blob: 60061cef5625a237e5141e3b52c921079c26f203 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.min
import kotlin.math.sqrt
* The RoundedPolygon class allows simple construction of polygonal shapes with optional rounding
* at the vertices. Polygons can be constructed with either the number of vertices
* desired or an ordered list of vertices.
class RoundedPolygon {
* A RoundedPolygon is essentially a CubicShape, which handles all of the functionality around
* cubic Beziers that are used to create and render the geometry. But subclassing from
* CubicShape causes a bit of naming confusion, since an actual polygon, in geometry,
* is a shape with straight edges and hard corners, whereas CubicShape obviously allows for
* more general, curved shapes. Therefore, we delegate to CubicShape as an internal
* implementation detail, and RoundedPolygon has no superclass.
private val cubicShape = CubicShape()
* Features are the corners (rounded or not) and edges of a polygon. Retaining the list of
* per-vertex corner (and the edges between them) allows manipulation of a RoundedPolygon with
* more context for the structure of that polygon, rather than just the list of cubic beziers
* which are calculated for rendering purposes.
internal lateinit var features: List<Feature>
private set
// TODO center point should not be mutable
* The center of this polygon. The center is determined at construction time, either calculated
* to be an average of all of the vertices of the polygon, or passed in as a parameter. This
* center may be used in later operations, to help determine (for example) the relative
* placement of points along the perimeter of the polygon.
var center: PointF
private set
* The bounds of a shape are a simple min/max bounding box of the points in all of
* the [Cubic] objects. Note that this is not the same as the bounds of the resulting
* shape, but is a reasonable (and cheap) way to estimate the bounds. These bounds
* can be used to, for example, determine the size to scale the object when drawing it.
var bounds: RectF by cubicShape::bounds
* Constructs a RoundedPolygon object from a given list of vertices, with optional
* corner-rounding parameters for all corners or per-corner.
* @param vertices The list of vertices in this polygon. This should be an ordered list
* (with the outline of the shape going from each vertex to the next in order of this
* list), otherwise the results will be undefined.
* @param center An optionally declared center of the polygon. If null or not supplied, this
* will be calculated based on the supplied vertices.
constructor(vertices: List<PointF>, center: PointF? = null) :
this(vertices, rounding = CornerRounding.Unrounded, perVertexRounding = null, center)
* This constructor takes the number of vertices in the resulting polygon. These vertices are
* positioned on a virtual circle around a given center with each vertex positioned [radius]
* distance from that center, equally spaced (with equal angles between them).
* @param numVertices The number of vertices in this polygon.
* @param radius The radius of the polygon, in pixels. This radius determines the
* initial size of the object, which can be resized later by setting
* a [transform matrix][transform].
* @param center The center of the polygon, around which all vertices will be placed. The
* default center is at (0,0).
constructor(numVertices: Int, radius: Float = 1f, center: PointF = PointF(0f, 0f)) :
this(numVertices, radius = radius, center = center, rounding = CornerRounding.Unrounded)
* Constructs a RoundedPolygon object from a given list of vertices, with optional
* corner-rounding parameters for all corners or per-corner.
* A RoundedPolygon without any rounding parameters is equivalent to a [RoundedPolygon] constructed
* with the same [vertices] and [center].
* @param vertices The list of vertices in this polygon. This should be an ordered list
* (with the outline of the shape going from each vertex to the next in order of this
* list), otherwise the results will be undefined.
* @param rounding The [CornerRounding] properties of every vertex. If some vertices should
* have different rounding properties, then use [perVertexRounding] instead. The default
* rounding value is [CornerRounding.Unrounded], meaning that the polygon will use the vertices
* themselves in the final shape and not curves rounded around the vertices.
* @param perVertexRounding The [CornerRounding] properties of every vertex. If this
* parameter is not null, then it must have the same size as [vertices]. If this parameter
* is null, then the polygon will use the [rounding] parameter for every vertex instead. The
* default value is null.
* @param center An optionally declared center of the polygon. If null or not supplied, this
* will be calculated based on the supplied vertices.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If [perVertexRounding] is not null, it must be
* the same size as the [vertices] list.
vertices: List<PointF>,
rounding: CornerRounding = CornerRounding.Unrounded,
perVertexRounding: List<CornerRounding>? = null,
center: PointF? = null
) { = center?.copy() ?: calculateCenter(vertices)
setupPolygon(vertices, rounding, perVertexRounding)
* This constructor takes the number of vertices in the resulting polygon. These vertices are
* positioned on a virtual circle around a given center with each vertex positioned [radius]
* distance from that center, equally spaced (with equal angles between them).
