Ref<Boolean?>,
laidOut: Ref<Boolean?>,
drawn: Ref<Boolean?>,
latch: CountDownLatch
) {
Layout(children = {
Draw { _, _ ->
drawn.value = true
}, measureBlock = { _, constraints ->
measured.value = true
val resolvedWidth = width.coerceIn(constraints.minWidth, constraints.maxWidth)
val resolvedHeight = constraints.minHeight
layout(resolvedWidth, resolvedHeight) { laidOut.value = true }
val childrenCount = 5
val measured = Array(childrenCount) { Ref<Boolean?>() }
val laidOut = Array(childrenCount) { Ref<Boolean?>() }
val drawn = Array(childrenCount) { Ref<Boolean?>() }
val latch = CountDownLatch(3)
activityTestRule.runOnUiThreadIR {
activity.setContent {
Align {
FixedSizeRow(width = 90.ipx, height = 40.ipx) {
for (i in 0 until childrenCount) {
width = 30.ipx,
measured = measured[i],
laidOut = laidOut[i],
drawn = drawn[i],
latch = latch
assertTrue(latch.await(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
for (i in 0 until childrenCount) {
assertEquals(i <= 3, measured[i].value ?: false)
assertEquals(i <= 2, laidOut[i].value ?: false)
assertEquals(i <= 2, drawn[i].value ?: false)
// When a new child is added, the parent must be remeasured because we don't know
// if it affects the size and the child's measure() must be called as well.
@SdkSuppress(minSdkVersion = Build.VERSION_CODES.O)
fun testRelayoutOnNewChild() {
val drawChild = DoDraw()
val outerColor = Color(0xFF000080.toInt())
val innerColor = Color(0xFFFFFFFF.toInt())
activityTestRule.runOnUiThreadIR {
activity.setContent {
AtLeastSize(size = 30.ipx) {
if (drawChild.value) {
Padding(size = 20.ipx) {
AtLeastSize(size = 20.ipx) {
// The padded area doesn't draw
validateSquareColors(outerColor = outerColor, innerColor = outerColor, size = 10)
drawLatch = CountDownLatch(1)
activityTestRule.runOnUiThreadIR { drawChild.value = true }
validateSquareColors(outerColor = outerColor, innerColor = innerColor, size = 20)
// When we change a position of one LayoutNode up the tree it automatically
// changes the position of all the children. RepaintBoundary with few intermediate
// LayoutNode parents should be drawn on a correct position
@SdkSuppress(minSdkVersion = Build.VERSION_CODES.O)
fun moveRootLayoutRedrawsLeafRepaintBoundary() {
val offset = OffsetModel(0.ipx)
drawLatch = CountDownLatch(2)
activityTestRule.runOnUiThreadIR {
activity.setContent {
children = {
AtLeastSize(size = 10.ipx) {
AtLeastSize(size = 10.ipx) {
RepaintBoundary {
) { measurables, constraints ->
layout(width = 20.ipx, height = 20.ipx) {
.place(offset.offset, offset.offset)
assertTrue(drawLatch.await(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
activityTestRule.waitAndScreenShot().apply {
assertRect(Color.Cyan, size = 10, centerX = 5, centerY = 5)
assertRect(Color.Green, size = 10, centerX = 15, centerY = 15)
drawLatch = CountDownLatch(1)
activityTestRule.runOnUiThreadIR { offset.offset = 10.ipx }
assertTrue(drawLatch.await(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
activityTestRule.waitAndScreenShot().apply {
assertRect(Color.Green, size = 10, centerX = 5, centerY = 5)
assertRect(Color.Cyan, size = 10, centerX = 15, centerY = 15)
// When a child is removed, the parent must be remeasured and redrawn.
@SdkSuppress(minSdkVersion = Build.VERSION_CODES.O)
fun testRedrawOnRemovedChild() {
val drawChild = DoDraw(true)
val outerColor = Color(0xFF000080.toInt())
val innerColor = Color(0xFFFFFFFF.toInt())
activityTestRule.runOnUiThreadIR {
activity.setContent {
AtLeastSize(size = 30.ipx) {
Draw { canvas, parentSize ->
val paint = Paint()
paint.color = outerColor
canvas.drawRect(parentSize.toRect(), paint)
AtLeastSize(size = 30.ipx) {
if (drawChild.value) {
Padding(size = 10.ipx) {
AtLeastSize(size = 10.ipx) {
Draw { canvas, parentSize ->
val paint = Paint()
paint.color = innerColor
canvas.drawRect(parentSize.toRect(), paint)
validateSquareColors(outerColor = outerColor, innerColor = innerColor, size = 10)
drawLatch = CountDownLatch(1)
activityTestRule.runOnUiThreadIR { drawChild.value = false }
// The padded area doesn't draw
validateSquareColors(outerColor = outerColor, innerColor = outerColor, size = 10)
// When a child is removed, the parent must be remeasured.
