blob: 98cd2bc5ede32e3301221883e0983cc9dd0db1be [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.SuppressLint
import android.hardware.HardwareBuffer
import android.os.Build
import android.util.Log
import android.view.SurfaceHolder
import android.view.SurfaceView
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi
import androidx.annotation.WorkerThread
import androidx.hardware.SyncFenceCompat
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
* Class responsible for supporting a "front buffered" rendering system. This allows for lower
* latency graphics by leveraging a combination of front buffered and multi buffered content layers.
* Active content is rendered first into the front buffered layer which is simultaneously being
* presented to the display. Periodically content is rendered into the multi buffered layer which
* will have more traditional latency guarantees, however, minimizes the impact of visual artifacts
* due to graphical tearing.
* @param surfaceView Target SurfaceView to act as the parent rendering layer for multi buffered
* content
* @param callback Callbacks used to render into front and multi buffered layers as well as
* configuring [SurfaceControlCompat.Transaction]s for controlling these layers in addition to
* other [SurfaceControlCompat] instances that must be updated atomically within the user
* interface. These callbacks are invoked on an internal rendering thread. The templated type
* here is consumer defined to represent the data structures to be consumed for rendering within
* [Callback.onDrawFrontBufferedLayer] and [Callback.onDrawMultiBufferedLayer] and are provided
* by the [CanvasFrontBufferedRenderer.renderFrontBufferedLayer] and
* [CanvasFrontBufferedRenderer.renderMultiBufferedLayer] methods.
class CanvasFrontBufferedRenderer<T>(
private val surfaceView: SurfaceView,
private val callback: Callback<T>,
) {
* Executor used to deliver callbacks for rendering as well as issuing surface control
* transactions
private val mExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor()
* RenderNode used to draw the entire multi buffered scene
private var mMultiBufferNode: RenderNode? = null
* Renderer used to draw [mMultiBufferNode] into a [HardwareBuffer] that is used to configure
* the parent SurfaceControl that represents the multi-buffered scene
private var mMultiBufferedCanvasRenderer: MultiBufferedCanvasRenderer? = null
* Renderer used to draw the front buffer content into a HardwareBuffer instance that is
* preserved across frames
private var mPersistedCanvasRenderer: SingleBufferedCanvasRenderer<T>? = null
* [SurfaceControlCompat] used to configure buffers and visibility of the front buffered layer
private var mFrontBufferSurfaceControl: SurfaceControlCompat? = null
* [SurfaceControlCompat] used to configure buffers and visibility of the multi-buffered layer
private var mParentSurfaceControl: SurfaceControlCompat? = null
* Queue of parameters to be consumed in [Callback.onDrawFrontBufferedLayer] with the parameter
* provided in [renderFrontBufferedLayer]. When [commit] is invoked the collection is used
* to render the multi-buffered scene and is subsequently cleared
private var mParams = ArrayList<T>()
* Flag to determine if the [CanvasFrontBufferedRenderer] has previously been released. If this
* flag is true, then subsequent requests to [renderFrontBufferedLayer],
* [renderMultiBufferedLayer], [commit], and [release] are ignored.
private var mIsReleased = false
* Runnable executed on the GLThread to update [FrontBufferSyncStrategy.isVisible] as well
* as hide the SurfaceControl associated with the front buffered layer
private val mCancelRunnable = Runnable {
mPersistedCanvasRenderer?.isVisible = false
mFrontBufferSurfaceControl?.let { frontBufferSurfaceControl ->
.setVisibility(frontBufferSurfaceControl, false)
private var inverse = BufferTransformHintResolver.UNKNOWN_TRANSFORM
private val mBufferTransform = BufferTransformer()
private val mParentLayerTransform =
init {
surfaceView.holder.addCallback(object : SurfaceHolder.Callback2 {
private var mWidth = -1
private var mHeight = -1
private var transformHint = BufferTransformHintResolver.UNKNOWN_TRANSFORM
private val mTransformResolver = BufferTransformHintResolver()
override fun surfaceCreated(p0: SurfaceHolder) {
// NO-OP
override fun surfaceChanged(
holder: SurfaceHolder,
format: Int,
width: Int,
height: Int
) {
mWidth = width
mHeight = height
transformHint = mTransformResolver.getBufferTransformHint(surfaceView)
inverse = mBufferTransform.invertBufferTransform(transformHint)
mBufferTransform.computeTransform(width, height, inverse)
updateMatrixTransform(width.toFloat(), height.toFloat(), inverse)
mPersistedCanvasRenderer = SingleBufferedCanvasRenderer.create<T>(
object : SingleBufferedCanvasRenderer.RenderCallbacks<T> {
override fun render(canvas: Canvas, width: Int, height: Int, param: T) {
callback.onDrawFrontBufferedLayer(canvas, width, height, param)
override fun onBufferReady(
hardwareBuffer: HardwareBuffer,
syncFenceCompat: SyncFenceCompat?