* The [rounding] and [perVertexRounding] parameters are optional. If not supplied, the result
* will be a regular polygon with straight edges and unrounded corners.
* @param numVertices The number of vertices in this polygon.
* @param radius The radius of the polygon, in pixels. This radius determines the
* initial size of the object, but it can be transformed later by setting
* a matrix on it.
* @param center The center of the polygon, around which all vertices will be placed. The
* default center is at (0,0).
* @param rounding The [CornerRounding] properties of every vertex. If some vertices should
* have different rounding properties, then use [perVertexRounding] instead. The default
* rounding value is [CornerRounding.Unrounded], meaning that the polygon will use the vertices
* themselves in the final shape and not curves rounded around the vertices.
* @param perVertexRounding The [CornerRounding] properties of every vertex. If this
* parameter is not null, then it must have [numVertices] elements. If this parameter
* is null, then the polygon will use the [rounding] parameter for every vertex instead. The
* default value is null.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException If [perVertexRounding] is not null, it must have
* [numVertices] elements.
numVertices: Int,
radius: Float = 1f,
center: PointF = PointF(0f, 0f),
rounding: CornerRounding = CornerRounding.Unrounded,
perVertexRounding: List<CornerRounding>? = null
) : this(
vertices = (0 until numVertices).map {
radialToCartesian(radius, (FloatPi / numVertices * 2 * it)) + center
rounding = rounding, perVertexRounding = perVertexRounding, center = center)
constructor(source: RoundedPolygon) {
val newCubics = mutableListOf<Cubic>()
for (cubic in source.cubicShape.cubics) {
val tempFeatures = mutableListOf<Feature>()
for (feature in source.features) {
if (feature is Edge) {
} else {
tempFeatures.add(Corner(feature as Corner))
features = tempFeatures
center = PointF(,
* This function takes the vertices (either supplied or calculated, depending on the
* constructor called), plus [CornerRounding] parameters, and creates the actual
* [RoundedPolygon] shape, rounding around the vertices (or not) as specified. The result
* is a list of [Cubic] curves which represent the geometry of the final shape.
* @param vertices The list of vertices in this polygon. This should be an ordered list
* (with the outline of the shape going from each vertex to the next in order of this
* list), otherwise the results will be undefined.
* @param rounding The [CornerRounding] properties of every vertex. If some vertices should
* have different rounding properties, then use [perVertexRounding] instead. The default
* rounding value is [CornerRounding.Unrounded], meaning that the polygon will use the vertices
* themselves in the final shape and not curves rounded around the vertices.
* @param perVertexRounding The [CornerRounding] properties of every vertex. If this
* parameter is not null, then it must have the same size as [vertices]. If this parameter
* is null, then the polygon will use the [rounding] parameter for every vertex instead. The
* default value is null.
private fun setupPolygon(
vertices: List<PointF>,
rounding: CornerRounding = CornerRounding.Unrounded,
perVertexRounding: List<CornerRounding>? = null
) {
if (perVertexRounding != null && perVertexRounding.size != vertices.size) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("perVertexRounding list should be either null or " +
"the same size as the vertices list")
val cubics = mutableListOf<Cubic>()
val corners = mutableListOf<List<Cubic>>()
val n = vertices.size
val roundedCorners = mutableListOf<RoundedCorner>()
for (i in 0 until n) {
val vtxRounding = perVertexRounding?.get(i) ?: rounding
vertices[(i + n - 1) % n],
vertices[(i + 1) % n],
val cutAdjusts = (0 until n).map { ix ->
// TODO: check expectedRoundCut first, and ensure we fulfill rounding needs first for
// both corners before using space for smoothing
val expectedCut = roundedCorners[ix].expectedCut +
roundedCorners[(ix + 1) % n].expectedCut
val sideSize = (vertices[ix] - vertices[(ix + 1) % n]).getDistance()
if (expectedCut > sideSize) {
sideSize / expectedCut
} else {
// Create and store list of beziers for each [potentially] rounded corner
for (i in 0 until n) {
allowedCut0 = roundedCorners[i].expectedCut * cutAdjusts[(i + n - 1) % n],
allowedCut1 = roundedCorners[i].expectedCut * cutAdjusts[i]
// Finally, store the calculated cubics. This includes all of the rounded corners
// from above, along with new cubics representing the edges between those corners.
