blob: 0fd3735357cb16c0dff13bbdd5c8a0052e3c37e3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.biometric;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.os.Build;
import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
* Singleton class to facilitate communication between the {@link BiometricPrompt} for the client
* activity and the one attached to {@link DeviceCredentialHandlerActivity} when allowing device
* credential authentication prior to Q.
class DeviceCredentialHandlerBridge {
private static DeviceCredentialHandlerBridge sInstance;
private int mClientThemeResId;
private BiometricFragment mBiometricFragment;
private FingerprintDialogFragment mFingerprintDialogFragment;
private FingerprintHelperFragment mFingerprintHelperFragment;
private Executor mExecutor;
private DialogInterface.OnClickListener mOnClickListener;
private BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationCallback mAuthenticationCallback;
private boolean mConfirmingDeviceCredential;
// Possible results from launching the confirm device credential Settings activity.
static final int RESULT_NONE = 0;
static final int RESULT_SUCCESS = 1;
static final int RESULT_ERROR = 2;
@interface DeviceCredentialResult {}
private @DeviceCredentialResult int mDeviceCredentialResult = RESULT_NONE;
// States indicating whether and for how long to ignore calls to reset().
private static final int NOT_IGNORING_RESET = 0;
private static final int IGNORING_NEXT_RESET = 1;
private static final int IGNORING_RESET = 2;
private @interface IgnoreResetState {}
private @IgnoreResetState int mIgnoreResetState = NOT_IGNORING_RESET;
// Private constructor to enforce singleton pattern.
private DeviceCredentialHandlerBridge() {
/** @return The singleton bridge, creating it if necessary. */
static DeviceCredentialHandlerBridge getInstance() {
if (sInstance == null) {
sInstance = new DeviceCredentialHandlerBridge();
return sInstance;
/** @return The singleton bridge if already created, or null otherwise. */
static DeviceCredentialHandlerBridge getInstanceIfNotNull() {
return sInstance;
* Register the resource ID for the client activity's theme to the bridge. This will be used
* for styling dialogs and other views in the handler activity.
void setClientThemeResId(int clientThemeResId) {
mClientThemeResId = clientThemeResId;
/** @return See {@link #setClientThemeResId(int)}. */
int getClientThemeResId() {
return mClientThemeResId;
* Registers a {@link BiometricFragment} to the bridge. This will automatically receive new
* callbacks set by {@link #setCallbacks(Executor, DialogInterface.OnClickListener,
* BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationCallback)}.
void setBiometricFragment(@Nullable BiometricFragment biometricFragment) {
mBiometricFragment = biometricFragment;
/** @return See {@link #setBiometricFragment(BiometricFragment)}. */
BiometricFragment getBiometricFragment() {
return mBiometricFragment;
* Registers a {@link FingerprintDialogFragment} and {@link FingerprintHelperFragment} to the
* bridge. These will automatically receive new callbacks set by {@link #setCallbacks(Executor,
* DialogInterface.OnClickListener, BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationCallback)}.
void setFingerprintFragments(@Nullable FingerprintDialogFragment fingerprintDialogFragment,
@Nullable FingerprintHelperFragment fingerprintHelperFragment) {
mFingerprintDialogFragment = fingerprintDialogFragment;
mFingerprintHelperFragment = fingerprintHelperFragment;
* @return The latest {@link FingerprintDialogFragment} set via
* {@link #setFingerprintFragments(FingerprintDialogFragment, FingerprintHelperFragment)}.
public FingerprintDialogFragment getFingerprintDialogFragment() {
return mFingerprintDialogFragment;
* @return The latest {@link FingerprintHelperFragment} set via
* {@link #setFingerprintFragments(FingerprintDialogFragment, FingerprintHelperFragment)}.
public FingerprintHelperFragment getFingerprintHelperFragment() {
return mFingerprintHelperFragment;
* Registers dialog and authentication callbacks to the bridge, along with an executor that can
* be used to run them.