@SdkSuppress(minSdkVersion = Build.VERSION_CODES.O)
fun testRelayoutOnRemovedChild() {
val drawChild = DoDraw(true)
val outerColor = Color(0xFF000080.toInt())
val innerColor = Color(0xFFFFFFFF.toInt())
activityTestRule.runOnUiThreadIR {
activity.setContent {
AtLeastSize(size = 30.ipx) {
Draw { canvas, parentSize ->
val paint = Paint()
paint.color = outerColor
canvas.drawRect(parentSize.toRect(), paint)
Padding(size = 20.ipx) {
if (drawChild.value) {
AtLeastSize(size = 20.ipx) {
Draw { canvas, parentSize ->
val paint = Paint()
paint.color = innerColor
canvas.drawRect(parentSize.toRect(), paint)
validateSquareColors(outerColor = outerColor, innerColor = innerColor, size = 20)
drawLatch = CountDownLatch(1)
activityTestRule.runOnUiThreadIR { drawChild.value = false }
// The padded area doesn't draw
validateSquareColors(outerColor = outerColor, innerColor = outerColor, size = 10)
private fun composeSquares(model: SquareModel) {
activityTestRule.runOnUiThreadIR {
activity.setContent {
Draw { canvas, parentSize ->
val paint = Paint()
paint.color = model.outerColor
canvas.drawRect(parentSize.toRect(), paint)
Padding(size = model.size) {
AtLeastSize(size = model.size) {
Draw { canvas, parentSize ->
val paint = Paint()
paint.color = model.innerColor
canvas.drawRect(parentSize.toRect(), paint)
private fun composeSquaresWithNestedRepaintBoundaries(model: SquareModel) {
activityTestRule.runOnUiThreadIR {
activity.setContent {
FillColor(model.outerColor, doCountDown = false)
Padding(size = model.size) {
RepaintBoundary {
RepaintBoundary {
AtLeastSize(size = model.size) {
private fun composeMovingSquaresWithRepaintBoundary(model: SquareModel, offset: OffsetModel) {
activityTestRule.runOnUiThreadIR {
activity.setContent {
FillColor(model.outerColor, doCountDown = false)
Position(size = model.size * 3, offset = offset) {
RepaintBoundary {
AtLeastSize(size = model.size) {
private fun composeMovingSquares(model: SquareModel, offset: OffsetModel) {
activityTestRule.runOnUiThreadIR {
activity.setContent {
FillColor(model.outerColor, doCountDown = false)
Position(size = model.size * 3, offset = offset) {
AtLeastSize(size = model.size) {
private fun composeNestedSquares(model: SquareModel) {
activityTestRule.runOnUiThreadIR {
activity.setContent {
Draw(children = {
AtLeastSize(size = (model.size * 3)) {
Draw(children = {
}, onPaint = { canvas, parentSize ->
val paint = Paint()
paint.color = model.outerColor
canvas.drawRect(parentSize.toRect(), paint)
val start = model.size.value.toFloat()
val end = start * 2
canvas.clipRect(Rect(start, start, end, end))
}, onPaint = { canvas, parentSize ->
val paint = Paint()
paint.color = Color(0xFF000000.toInt())
canvas.drawRect(parentSize.toRect(), paint)
private fun validateSquareColors(
outerColor: Color,
innerColor: Color,
size: Int,
offset: Int = 0,
totalSize: Int = size * 3
) {
assertTrue(drawLatch.await(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
val bitmap = activityTestRule.waitAndScreenShot()
assertEquals(totalSize, bitmap.width)
assertEquals(totalSize, bitmap.height)
val squareStart = (totalSize - size) / 2 + offset
val squareEnd = totalSize - ((totalSize - size) / 2) + offset
for (x in 0 until totalSize) {
for (y in 0 until totalSize) {
val pixel = bitmap.getPixel(x, y)
val pixelString = Color(pixel).toString()
if (x < squareStart || x >= squareEnd || y < squareStart || y >= squareEnd) {
"Pixel within drawn rect[$x, $y] is $outerColor, " +
"but was $pixelString", outerColor.toArgb(), pixel
} else {
"Pixel within drawn rect[$x, $y] is $innerColor, " +
"but was $pixelString", innerColor.toArgb(), pixel
private fun FillColor(color: Color, doCountDown: Boolean = true) {
Draw { canvas, parentSize ->
canvas.drawRect(parentSize.toRect(), Paint().apply {
this.color = color
if (doCountDown) {
fun AtLeastSize(size: IntPx, children: @Composable() () -> Unit) {
measureBlock = { measurables, constraints ->
val newConstraints = Constraints(
minWidth = max(size, constraints.minWidth),
maxWidth = max(size, constraints.maxWidth),
minHeight = max(size, constraints.minHeight),
maxHeight = max(size, constraints.maxHeight)
val placeables = { m ->
var maxWidth = size
var maxHeight = size
placeables.forEach { child ->
maxHeight = max(child.height, maxHeight)