val tempFeatures = mutableListOf<Feature>()
for (i in 0 until n) {
val cornerIndices = mutableListOf<Int>()
for (cubic in corners[i]) {
// Determine whether corner at this vertex is concave or convex, based on the
// relationship of the prev->curr/curr->next vectors
val prevVertex = vertices[(i + vertices.size - 1) % vertices.size]
val nextVertex = vertices[(i + 1) % vertices.size]
val convex = (vertices[i] - prevVertex).clockwise(nextVertex - vertices[i])
tempFeatures.add(Corner(cornerIndices, roundedCorners[i].center, vertices[i],
cubics.add(Cubic.straightLine(corners[i].last().p3, corners[(i + 1) % n].first().p0))
features = tempFeatures
// Transforms as usual, plus the polygon's center
fun transform(matrix: Matrix) {
val point = scratchTransformPoint
point[0] = center.x
point[1] = center.y
center.x = point[0]
center.y = point[1]
for (feature in features) {
* Internally, the Polygon is stored as a [CubicShape] object. This function returns a copy
* of that object.
fun toCubicShape(): CubicShape {
return CubicShape(cubicShape)
* A Polygon is rendered as a [Path]. A copy of the underlying [Path] object can be
* retrieved for use outside of this class. Note that this function returns a copy of
* the internal [Path] to maintain immutability, thus there is some overhead in retrieving
* and using the path with this function.
fun toPath(): Path {
return cubicShape.toPath()
internal fun draw(canvas: Canvas, paint: Paint) {
cubicShape.draw(canvas, paint)
* Calculates an estimated center position for the polygon, storing it in the [center] property.
* This function should only be called if the center is not already calculated or provided.
* The Polygon constructor which takes `numVertices` calculates its own center, since it
* knows exactly where it starts out (0, 0).
* Note that this center will be transformed whenever the shape itself is transformed.
* Any transforms that occur before the center is calculated will be taken into account
* automatically since the center calculation is an average of the current location of
* all cubic anchor points.
private fun calculateCenter(vertices: List<PointF>): PointF {
var cumulativeX = 0f
var cumulativeY = 0f
for (vertex in vertices) {
// Only care about anchor points, and since all cubics share one of their anchors,
// only need one anchor per cubic
cumulativeX += vertex.x
cumulativeY += vertex.y
return PointF(cumulativeX / vertices.size, cumulativeY / vertices.size)
* This class holds information about a corner (rounded or not) or an edge of a given
* polygon. The features of a Polygon can be used to manipulate the shape with more context
* of what the shape actually is, rather than simply manipulating the raw curves and lines
* which describe it.
internal open inner class Feature(protected val cubicIndices: List<Int>) {
val cubics: List<Cubic>
get() = { toCubicShape().cubics[it] }
open fun transform(matrix: Matrix) {}
* Edges have only a list of the cubic curves which make up the edge. Edges lie between
* corners and have no vertex or concavity; the curves are simply straight lines (represented
* by Cubic curves).
internal inner class Edge(indices: List<Int>) : Feature(indices) {
constructor(source: Edge) : this(source.cubicIndices)
* Corners contain the list of cubic curves which describe how the corner is rounded (or
* not), plus the vertex at the corner (which the cubics may or may not pass through, depending
* on whether the corner is rounded) and a flag indicating whether the corner is convex.
* A regular polygon has all convex corners, while a star polygon generally (but not
* necessarily) has both convex (outer) and concave (inner) corners.
internal inner class Corner(
cubicIndices: List<Int>,
// TODO: parameters here should be immutable
val vertex: PointF,
val roundedCenter: PointF,
val convex: Boolean = true
) : Feature(cubicIndices) {
constructor(source: Corner) : this(
override fun transform(matrix: Matrix) {
val tempPoints = floatArrayOf(vertex.x, vertex.y, roundedCenter.x, roundedCenter.y)
vertex.set(tempPoints[0], tempPoints[1])
roundedCenter.set(tempPoints[2], tempPoints[3])
override fun toString(): String {
return "Corner: vtx, center, convex = $vertex, $roundedCenter, $convex"
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other !is RoundedPolygon) return false
if (!cubicShape.equals(other.cubicShape)) return false
return true
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return cubicShape.hashCode()
* Private utility class that holds the information about each corner in a polygon. The shape
* of the corner can be returned by calling the [getCubics] function, which will return a list
* of curves representing the corner geometry. The shape of the corner depends on the [rounding]
* constructor parameter.
