blob: 2487243b831cd92a633eec834343ca2b8d08488b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.compose.ui.layout
import androidx.compose.runtime.Applier
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composition
import androidx.compose.runtime.CompositionContext
import androidx.compose.runtime.ReusableComposeNode
import androidx.compose.runtime.SideEffect
import androidx.compose.runtime.currentComposer
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.runtime.rememberCompositionContext
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.SubcomposeLayoutState.PrecomposedSlotHandle
import androidx.compose.ui.materialize
import androidx.compose.ui.node.ComposeUiNode
import androidx.compose.ui.node.LayoutNode
import androidx.compose.ui.node.LayoutNode.LayoutState
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalDensity
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalLayoutDirection
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalViewConfiguration
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.createSubcomposition
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Constraints
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.LayoutDirection
* Analogue of [Layout] which allows to subcompose the actual content during the measuring stage
* for example to use the values calculated during the measurement as params for the composition
* of the children.
* Possible use cases:
* * You need to know the constraints passed by the parent during the composition and can't solve
* your use case with just custom [Layout] or [LayoutModifier].
* See [].
* * You want to use the size of one child during the composition of the second child.
* * You want to compose your items lazily based on the available size. For example you have a
* list of 100 items and instead of composing all of them you only compose the ones which are
* currently visible(say 5 of them) and compose next items when the component is scrolled.
* @sample androidx.compose.ui.samples.SubcomposeLayoutSample
* @param modifier [Modifier] to apply for the layout.
* @param measurePolicy Measure policy which provides ability to subcompose during the measuring.
fun SubcomposeLayout(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
measurePolicy: SubcomposeMeasureScope.(Constraints) -> MeasureResult
) {
state = remember { SubcomposeLayoutState() },
modifier = modifier,
measurePolicy = measurePolicy
* Analogue of [Layout] which allows to subcompose the actual content during the measuring stage
* for example to use the values calculated during the measurement as params for the composition
* of the children.
* Possible use cases:
* * You need to know the constraints passed by the parent during the composition and can't solve
* your use case with just custom [Layout] or [LayoutModifier].
* See [].
* * You want to use the size of one child during the composition of the second child.
* * You want to compose your items lazily based on the available size. For example you have a
* list of 100 items and instead of composing all of them you only compose the ones which are
* currently visible(say 5 of them) and compose next items when the component is scrolled.
* @sample androidx.compose.ui.samples.SubcomposeLayoutSample
* @param state the state object to be used by the layout.
* @param modifier [Modifier] to apply for the layout.
* @param measurePolicy Measure policy which provides ability to subcompose during the measuring.
fun SubcomposeLayout(
state: SubcomposeLayoutState,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
measurePolicy: SubcomposeMeasureScope.(Constraints) -> MeasureResult
) {
val compositionContext = rememberCompositionContext()
val materialized = currentComposer.materialize(modifier)
val density = LocalDensity.current
val layoutDirection = LocalLayoutDirection.current
val viewConfiguration = LocalViewConfiguration.current
ReusableComposeNode<LayoutNode, Applier<Any>>(
factory = LayoutNode.Constructor,
update = {
set(state, state.setRoot)
set(compositionContext, state.setCompositionContext)
set(materialized, ComposeUiNode.SetModifier)
set(measurePolicy, state.setMeasurePolicy)
set(density, ComposeUiNode.SetDensity)
set(layoutDirection, ComposeUiNode.SetLayoutDirection)
set(viewConfiguration, ComposeUiNode.SetViewConfiguration)
if (!currentComposer.skipping) {
SideEffect {
* The receiver scope of a [SubcomposeLayout]'s measure lambda which adds ability to dynamically
* subcompose a content during the measuring on top of the features provided by [MeasureScope].
interface SubcomposeMeasureScope : MeasureScope {
* Performs subcomposition of the provided [content] with given [slotId].
* @param slotId unique id which represents the slot we are composing into. If you have fixed
* amount or slots you can use enums as slot ids, or if you have a list of items maybe an
* index in the list or some other unique key can work. To be able to correctly match the
* content between remeasures you should provide the object which is equals to the one you
* used during the previous measuring.