) {
mPersistedCanvasRenderer?.isVisible = true
mFrontBufferSurfaceControl?.let { frontBufferSurfaceControl ->
val transaction = SurfaceControlCompat.Transaction()
.setLayer(frontBufferSurfaceControl, Integer.MAX_VALUE)
.setVisibility(frontBufferSurfaceControl, true)
.reparent(frontBufferSurfaceControl, mParentSurfaceControl)
if (inverse != BufferTransformHintResolver.UNKNOWN_TRANSFORM) {
frontBufferSurfaceControl, transaction)
val parentSurfaceControl = SurfaceControlCompat.Builder()
.apply {
// SurfaceControl is not visible by default so make it visible right
// after creation
.setVisibility(this, true)
val multiBufferNode = RenderNode("MultiBufferNode").apply {
setPosition(0, 0, mBufferTransform.glWidth, mBufferTransform.glHeight)
mMultiBufferNode = this
mMultiBufferedCanvasRenderer = MultiBufferedCanvasRenderer(
mFrontBufferSurfaceControl = SurfaceControlCompat.Builder()
mParentSurfaceControl = parentSurfaceControl
override fun surfaceDestroyed(p0: SurfaceHolder) {
override fun surfaceRedrawNeeded(holder: SurfaceHolder) {
val latch = CountDownLatch(1)
surfaceRedrawNeededAsync(holder) {
override fun surfaceRedrawNeededAsync(
holder: SurfaceHolder,
drawingFinished: Runnable
) {
val renderer = mMultiBufferedCanvasRenderer
if (renderer != null) {
renderer.renderFrame(mExecutor) { buffer ->
setParentSurfaceControlBuffer(buffer, drawingFinished)
} else {
private inline fun RenderNode.record(block: (canvas: Canvas) -> Unit): RenderNode {
val canvas = beginRecording()
return this
* Render content to the front buffered layer providing optional parameters to be consumed in
* [Callback.onDrawFrontBufferedLayer].
* Additionally the parameter provided here will also be consumed in
* [Callback.onDrawMultiBufferedLayer]
* when the corresponding [commit] method is invoked, which will include all [param]s in each
* call made to this method up to the corresponding [commit] call.
* If this [CanvasFrontBufferedRenderer] has been released, that is [isValid] returns `false`,
* this call is ignored.
* @param param Optional parameter to be consumed when rendering content into the commit layer
fun renderFrontBufferedLayer(param: T) {
if (isValid()) {
} else {
Log.w(TAG, "Attempt to render to front buffered layer when " +
"CanvasFrontBufferedRenderer has been released"
* Requests to render to the multi buffered layer. This schedules a call to
* [Callback.onDrawMultiBufferedLayer] with the parameters provided. If the front buffered
* layer is visible, this will hide this layer after rendering to the multi buffered layer
* is complete. This is equivalent to calling [CanvasFrontBufferedRenderer.renderFrontBufferedLayer]
* for each parameter provided in the collection followed by a single call to
* [CanvasFrontBufferedRenderer.commit]. This is useful for re-rendering the multi buffered
* scene when the corresponding Activity is being resumed from the background in which the
* contents should be re-drawn. Additionally this allows for applications to decide to
* dynamically render to either front or multi buffered layers.
* If this [CanvasFrontBufferedRenderer] has been released, that is [isValid] returns 'false',
* this call is ignored.
* @param params Parameters that to be consumed when rendering to the multi buffered layer.