maxWidth = max(child.width, maxWidth)
layout(maxWidth, maxHeight) {
placeables.forEach { child ->, 0.ipx)
}, children = children
fun Align(children: @Composable() () -> Unit) {
measureBlock = { measurables, constraints ->
val newConstraints = Constraints(
minWidth = IntPx.Zero,
maxWidth = constraints.maxWidth,
minHeight = IntPx.Zero,
maxHeight = constraints.maxHeight
val placeables = { m ->
var maxWidth = constraints.minWidth
var maxHeight = constraints.minHeight
placeables.forEach { child ->
maxHeight = max(child.height, maxHeight)
maxWidth = max(child.width, maxWidth)
layout(maxWidth, maxHeight) {
placeables.forEach { child ->, 0.ipx)
}, children = children
fun Padding(size: IntPx, children: @Composable() () -> Unit) {
measureBlock = { measurables, constraints ->
val totalDiff = size * 2
val newConstraints = Constraints(
minWidth = (constraints.minWidth - totalDiff).coerceAtLeast(0.ipx),
maxWidth = (constraints.maxWidth - totalDiff).coerceAtLeast(0.ipx),
minHeight = (constraints.minHeight - totalDiff).coerceAtLeast(0.ipx),
maxHeight = (constraints.maxHeight - totalDiff).coerceAtLeast(0.ipx)
val placeables = { m ->
var maxWidth = size
var maxHeight = size
placeables.forEach { child ->
maxHeight = max(child.height + totalDiff, maxHeight)
maxWidth = max(child.width + totalDiff, maxWidth)
layout(maxWidth, maxHeight) {
placeables.forEach { child ->, size)
}, children = children
fun TwoMeasureLayout(
size: IntPx,
latch: CountDownLatch,
children: @Composable() () -> Unit
) {
Layout(children = children) { measurables, _ ->
val testConstraints = Constraints()
measurables.forEach { it.measure(testConstraints) }
val childConstraints = Constraints.tightConstraints(size, size)
try {
val placeables2 = { it.measure(childConstraints) }
fail("Measuring twice on the same Measurable should throw an exception")
layout(size, size) {
placeables2.forEach { child ->, 0.ipx)
} catch (_: IllegalStateException) {
// expected
layout(0.ipx, 0.ipx, {})
fun Position(size: IntPx, offset: OffsetModel, children: @Composable() () -> Unit) {
Layout(children) { measurables, constraints ->
val placeables = { m ->
layout(size, size) {
placeables.forEach { child ->, offset.offset)
class DrawCounterListener(private val view: View) :
ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener {
val latch = CountDownLatch(5)
override fun onPreDraw(): Boolean {
if (latch.count > 0) {
} else {
return true
class SquareModel(
var size: IntPx = 10.ipx,
var outerColor: Color = Color(0xFF000080.toInt()),
var innerColor: Color = Color(0xFFFFFFFF.toInt())
class OffsetModel(var offset: IntPx)
class DoDraw(var value: Boolean = false)
// We only need this because IR compiler doesn't like converting lambdas to Runnables
fun ActivityTestRule<*>.runOnUiThreadIR(block: () -> Unit) {
val runnable: Runnable = object : Runnable {
override fun run() {
fun ActivityTestRule<*>.findAndroidCraneView(): AndroidCraneView {
val contentViewGroup = activity.findViewById<ViewGroup>(
return findAndroidCraneView(contentViewGroup)!!
fun findAndroidCraneView(parent: ViewGroup): AndroidCraneView? {
for (index in 0 until parent.childCount) {
val child = parent.getChildAt(index)
if (child is AndroidCraneView) {
return child
} else if (child is ViewGroup) {
val craneView = findAndroidCraneView(child)
if (craneView != null) {
return craneView
return null
fun ActivityTestRule<*>.waitAndScreenShot(): Bitmap {
val view = findAndroidCraneView()
val flushListener = DrawCounterListener(view)
val offset = intArrayOf(0, 0)
var handler: Handler? = null
runOnUiThreadIR {
handler = Handler()
assertTrue(flushListener.latch.await(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
val width = view.width
val height = view.height
val dest =
Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)
val srcRect =, 0, width, height)
srcRect.offset(offset[0], offset[1])
val latch = CountDownLatch(1)
var copyResult = 0
val onCopyFinished = object : PixelCopy.OnPixelCopyFinishedListener {
override fun onPixelCopyFinished(result: Int) {
copyResult = result
PixelCopy.request(activity.window, srcRect, dest, onCopyFinished, handler!!)
assertTrue(latch.await(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS))
assertEquals(PixelCopy.SUCCESS, copyResult)
return dest