blob: 612aa8abd21153c41a56d883e1a1a9ef3df98279 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.compose.material3.catalog.library.model
import androidx.annotation.DrawableRes
import androidx.compose.material3.catalog.library.R
import androidx.compose.material3.catalog.library.util.ComponentGuidelinesUrl
import androidx.compose.material3.catalog.library.util.DocsUrl
import androidx.compose.material3.catalog.library.util.Material3SourceUrl
import androidx.compose.material3.catalog.library.util.PackageSummaryUrl
import androidx.compose.material3.catalog.library.util.StyleGuidelinesUrl
data class Component(
val id: Int,
val name: String,
val description: String,
val icon: Int = R.drawable.ic_component,
val tintIcon: Boolean = false,
val guidelinesUrl: String,
val docsUrl: String,
val sourceUrl: String,
val examples: List<Example>
private var nextId: Int = 1
private fun nextId(): Int = nextId.also { nextId += 1 }
// Components are ordered alphabetically by name.
private val Buttons = Component(
id = nextId(),
name = "Buttons",
description = "Buttons help people initiate actions, from sending an email, to sharing a " +
"document, to liking a post.",
// No buttons icon
tintIcon = true,
guidelinesUrl = "$ComponentGuidelinesUrl/buttons",
docsUrl = "$PackageSummaryUrl#button",
sourceUrl = "$Material3SourceUrl/Button.kt",
examples = ButtonsExamples,
private val Color = Component(
id = nextId(),
name = "Color",
description = "Color is used to express style and communicate meaning.",
// No color icon
tintIcon = true,
guidelinesUrl = "$StyleGuidelinesUrl/color/overview",
docsUrl = "$DocsUrl/ColorScheme",
sourceUrl = "$Material3SourceUrl/ColorScheme.kt",
examples = ColorExamples
private val Checkboxes = Component(
id = nextId(),
name = "Checkboxes",
description = "Checkboxes allow the user to select one or more items from a set or turn an " +
"option on or off.",
// No checkbox icon
tintIcon = true,
guidelinesUrl = "$ComponentGuidelinesUrl/checkboxes",
docsUrl = "$DocsUrl#checkbox",
sourceUrl = "$Material3SourceUrl/Checkbox.kt",
examples = CheckboxesExamples
private val Dialogs = Component(
id = nextId(),
name = "Dialogs",
description = "Dialogs provide important prompts in a user flow. They can require an action, " +
"communicate information, or help users accomplish a task.",
// No dialogs icon
tintIcon = true,
guidelinesUrl = "$ComponentGuidelinesUrl/dialogs",
docsUrl = "$PackageSummaryUrl#alertdialog",
sourceUrl = "$Material3SourceUrl/AlertDialog.kt",
examples = DialogExamples
private val ExtendedFloatingActionButton = Component(
id = nextId(),
name = "Extended FAB",
description = "Extended FABs help people take primary actions. They're wider than FABs to " +
"accommodate a text label and larger target area.",
// No extended FAB icon
tintIcon = true,
guidelinesUrl = "$ComponentGuidelinesUrl/extended-fab",
docsUrl = "$PackageSummaryUrl#extendedfloatingactionbutton",
sourceUrl = "$Material3SourceUrl/FloatingActionButton.kt",
examples = ExtendedFABExamples,
private val FloatingActionButtons = Component(
id = nextId(),
name = "Floating action buttons",
description = "The FAB represents the most important action on a screen. It puts key actions " +
"within reach.",
// No FABs icon
tintIcon = true,
guidelinesUrl = "$ComponentGuidelinesUrl/floating-action-button",
docsUrl = "$PackageSummaryUrl#floatingactionbutton",
sourceUrl = "$Material3SourceUrl/FloatingActionButton.kt",
examples = FloatingActionButtonsExamples,
private val NavigationBar = Component(
id = nextId(),
name = "Navigation bar",
description = "Navigation bars offer a persistent and convenient way to switch between " +
"primary destinations in an app.",
// No navigation bar icon
tintIcon = true,
guidelinesUrl = "$ComponentGuidelinesUrl/navigation-bar",
docsUrl = "$PackageSummaryUrl#navigationbar",
sourceUrl = "$Material3SourceUrl/NavigationBar.kt",
examples = NavigationBarExamples
private val NavigationDrawer = Component(
id = nextId(),
name = "Navigation drawer",
description = "Navigation drawers provide ergonomic access to destinations in an app.",
// No navigation drawer icon
tintIcon = true,
guidelinesUrl = "$ComponentGuidelinesUrl/navigation-drawer",
docsUrl = "$PackageSummaryUrl#navigationdrawer",
sourceUrl = "$Material3SourceUrl/NavigationDrawer.kt",
examples = NavigationDrawerExamples
private val NavigationRail = Component(
id = nextId(),
name = "Navigation rail",
description = "Navigation rails provide access to primary destinations in apps when using " +
"tablet and desktop screens.",
// No navigation rail icon
tintIcon = true,
guidelinesUrl = "$ComponentGuidelinesUrl/navigation-rail",
docsUrl = "$PackageSummaryUrl#navigationrail",
sourceUrl = "$Material3SourceUrl/NavigationRail.kt",
examples = NavigationRailExamples
private val ProgressIndicators = Component(
id = nextId(),
name = "Progress indicators",
description = "Progress indicators express an unspecified wait time or display the length of " +
"a process.",
// No progress indicator icon
tintIcon = true,
guidelinesUrl = "$ComponentGuidelinesUrl/progress-indicators",
docsUrl = "$DocsUrl#circularprogressindicator",
sourceUrl = "$Material3SourceUrl/ProgressIndicator.kt",
examples = ProgressIndicatorsExamples
private val RadioButtons = Component(
id = nextId(),
name = "Radio buttons",
description = "Radio buttons allow the user to select one option from a set.",
// No radio-button icon
tintIcon = true,
guidelinesUrl = "$ComponentGuidelinesUrl/radio-buttons",
docsUrl = "$DocsUrl#radiobutton",
sourceUrl = "$Material3SourceUrl/RadioButton.kt",
examples = RadioButtonsExamples
private val Snackbars = Component(
id = nextId(),
name = "Snackbars",
description = "Snackbars provide brief messages about app processes at the bottom of the " +
// No snackbar icon
tintIcon = true,
guidelinesUrl = "$ComponentGuidelinesUrl/snackbars",
docsUrl = "$DocsUrl#snackbar",
sourceUrl = "$Material3SourceUrl/Snackbar.kt",
examples = SnackbarsExamples
private val TopAppBar = Component(
id = nextId(),
name = "Top app bar",
description = "Top app bars display information and actions at the top of a screen.",
// No top app bar icon
tintIcon = true,
guidelinesUrl = "$ComponentGuidelinesUrl/top-app-bar",
docsUrl = "$PackageSummaryUrl#smalltopappbar",
sourceUrl = "$Material3SourceUrl/AppBar.kt",
examples = TopAppBarExamples
/** Components for the catalog, ordered alphabetically by name. */
val Components = listOf(