* If rounding is null, there is no rounding; the corner will simply be a single point at [p1].
* This point will be represented by a [Cubic] of length 0 at that point.
* If rounding is not null, the corner will be rounded either with a curve approximating a circular
* arc of the radius specified in [rounding], or with three curves if [rounding] has a nonzero
* smoothing parameter. These three curves are a circular arc in the middle and two symmetrical
* flanking curves on either side. The smoothing parameter determines the curvature of the
* flanking curves.
* This is a class because we usually need to do the work in 2 steps, and prefer to keep state
* between: first we determine how much we want to cut to comply with the parameters, then we are
* given how much we can actually cut (because of space restrictions outside this corner)
* @param p0 the vertex before the one being rounded
* @param p1 the vertex of this rounded corner
* @param p2 the vertex after the one being rounded
* @param rounding the optional parameters specifying how this corner should be rounded
private class RoundedCorner(
val p0: PointF,
val p1: PointF,
val p2: PointF,
val rounding: CornerRounding? = null
) {
val d1 = (p0 - p1).getDirection()
val d2 = (p2 - p1).getDirection()
val cornerRadius = rounding?.radius ?: 0f
val smoothing = rounding?.smoothing ?: 0f
// cosine of angle at p1 is dot product of unit vectors to the other two vertices
val cosAngle = d1.dotProduct(d2)
// identity: sin^2 + cos^2 = 1
// sinAngle gives us the intersection
val sinAngle = sqrt(1 - square(cosAngle))
// How much we need to cut, as measured on a side, to get the required radius
// calculating where the rounding circle hits the edge
// This uses the identity of tan(A/2) = sinA/(1 + cosA), where tan(A/2) = radius/cut
val expectedRoundCut =
if (sinAngle > 1e-3) { cornerRadius * (cosAngle + 1) / sinAngle } else { 0f }
// smoothing changes the actual cut. 0 is same as expectedRoundCut, 1 doubles it
val expectedCut: Float
get() = ((1 + smoothing) * expectedRoundCut) // TODO: coerceAtMost(maxCut)?
// the center of the circle approximated by the rounding curve (or the middle of the three
// curves if smoothing is requested). The center is the same as p0 if there is no rounding.
lateinit var center: PointF
fun getCubics(allowedCut0: Float, allowedCut1: Float = allowedCut0):
List<Cubic> {
// We use the minimum of both cuts to determine the radius, but if there is more space
// in one side we can use it for smoothing.
val allowedCut = min(allowedCut0, allowedCut1)
// Nothing to do, just use lines, or a point
if (expectedRoundCut < DistanceEpsilon ||
allowedCut < DistanceEpsilon ||
cornerRadius < DistanceEpsilon
) {
center = p1
return listOf(Cubic.straightLine(p1, p1))
// How much of the cut is required for the rounding part.
val actualRoundCut = min(allowedCut, expectedRoundCut)
// We have two smoothing values, one for each side of the vertex
// Space is used for rounding values first. If there is space left over, then we
// apply smoothing, if it was requested
val actualSmoothing0 = calculateActualSmoothingValue(allowedCut0)
val actualSmoothing1 = calculateActualSmoothingValue(allowedCut1)
// Scale the radius if needed
val actualR = cornerRadius * actualRoundCut / expectedRoundCut
// Distance from the corner (p1) to the center
val centerDistance = sqrt(square(actualR) + square(actualRoundCut))
// Center of the arc we will use for rounding
center = p1 + ((d1 + d2) / 2f).getDirection() * centerDistance
val circleIntersection0 = p1 + d1 * actualRoundCut
val circleIntersection2 = p1 + d2 * actualRoundCut
val flanking0 = computeFlankingCurve(actualRoundCut, actualSmoothing0, p1, p0,
circleIntersection0, circleIntersection2, center, actualR)
val flanking2 = computeFlankingCurve(actualRoundCut, actualSmoothing1, p1, p2,
circleIntersection2, circleIntersection0, center, actualR).reverse()
val roundingCurves = listOf(
Cubic.circularArc(center, flanking0.p3, flanking2.p0),
return roundingCurves
* If allowedCut (the amount we are able to cut) is greater than the expected cut
* (without smoothing applied yet), then there is room to apply smoothing and we
* calculate the actual smoothing value here.
