blob: 1d200cb393bc9d45f1071802dba18d68049d0072 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.ui.text.platform
import android.os.Build
import androidx.collection.LruCache
import androidx.ui.text.font.Font
import androidx.ui.text.font.FontFamily
import androidx.ui.text.font.FontMatcher
import androidx.ui.text.font.FontStyle
import androidx.ui.text.font.FontSynthesis
import androidx.ui.text.font.FontWeight
* Creates a Typeface based on generic font family or a custom [FontFamily].
* @param fontMatcher [FontMatcher] class to be used to match given [FontWeight] and [FontStyle]
* constraints to select a [Font] from a [FontFamily]
* @param resourceLoader [Font.ResourceLoader] for Android.
internal open class TypefaceAdapter(
val fontMatcher: FontMatcher = FontMatcher(),
val resourceLoader: Font.ResourceLoader
) {
data class CacheKey(
val fontFamily: FontFamily? = null,
val fontWeight: FontWeight,
val fontStyle: FontStyle,
val fontSynthesis: FontSynthesis
companion object {
// Accept FontWeights at and above 600 to be bold. 600 comes from
// FontFamily.cpp#computeFakery function in minikin
private val ANDROID_BOLD = FontWeight.W600
// 16 is a random number and is not based on any strong logic
val typefaceCache = LruCache<CacheKey, Typeface>(16)
* Creates a Typeface based on the [fontFamily] and the selection constraints [fontStyle] and
* [fontWeight].
* @param fontFamily [FontFamily] that defines the system family or a set of custom fonts
* @param fontWeight the font weight to create the typeface in
* @param fontStyle the font style to create the typeface in
open fun create(
fontFamily: FontFamily? = null,
fontWeight: FontWeight = FontWeight.Normal,
fontStyle: FontStyle = FontStyle.Normal,
fontSynthesis: FontSynthesis = FontSynthesis.All
): Typeface {
val cacheKey = CacheKey(fontFamily, fontWeight, fontStyle, fontSynthesis)
val cachedTypeface = typefaceCache.get(cacheKey)
if (cachedTypeface != null) return cachedTypeface
val typeface = if (fontFamily != null && fontFamily.isNotEmpty()) {
fontFamily = fontFamily,
fontWeight = fontWeight,
fontStyle = fontStyle,
fontSynthesis = fontSynthesis
} else {
// there is no option to control fontSynthesis in framework for system fonts
genericFontFamily = fontFamily?.genericFamily,
fontWeight = fontWeight,
fontStyle = fontStyle
// For system Typeface, on different framework versions Typeface might not be cached,
// therefore it is safer to cache this result on our code and the cost is minimal.
typefaceCache.put(cacheKey, typeface)
return typeface
* Creates a Typeface object based on the system installed fonts. [genericFontFamily] is used
* to define the main family to create the Typeface such as serif, sans-serif.
* [fontWeight] is used to define the thickness of the Typeface. Before Android 28 font weight
* cannot be defined therefore this function assumes anything at and above [FontWeight.W600]
* is bold and any value less than [FontWeight.W600] is normal.
* @param genericFontFamily generic font family name such as serif, sans-serif
* @param fontWeight the font weight to create the typeface in
* @param fontStyle the font style to create the typeface in
private fun create(
genericFontFamily: String? = null,
fontWeight: FontWeight = FontWeight.Normal,
fontStyle: FontStyle = FontStyle.Normal
): Typeface {
if (fontStyle == FontStyle.Normal &&
fontWeight == FontWeight.Normal &&
) {
return Typeface.DEFAULT
return if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 28) {
val targetStyle = getTypefaceStyle(fontWeight, fontStyle)
if (genericFontFamily.isNullOrEmpty()) {
} else {
Typeface.create(genericFontFamily, targetStyle)
} else {
val familyTypeface = if (genericFontFamily == null) {
} else {
Typeface.create(genericFontFamily, Typeface.NORMAL)
fontStyle == FontStyle.Italic
* Creates a [Typeface] based on the [fontFamily] the requested [FontWeight], [FontStyle]. If
* the requested [FontWeight] and [FontStyle] exists in the [FontFamily], the exact match is
* returned. If it does not, the matching is defined based on CSS Font Matching. See
* [FontMatcher] for more information.
* @param fontStyle the font style to create the typeface in
* @param fontWeight the font weight to create the typeface in
* @param fontFamily [FontFamily] that contains the list of [Font]s
* @param fontSynthesis [FontSynthesis] which attributes of the font family to synthesize
* custom fonts for if they are not already present in the font family
private fun create(
fontStyle: FontStyle = FontStyle.Normal,
fontWeight: FontWeight = FontWeight.Normal,
fontFamily: FontFamily,
fontSynthesis: FontSynthesis = FontSynthesis.All
): Typeface {
val font = fontMatcher.matchFont(fontFamily, fontWeight, fontStyle)
val typeface = try {
resourceLoader.load(font) as Typeface
} catch (e: Exception) {
throw IllegalStateException("Cannot create Typeface from $font")
val loadedFontIsSameAsRequest = fontWeight == font.weight && fontStyle ==
// if synthesis is not requested or there is an exact match we don't need synthesis
if (fontSynthesis == FontSynthesis.None || loadedFontIsSameAsRequest) {
return typeface
return synthesize(typeface, font, fontWeight, fontStyle, fontSynthesis)
private fun synthesize(
typeface: Typeface,
font: Font,
fontWeight: FontWeight,
fontStyle: FontStyle,
fontSynthesis: FontSynthesis
): Typeface {
val synthesizeWeight = fontSynthesis.isWeightOn &&
(fontWeight >= ANDROID_BOLD && font.weight < ANDROID_BOLD)
val synthesizeStyle = fontSynthesis.isStyleOn && fontStyle !=
if (!synthesizeStyle && !synthesizeWeight) return typeface
return if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 28) {
val targetStyle = getTypefaceStyle(
isBold = synthesizeWeight,
isItalic = synthesizeStyle && fontStyle == FontStyle.Italic
Typeface.create(typeface, targetStyle)
} else {
val finalFontWeight = if (synthesizeWeight) {
// if we want to synthesize weight, we send the requested fontWeight
} else {
// if we do not want to synthesize weight, we keep the loaded font weight
val finalFontStyle = if (synthesizeStyle) {
// if we want to synthesize style, we send the requested fontStyle
fontStyle == FontStyle.Italic
} else {
// if we do not want to synthesize style, we keep the loaded font style == FontStyle.Italic
Typeface.create(typeface, finalFontWeight, finalFontStyle)
* Convert given [FontWeight] and [FontStyle] to one of [Typeface.NORMAL], [Typeface.BOLD],
* [Typeface.ITALIC], [Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC]. This function should be called for API < 28
* since at those API levels system does not accept [FontWeight].
fun getTypefaceStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight, fontStyle: FontStyle): Int {
return getTypefaceStyle(fontWeight >= ANDROID_BOLD, fontStyle == FontStyle.Italic)
private fun getTypefaceStyle(isBold: Boolean, isItalic: Boolean): Int {
return if (isItalic && isBold) {
} else if (isBold) {
} else if (isItalic) {
} else {