* @param content the composable content which defines the slot. It could emit multiple
* layouts, in this case the returned list of [Measurable]s will have multiple elements.
fun subcompose(slotId: Any?, content: @Composable () -> Unit): List<Measurable>
* State used by [SubcomposeLayout].
* @param maxSlotsToRetainForReuse when non-zero the layout will keep active up to this count
* slots which we were used but not used anymore instead of disposing them. Later when you try to
* compose a new slot instead of creating a completely new slot the layout would reuse the
* previous slot which allows to do less work especially if the slot contents are similar.
class SubcomposeLayoutState(
private val maxSlotsToRetainForReuse: Int
) {
* State used by [SubcomposeLayout].
constructor() : this(0)
private var _state: LayoutNodeSubcompositionsState? = null
private val state: LayoutNodeSubcompositionsState
get() = requireNotNull(_state) {
"SubcomposeLayoutState is not attached to SubcomposeLayout"
// Pre-allocated lambdas to update LayoutNode
internal val setRoot: LayoutNode.(SubcomposeLayoutState) -> Unit = {
_state = subcompositionsState as? LayoutNodeSubcompositionsState
?: LayoutNodeSubcompositionsState(this, maxSlotsToRetainForReuse).also {
subcompositionsState = it
// it will keep up to maxSlotsToRetainForReuse currently attached reusable nodes.
// we do that because the new value of maxSlotsToRetainForReuse could be smaller.
internal val setCompositionContext:
LayoutNode.(CompositionContext) -> Unit =
{ state.compositionContext = it }
internal val setMeasurePolicy:
LayoutNode.(SubcomposeMeasureScope.(Constraints) -> MeasureResult) -> Unit =
{ measurePolicy = state.createMeasurePolicy(it) }
* Composes the content for the given [slotId]. This makes the next scope.subcompose(slotId)
* call during the measure pass faster as the content is already composed.
* If the [slotId] was precomposed already but after the future calculations ended up to not be
* needed anymore (meaning this slotId is not going to be used during the measure pass
* anytime soon) you can use [PrecomposedSlotHandle.dispose] on a returned object to dispose the
* content.
* @param slotId unique id which represents the slot we are composing into.
* @param content the composable content which defines the slot.
* @return [PrecomposedSlotHandle] instance which allows you to dispose the content.
fun precompose(slotId: Any?, content: @Composable () -> Unit): PrecomposedSlotHandle =
state.precompose(slotId, content)
internal fun forceRecomposeChildren() = state.forceRecomposeChildren()
* Instance of this interface is returned by [precompose] function.
interface PrecomposedSlotHandle {
* This function allows to dispose the content for the slot which was precomposed
* previously via [precompose].
* If this slot was already used during the regular measure pass via
* [SubcomposeMeasureScope.subcompose] this function will do nothing.
* This could be useful if after the future calculations this item is not anymore expected to
* be used during the measure pass anytime soon.
fun dispose()
* The inner state containing all the information about active slots and their compositions.
* It is stored inside LayoutNode object as in fact we need to keep 1-1 mapping between this state
* and the node: when we compose a slot we first create a virtual LayoutNode child to this node
* and then save the extra information inside this state.
* Keeping this state inside LayoutNode also helps us to retain the pool of reusable slots even
* when a new SubcomposeLayoutState is applied to SubcomposeLayout and even when the
* SubcomposeLayout's LayoutNode is reused via the ReusableComposeNode mechanism.
private class LayoutNodeSubcompositionsState(
private val root: LayoutNode,
private val maxSlotsToRetainForReuse: Int
) {
var compositionContext: CompositionContext? = null
private var currentIndex = 0
private val nodeToNodeState = mutableMapOf<LayoutNode, NodeState>()
// this map contains active slotIds (without precomposed or reusable nodes)
private val slotIdToNode = mutableMapOf<Any?, LayoutNode>()
private val scope = Scope()
private val precomposeMap = mutableMapOf<Any?, LayoutNode>()
* `root.foldedChildren` list consist of:
* 1) all the active children (used during the last measure pass)
* 2) `reusableCount` nodes in the middle of the list which were active and stopped being
* used. now we keep them (up to `maxCountOfSlotsToReuse`) in order to reuse next time we
* will need to compose a new item
* 4) `precomposedCount` nodes in the end of the list which were precomposed and
* are waiting to be used during the next measure passes.