private fun calculateActualSmoothingValue(allowedCut: Float): Float {
return if (allowedCut > expectedCut) {
} else if (allowedCut > expectedRoundCut) {
smoothing * (allowedCut - expectedRoundCut) / (expectedCut - expectedRoundCut)
} else {
* Compute a Bezier to connect the linear segment defined by corner and sideStart
* with the circular segment defined by circleCenter, circleSegmentIntersection,
* otherCircleSegmentIntersection and actualR.
* The bezier will start at the linear segment and end on the circular segment.
* @param actualRoundCut How much we are cutting of the corner to add the circular segment
* (this is before smoothing, that will cut some more).
* @param actualSmoothingValues How much we want to smooth (this is the smooth parameter,
* adjusted down if there is not enough room).
* @param corner The point at which the linear side ends
* @param sideStart The point at which the linear side starts
* @param circleSegmentIntersection The point at which the linear side and the circle intersect.
* @param otherCircleSegmentIntersection The point at which the opposing linear side and the
* circle intersect.
* @param circleCenter The center of the circle.
* @param actualR The radius of the circle.
* @return a Bezier cubic curve that connects from the (cut) linear side and the (cut) circular
* segment in a smooth way.
private fun computeFlankingCurve(
actualRoundCut: Float,
actualSmoothingValues: Float,
corner: PointF,
sideStart: PointF,
circleSegmentIntersection: PointF,
otherCircleSegmentIntersection: PointF,
circleCenter: PointF,
actualR: Float
): Cubic {
// sideStart is the anchor, 'anchor' is actual control point
val sideDirection = (sideStart - corner).getDirection()
val curveStart = corner + sideDirection * actualRoundCut * (1 + actualSmoothingValues)
// We use an approximation to cut a part of the circle section proportional to 1 - smooth,
// When smooth = 0, we take the full section, when smooth = 1, we take nothing.
// TODO: revisit this, it can be problematic as it approaches 19- degrees
val p = interpolate(circleSegmentIntersection,
(circleSegmentIntersection + otherCircleSegmentIntersection) / 2f,
// The flanking curve ends on the circle
val curveEnd = circleCenter + (p - circleCenter).getDirection() * actualR
// The anchor on the circle segment side is in the intersection between the tangent to the
// circle in the circle/flanking curve boundary and the linear segment.
val circleTangent = (curveEnd - circleCenter).rotate90()
val anchorEnd = lineIntersection(sideStart, sideDirection, curveEnd, circleTangent)
?: circleSegmentIntersection
// From what remains, we pick a point for the start anchor.
// 2/3 seems to come from design tools?
val anchorStart = (curveStart + anchorEnd * 2f) / 3f
return Cubic(curveStart, anchorStart, anchorEnd, curveEnd)
* Returns the intersection point of the two lines d0->d1 and p0->p1, or null if the
* lines do not intersect
private fun lineIntersection(p0: PointF, d0: PointF, p1: PointF, d1: PointF): PointF? {
val rotatedD1 = d1.rotate90()
val den = d0.dotProduct(rotatedD1)
if (abs(den) < AngleEpsilon) return null
val k = (p1 - p0).dotProduct(rotatedD1) / den
return p0 + d0 * k
* Extension function which draws the given [RoundedPolygon] object into this [Canvas]. Rendering
* occurs by drawing the underlying path for the object; callers can optionally retrieve the
* path and draw it directly via [RoundedPolygon.toPath] (though that function copies the underlying
* path. This extension function avoids that overhead when rendering).
* @param polygon The object to be drawn
* @param paint The attributes
fun Canvas.drawPolygon(polygon: RoundedPolygon, paint: Paint) {
polygon.draw(this, paint)
private val scratchTransformPoint = floatArrayOf(0f, 0f)
private val LOG_TAG = "Polygon"