* <p>If a {@link BiometricFragment} has been registered via
* {@link #setBiometricFragment(BiometricFragment)}, or if a {@link FingerprintDialogFragment}
* and {@link FingerprintHelperFragment} have been registered via
* {@link #setFingerprintFragments(FingerprintDialogFragment, FingerprintHelperFragment)}, then
* these fragments will receive the updated executor and callbacks as well.
* @param executor An executor that can be used to run callbacks.
* @param onClickListener A dialog button listener for a biometric prompt.
* @param authenticationCallback A handler for various biometric prompt authentication events.
void setCallbacks(@NonNull Executor executor,
@NonNull DialogInterface.OnClickListener onClickListener,
@NonNull BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationCallback authenticationCallback) {
mExecutor = executor;
mOnClickListener = onClickListener;
mAuthenticationCallback = authenticationCallback;
if (mBiometricFragment != null && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.P) {
mBiometricFragment.setCallbacks(executor, onClickListener, authenticationCallback);
} else if (mFingerprintDialogFragment != null && mFingerprintHelperFragment != null) {
mFingerprintHelperFragment.setCallback(executor, authenticationCallback);
* @return The latest {@link Executor} set via {@link #setCallbacks(Executor,
* DialogInterface.OnClickListener, BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationCallback)}.
Executor getExecutor() {
return mExecutor;
* @return The latest {@link DialogInterface.OnClickListener} set via {@link #setCallbacks(
* Executor, DialogInterface.OnClickListener, BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationCallback)}.
DialogInterface.OnClickListener getOnClickListener() {
return mOnClickListener;
* @return The latest {@link BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationCallback} set via
* {@link #setCallbacks(Executor, DialogInterface.OnClickListener,
* BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationCallback)}.
BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationCallback getAuthenticationCallback() {
return mAuthenticationCallback;
* Stores the authentication result from launching the confirm device credential Settings
* activity. This is intended for the client's {@link BiometricPrompt} instance to read this
* result and invoke the appropriate authentication callback method.
void setDeviceCredentialResult(int deviceCredentialResult) {
mDeviceCredentialResult = deviceCredentialResult;
/** @return See {@link #setDeviceCredentialResult(int)}. */
int getDeviceCredentialResult() {
return mDeviceCredentialResult;
* Sets a flag indicating whether the confirm device credential Settings activity is currently
* being shown.
void setConfirmingDeviceCredential(boolean confirmingDeviceCredential) {
mConfirmingDeviceCredential = confirmingDeviceCredential;
/** @return See {@link #setConfirmingDeviceCredential(boolean)}. */
boolean isConfirmingDeviceCredential() {
return mConfirmingDeviceCredential;
* Indicates that the bridge should ignore the next call to {@link #reset}. Calling this method
* after {@link #startIgnoringReset()} but before {@link #stopIgnoringReset()} has no effect.
void ignoreNextReset() {
if (mIgnoreResetState == NOT_IGNORING_RESET) {
mIgnoreResetState = IGNORING_NEXT_RESET;
* Indicates that the bridge should ignore all subsequent calls to {@link #reset} until
* {@link #stopIgnoringReset()} is called.
void startIgnoringReset() {
mIgnoreResetState = IGNORING_RESET;
* When called after {@link #ignoreNextReset()} or {@link #startIgnoringReset()}, allows
* subsequent calls to {@link #reset} to go through as normal, until either is called again.
void stopIgnoringReset() {
mIgnoreResetState = NOT_IGNORING_RESET;
* Clears all data associated with the bridge, returning it to its default state.
* <p>Note that calls to this method may be ignored if {@link #ignoreNextReset()} or
* {@link #startIgnoringReset()} has been called without a corresponding call to
* {@link #stopIgnoringReset()}.
void reset() {
if (mIgnoreResetState == IGNORING_RESET) {
if (mIgnoreResetState == IGNORING_NEXT_RESET) {
mClientThemeResId = 0;
mBiometricFragment = null;
mFingerprintDialogFragment = null;
mFingerprintHelperFragment = null;
mExecutor = null;
mOnClickListener = null;
mAuthenticationCallback = null;
mDeviceCredentialResult = RESULT_NONE;
mConfirmingDeviceCredential = false;
sInstance = null;