* These parameters will be provided in the corresponding call to
* [Callback.onDrawMultiBufferedLayer]
fun renderMultiBufferedLayer(params: Collection<T>) {
if (isValid()) {
} else {
Log.w(TAG, "Attempt to render to the multi buffered layer when " +
"CanvasFrontBufferedRenderer has been released"
* Determines whether or not the [CanvasFrontBufferedRenderer] is in a valid state. That is the
* [release] method has not been called.
* If this returns false, then subsequent calls to [renderFrontBufferedLayer],
* [renderMultiBufferedLayer], [commit], and [release] are ignored
* @return `true` if this [CanvasFrontBufferedRenderer] has been released, `false` otherwise
fun isValid() = !mIsReleased
internal fun setParentSurfaceControlBuffer(
buffer: HardwareBuffer,
block: Runnable? = null
) {
val frontBufferSurfaceControl = mFrontBufferSurfaceControl
val parentSurfaceControl = mParentSurfaceControl
if (frontBufferSurfaceControl != null && parentSurfaceControl != null) {
mPersistedCanvasRenderer?.isVisible = false
val transaction = SurfaceControlCompat.Transaction()
.setVisibility(frontBufferSurfaceControl, false)
.setVisibility(parentSurfaceControl, true)
.setBuffer(parentSurfaceControl, buffer) {
if (inverse != BufferTransformHintResolver.UNKNOWN_TRANSFORM) {
transaction.setBufferTransform(parentSurfaceControl, inverse)
val listener = if (block != null) {
object : SurfaceControlCompat.TransactionCommittedListener {
override fun onTransactionCommitted() {
} else {
transaction.addTransactionCommittedListener(mExecutor, listener)
} else {
if (block != null) {
mExecutor.execute {
} else {
frontBufferSurfaceControl, transaction)
* Requests to render the entire scene to the multi buffered layer and schedules a call to
* [Callback.onDrawMultiBufferedLayer]. The parameters provided to
* [Callback.onDrawMultiBufferedLayer] will include each argument provided to every
* [renderFrontBufferedLayer] call since the last call to [commit] has been made. When rendering
* to the multi-buffered layer is complete, this synchronously hides the front buffer and
* updates the multi buffered layer.
* If this [CanvasFrontBufferedRenderer] has been released, that is [isValid] returns `false`,
* this call is ignored.
fun commit() {
if (isValid()) {
val params = mParams
mParams = ArrayList<T>()
val width = surfaceView.width
val height = surfaceView.height
mExecutor.execute {
mMultiBufferNode?.record { canvas ->
callback.onDrawMultiBufferedLayer(canvas, width, height, params)
mMultiBufferedCanvasRenderer?.renderFrame(mExecutor) { buffer ->
} else {
Log.w(TAG, "Attempt to render to the multi buffered layer when " +
"CanvasFrontBufferedRenderer has been released"
internal fun updateMatrixTransform(width: Float, height: Float, transform: Int) {
mParentLayerTransform.apply {
when (transform) {
SurfaceControlCompat.BUFFER_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_90 -> {
postTranslate(0f, width)
SurfaceControlCompat.BUFFER_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_180 -> {
postTranslate(width, height)
SurfaceControlCompat.BUFFER_TRANSFORM_ROTATE_270 -> {
postTranslate(height, 0f)
else -> {
* Requests to cancel rendering and hides the front buffered layer.
* Unlike [commit], this does not schedule a call to render into the multi buffered layer. This
* is useful in palm rejection use cases, where some initial touch events might be processed
* before a corresponding cancel event is received indicating the touch gesture is coming
* from a palm rather than intentional user input. In the case where MotionEvent#getAction
* returns ACTION_CANCEL, this is to be invoked.
* If this [GLFrontBufferedRenderer] has been released, that is [isValid] returns `false`,
* this call is ignored.
fun cancel() {
if (isValid()) {
} else {
Log.w(TAG, "Attempt to cancel rendering to front buffer after " +
"CanvasFrontBufferRenderer has been released")
private val mCommitListener = object : SurfaceControlCompat.TransactionCommittedListener {
override fun onTransactionCommitted() {
private val mCommitRunnable = Runnable {
internal fun releaseInternal(cancelPending: Boolean, releaseCallback: (() -> Unit)? = null) {
mPersistedCanvasRenderer?.release(cancelPending) {
mMultiBufferNode = null
mFrontBufferSurfaceControl = null
mParentSurfaceControl = null
mPersistedCanvasRenderer = null
mMultiBufferedCanvasRenderer = null
* Releases the [CanvasFrontBufferedRenderer]. In process requests are ignored.