private var reusableCount = 0
private var precomposedCount = 0
fun subcompose(slotId: Any?, content: @Composable () -> Unit): List<Measurable> {
val layoutState = root.layoutState
check(layoutState == LayoutState.Measuring || layoutState == LayoutState.LayingOut) {
"subcompose can only be used inside the measure or layout blocks"
val node = slotIdToNode.getOrPut(slotId) {
val precomposed = precomposeMap.remove(slotId)
if (precomposed != null) {
check(precomposedCount > 0)
} else if (reusableCount > 0) {
} else {
val itemIndex = root.foldedChildren.indexOf(node)
if (itemIndex < currentIndex) {
throw IllegalArgumentException(
"Key $slotId was already used. If you are using LazyColumn/Row please make sure " +
"you provide a unique key for each item."
if (currentIndex != itemIndex) {
move(itemIndex, currentIndex)
subcompose(node, slotId, content)
return node.children
private fun subcompose(node: LayoutNode, slotId: Any?, content: @Composable () -> Unit) {
val nodeState = nodeToNodeState.getOrPut(node) {
NodeState(slotId, {})
val hasPendingChanges = nodeState.composition?.hasInvalidations ?: true
if (nodeState.content !== content || hasPendingChanges || nodeState.forceRecompose) {
nodeState.content = content
subcompose(node, nodeState)
nodeState.forceRecompose = false
private fun subcompose(node: LayoutNode, nodeState: NodeState) {
node.withNoSnapshotReadObservation {
ignoreRemeasureRequests {
val content = nodeState.content
nodeState.composition = subcomposeInto(
existing = nodeState.composition,
container = node,
parent = compositionContext ?: error("parent composition reference not set"),
// Do not optimize this by passing nodeState.content directly; the additional
// composable function call from the lambda expression affects the scope of
// recomposition and recomposition of siblings.
composable = { content() }
private fun subcomposeInto(
existing: Composition?,
container: LayoutNode,
parent: CompositionContext,
composable: @Composable () -> Unit
): Composition {
return if (existing == null || existing.isDisposed) {
createSubcomposition(container, parent)
} else {
.apply {
fun disposeAfterIndex(currentIndex: Int) {
val precomposedNodesSectionStart = root.foldedChildren.size - precomposedCount
val reusableNodesSectionStart = maxOf(
precomposedNodesSectionStart - maxSlotsToRetainForReuse
// keep up to maxCountOfSlotsToReuse last nodes to be reused later
reusableCount = precomposedNodesSectionStart - reusableNodesSectionStart
for (i in reusableNodesSectionStart until reusableNodesSectionStart + reusableCount) {
val node = root.foldedChildren[i]
val state = nodeToNodeState[node]!!
// remove them from slotIdToNode so they are not considered active
// dispose the rest of the nodes
val nodesToDispose = reusableNodesSectionStart - currentIndex
if (nodesToDispose > 0) {
ignoreRemeasureRequests {
root.removeAt(currentIndex, nodesToDispose)
private fun makeSureStateIsConsistent() {
require(nodeToNodeState.size == root.foldedChildren.size) {
"Inconsistency between the count of nodes tracked by the state (${nodeToNodeState
.size}) and the children count on the SubcomposeLayout (${root.foldedChildren
.size}). Are you trying to use the state of the disposed SubcomposeLayout?"
private fun takeNodeFromReusables(slotId: Any?): LayoutNode {
check(reusableCount > 0)
val reusableNodesSectionEnd = root.foldedChildren.size - precomposedCount
val reusableNodesSectionStart = reusableNodesSectionEnd - reusableCount
var index = reusableNodesSectionStart
while (true) {
val node = root.foldedChildren[index]
val nodeState = nodeToNodeState.getValue(node)
if (nodeState.slotId == slotId) {
// we have a node with the same slotId
} else if (index == reusableNodesSectionEnd - 1) {
// it is the last available reusable node
nodeState.slotId = slotId
} else {
if (index != reusableNodesSectionStart) {
// we need to rearrange the items
move(index, reusableNodesSectionStart, 1)
return root.foldedChildren[reusableNodesSectionStart]
private fun disposeNode(node: LayoutNode) {
val nodeState = nodeToNodeState.remove(node)!!
