blob: 0cdf01cd5461ba4f70bc2ebe204e2b33ebf4582e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.compose.lint
import com.intellij.psi.PsiMethod
import com.intellij.psi.PsiParameter
import com.intellij.psi.impl.compiled.ClsParameterImpl
import com.intellij.psi.impl.light.LightParameter
import kotlinx.metadata.jvm.annotations
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtAnnotated
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtFunction
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtProperty
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.KtTypeReference
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.psi.psiUtil.getParentOfType
import org.jetbrains.uast.UAnnotation
import org.jetbrains.uast.UAnonymousClass
import org.jetbrains.uast.UCallExpression
import org.jetbrains.uast.UDeclaration
import org.jetbrains.uast.UElement
import org.jetbrains.uast.UExpression
import org.jetbrains.uast.ULambdaExpression
import org.jetbrains.uast.UMethod
import org.jetbrains.uast.UParameter
import org.jetbrains.uast.UTypeReferenceExpression
import org.jetbrains.uast.UVariable
import org.jetbrains.uast.getContainingDeclaration
import org.jetbrains.uast.getContainingUClass
import org.jetbrains.uast.getParameterForArgument
import org.jetbrains.uast.toUElement
import org.jetbrains.uast.withContainingElements
* Returns whether this [UCallExpression] is directly invoked within the body of a Composable
* function or lambda without being `remember`ed.
fun UCallExpression.isNotRemembered(): Boolean = isNotRememberedWithKeys()
* Returns whether this [UCallExpression] is directly invoked within the body of a Composable
* function or lambda without being `remember`ed, or whether it is invoked inside a `remember call
* without the provided [keys][keyClassNames].
* - Returns true if this [UCallExpression] is directly invoked inside a Composable function or
* lambda without being `remember`ed
* - Returns true if this [UCallExpression] is invoked inside a call to `remember`, but without all
* of the provided [keys][keyClassNames] being used as key parameters to `remember`
* - Returns false if this [UCallExpression] is correctly `remember`ed with the provided
* [keys][keyClassNames], or is not called inside a `remember` block, and is not called inside a
* Composable function or lambda
* @param keyClassNames [Name]s representing the expected classes that should be used as a key
* parameter to the `remember` call
fun UCallExpression.isNotRememberedWithKeys(vararg keyClassNames: Name): Boolean {
val visitor = ComposableBodyVisitor(this)
// The nearest method or lambda expression that contains this call expression
val boundaryElement = visitor.parentUElements().last()
// Check if the nearest lambda expression is actually a call to remember
val rememberCall: UCallExpression? = (boundaryElement.uastParent as? UCallExpression)?.takeIf {
it.methodName == Names.Runtime.Remember.shortName &&
it.resolve()?.isInPackageName(Names.Runtime.PackageName) == true
return if (rememberCall == null) {
} else {
val parameterTypes = rememberCall.valueArguments.mapNotNull {
!keyClassNames.all {
* Returns whether this [UExpression] is invoked within the body of a Composable function or
* lambda.
* This searches parent declarations until we find a lambda expression or a function, and looks
* to see if these are Composable.
fun UExpression.isInvokedWithinComposable(): Boolean {
return ComposableBodyVisitor(this).isComposable()
// TODO:
// KotlinUMethodWithFakeLightDelegate.hasAnnotation() (for reified functions for example)
// doesn't find annotations, so just look at the annotations directly.
* Returns whether this method is @Composable or not
val PsiMethod.isComposable
get() = annotations.any { it.qualifiedName == Names.Runtime.Composable.javaFqn }
* Returns whether this variable's type is @Composable or not
val UVariable.isComposable: Boolean
get() {
// Annotation on the lambda
val annotationOnLambda = when (val initializer = uastInitializer) {
is ULambdaExpression -> {
val source = initializer.sourcePsi
if (source is KtFunction) {
// Anonymous function, val foo = @Composable fun() {}
} else {
// Lambda, val foo = @Composable {}
initializer.findAnnotation(Names.Runtime.Composable.javaFqn) != null
else -> false
// Annotation on the type, foo: @Composable () -> Unit = { }
val annotationOnType = typeReference?.isComposable == true
return annotationOnLambda || annotationOnType
* Returns whether this parameter's type is @Composable or not
private val PsiParameter.isComposable: Boolean
get() = when {
// The parameter is in a class file. Currently type annotations aren't currently added to
// the underlying type (, so instead we use
// the metadata annotation.
this is ClsParameterImpl ||
// In some cases when a method is defined in bytecode and the call fails to resolve
// to the ClsMethodImpl, we will instead get a LightParameter. Note that some Kotlin
// declarations too will also appear as a LightParameter, so we can check to see if
// the source language is Java, which means that this is a LightParameter for
// bytecode, as opposed to for a Kotlin declaration.