* If the [CanvasFrontBufferedRenderer] is already released, that is [isValid] returns `false`,
* this method does nothing.
fun release(cancelPending: Boolean, onReleaseComplete: (() -> Unit)? = null) {
if (!mIsReleased) {
releaseInternal(cancelPending) {
mIsReleased = true
* Provides callbacks for consumers to draw into the front and multi buffered layers as well as
* provide opportunities to synchronize [SurfaceControlCompat.Transaction]s to submit the layers
* to the hardware compositor.
interface Callback<T> {
* Callback invoked to render content into the front buffered layer with the specified
* parameters.
* @param canvas [Canvas] used to issue drawing instructions into the front buffered layer
* @param bufferWidth Width of the buffer that is being rendered into.
* @param bufferHeight Height of the buffer that is being rendered into.
* @param param optional parameter provided the corresponding
* [CanvasFrontBufferedRenderer.renderFrontBufferedLayer] method that triggered this request
* to render into the front buffered layer
fun onDrawFrontBufferedLayer(
canvas: Canvas,
bufferWidth: Int,
bufferHeight: Int,
param: T
* Callback invoked to render content into the front buffered layer with the specified
* parameters.
* @param canvas [Canvas] used to issue drawing instructions into the front buffered layer
* @param bufferWidth Width of the buffer that is being rendered into.
* @param bufferHeight Height of the buffer that is being rendered into.
* @param params optional parameter provided to render the entire scene into the multi
* buffered layer.
* This is a collection of all parameters provided in consecutive invocations to
* [CanvasFrontBufferedRenderer.renderFrontBufferedLayer] since the last call to
* [CanvasFrontBufferedRenderer.commit] has been made. After
* [CanvasFrontBufferedRenderer.commit] is invoked, this collection is cleared and new
* parameters are added on each subsequent call to
* [CanvasFrontBufferedRenderer.renderFrontBufferedLayer]
fun onDrawMultiBufferedLayer(
canvas: Canvas,
bufferWidth: Int,
bufferHeight: Int,
params: Collection<T>
* Optional callback invoked when rendering to the front buffered layer is complete but
* before the buffers are submitted to the hardware compositor.
* This provides consumers a mechanism for synchronizing the transaction with other
* [SurfaceControlCompat] objects that maybe rendered within the scene.
* @param frontBufferedLayerSurfaceControl Handle to the [SurfaceControlCompat] where the
* front buffered layer content is drawn. This can be used to configure various properties
* of the [SurfaceControlCompat] like z-ordering or visibility with the corresponding
* [SurfaceControlCompat.Transaction].
* @param transaction Current [SurfaceControlCompat.Transaction] to apply updated buffered
* content to the front buffered layer.
fun onFrontBufferedLayerRenderComplete(
frontBufferedLayerSurfaceControl: SurfaceControlCompat,
transaction: SurfaceControlCompat.Transaction
) {
// Default implementation is a no-op
* Optional callback invoked when rendering to the multi buffered layer is complete but
* before the buffers are submitted to the hardware compositor.
* This provides consumers a mechanism for synchronizing the transaction with other
* [SurfaceControlCompat] objects that maybe rendered within the scene.
* @param frontBufferedLayerSurfaceControl Handle to the [SurfaceControlCompat] where the
* front buffered layer content is drawn. This can be used to configure various properties
* of the [SurfaceControlCompat] like z-ordering or visibility with the corresponding
* [SurfaceControlCompat.Transaction].
* @param transaction Current [SurfaceControlCompat.Transaction] to apply updated buffered
* content to the multi buffered layer.
fun onMultiBufferedLayerRenderComplete(
frontBufferedLayerSurfaceControl: SurfaceControlCompat,
transaction: SurfaceControlCompat.Transaction
) {
// Default implementation is a no-op
internal companion object {
internal const val TAG = "LowLatencyCanvas"