fun createMeasurePolicy(
block: SubcomposeMeasureScope.(Constraints) -> MeasureResult
): MeasurePolicy = object : LayoutNode.NoIntrinsicsMeasurePolicy(error = NoIntrinsicsMessage) {
override fun MeasureScope.measure(
measurables: List<Measurable>,
constraints: Constraints
): MeasureResult {
scope.layoutDirection = layoutDirection
scope.density = density
scope.fontScale = fontScale
currentIndex = 0
val result = scope.block(constraints)
val indexAfterMeasure = currentIndex
return object : MeasureResult {
override val width: Int
get() = result.width
override val height: Int
get() = result.height
override val alignmentLines: Map<AlignmentLine, Int>
get() = result.alignmentLines
override fun placeChildren() {
currentIndex = indexAfterMeasure
private val NoIntrinsicsMessage = "Asking for intrinsic measurements of SubcomposeLayout " +
"layouts is not supported. This includes components that are built on top of " +
"SubcomposeLayout, such as lazy lists, BoxWithConstraints, TabRow, etc. To mitigate " +
"this:\n" +
"- if intrinsic measurements are used to achieve 'match parent' sizing,, consider " +
"replacing the parent of the component with a custom layout which controls the order in " +
"which children are measured, making intrinsic measurement not needed\n" +
"- adding a size modifier to the component, in order to fast return the queried " +
"intrinsic measurement."
fun precompose(slotId: Any?, content: @Composable () -> Unit): PrecomposedSlotHandle {
if (!slotIdToNode.containsKey(slotId)) {
val node = precomposeMap.getOrPut(slotId) {
if (reusableCount > 0) {
val node = takeNodeFromReusables(slotId)
// now move this node to the end where we keep precomposed items
val nodeIndex = root.foldedChildren.indexOf(node)
move(nodeIndex, root.foldedChildren.size, 1)
} else {
createNodeAt(root.foldedChildren.size).also {
subcompose(node, slotId, content)
return object : PrecomposedSlotHandle {
override fun dispose() {
val node = precomposeMap.remove(slotId)
if (node != null) {
val itemIndex = root.foldedChildren.indexOf(node)
check(itemIndex != -1)
if (reusableCount < maxSlotsToRetainForReuse) {
val reusableNodesSectionStart =
root.foldedChildren.size - precomposedCount - reusableCount
move(itemIndex, reusableNodesSectionStart, 1)
} else {
ignoreRemeasureRequests {
root.removeAt(itemIndex, 1)
check(precomposedCount > 0)
fun forceRecomposeChildren() {
nodeToNodeState.forEach { (_, nodeState) ->
nodeState.forceRecompose = true
if (root.layoutState != LayoutState.NeedsRemeasure) {
private fun createNodeAt(index: Int) = LayoutNode(isVirtual = true).also { node ->
ignoreRemeasureRequests {
root.insertAt(index, node)
node.onDetach = {
node.onAttach = {
throw IllegalStateException("Disposed node shouldn't be reattached")
private fun move(from: Int, to: Int, count: Int = 1) {
ignoreRemeasureRequests {
root.move(from, to, count)
private inline fun ignoreRemeasureRequests(block: () -> Unit) =
private class NodeState(
var slotId: Any?,
var content: @Composable () -> Unit,
var composition: Composition? = null
) {
var forceRecompose = false
private inner class Scope : SubcomposeMeasureScope {
// MeasureScope delegation
override var layoutDirection: LayoutDirection = LayoutDirection.Rtl
override var density: Float = 0f
override var fontScale: Float = 0f
override fun subcompose(slotId: Any?, content: @Composable () -> Unit) =
this@LayoutNodeSubcompositionsState.subcompose(slotId, content)