(this is LightParameter && this.language is JavaLanguage) -> {
// Find the containing method, so we can get metadata from the containing class
val containingMethod = getParentOfType<PsiMethod>(true)
val kmFunction = containingMethod!!.toKmFunction()
val kmValueParameter = kmFunction?.valueParameters?.find { == name
kmValueParameter?.type?.annotations?.find {
it.className == Names.Runtime.Composable.kmClassName
} != null
// The parameter is in a source declaration
else -> (toUElement() as? UParameter)?.typeReference?.isComposable == true
* Returns whether this lambda expression is @Composable or not
val ULambdaExpression.isComposable: Boolean
get() = when (val lambdaParent = uastParent) {
// Function call with a lambda parameter
is UCallExpression -> {
val parameter = lambdaParent.getParameterForArgument(this)
parameter?.isComposable == true
// A local / non-local lambda variable
is UVariable -> {
// Either a new UAST type we haven't handled, or non-Kotlin declarations
else -> false
* Helper class that visits parent declarations above the provided [expression], until it
* finds a lambda or method. This 'boundary' is used as the indicator for whether this
* [expression] can be considered to be inside a Composable body or not.
* @see isComposable
* @see parentUElements
private class ComposableBodyVisitor(
private val expression: UExpression
) {
* @return whether the body can be considered Composable or not
fun isComposable(): Boolean = when (val element = parentUElements.last()) {
is UMethod -> element.isComposable
is ULambdaExpression -> element.isComposable
else -> false
* Returns all parent [UElement]s until and including the boundary lambda / method.
fun parentUElements() = parentUElements
* The outermost UElement that corresponds to the surrounding UDeclaration that contains
* [expression], with the following special cases:
* - if the containing UDeclaration is a local property, we ignore it and search above as
* it still could be created in the context of a Composable body
* - if the containing UDeclaration is an anonymous class (object { }), we ignore it and
* search above as it still could be created in the context of a Composable body
private val boundaryUElement by lazy {
// The nearest property / function / etc declaration that contains this call expression
var containingDeclaration = expression.getContainingDeclaration()
fun UDeclaration.isLocalProperty() = (sourcePsi as? KtProperty)?.isLocal == true
fun UDeclaration.isAnonymousClass() = this is UAnonymousClass
fun UDeclaration.isPropertyInsideAnonymousClass() =
getContainingUClass()?.isAnonymousClass() == true
while (
containingDeclaration != null &&
containingDeclaration.isLocalProperty() ||
containingDeclaration.isAnonymousClass() ||
) {
containingDeclaration = containingDeclaration.getContainingDeclaration()
private val parentUElements by lazy {
val elements = mutableListOf<UElement>()
// Look through containing elements until we find a lambda or a method
for (element in expression.withContainingElements) {
elements += element
when (element) {
// TODO: consider handling the case of a lambda inside an inline function call,
// such as `apply` or `forEach`. These calls don't really change the
// 'composability' here, but there may be other inline function calls that
// capture the lambda and invoke it elsewhere, so we might need to look for
// a callsInPlace contract in the metadata for the function, or the body of the
// source definition.
is ULambdaExpression -> break
is UMethod -> break
// Stop when we reach the parent declaration to avoid escaping the scope.
boundaryUElement -> break
* Returns whether this type reference is @Composable or not
val UTypeReferenceExpression.isComposable: Boolean
get() {
if (type.hasAnnotation(Names.Runtime.Composable.javaFqn)) return true
// Annotations on the types of local properties (val foo: @Composable () -> Unit = {})
// are currently not present on the PsiType, we so need to manually check the underlying
// type reference. (
return (sourcePsi as? KtTypeReference)?.hasComposableAnnotation == true
* Returns whether this annotated declaration has a Composable annotation
private val KtAnnotated.hasComposableAnnotation: Boolean
get() = annotationEntries.any {
(it.toUElement() as UAnnotation).qualifiedName == Names.Runtime.Composable.javaFqn