blob: e2b57a2da7c37fb2e47336ec5d41c638d64b371b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import androidx.compose.runtime.collection.mutableVectorOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue
import androidx.compose.ui.text.TextRange
import androidx.compose.ui.text.buildAnnotatedString
import androidx.compose.ui.text.input.TextFieldValue
import androidx.compose.ui.text.input.TextInputService
import androidx.compose.ui.util.fastForEach
* Helper class to apply [EditCommand]s on an internal buffer. Used by TextField Composable
* to combine TextFieldValue lifecycle with the editing operations.
* When a [TextFieldValue] is suggested by the developer, [reset] should be called.
* When [TextInputService] provides [EditCommand]s, they should be applied to the internal
* buffer using [apply].
internal class EditProcessor(
initialValue: TextFieldCharSequence = TextFieldCharSequence("", TextRange.Zero),
) {
* The current state of the internal editing buffer as a [TextFieldCharSequence] backed by
* snapshot state, so its readers can get updates in composition context.
var value: TextFieldCharSequence by mutableStateOf(initialValue)
private set
// The editing buffer used for applying editor commands from IME.
internal var mBuffer: EditingBuffer = EditingBuffer(
text = initialValue.toString(),
selection = initialValue.selectionInChars
private set
private val resetListeners = mutableVectorOf<ResetListener>()
* Must be called whenever TextFieldValue needs to change directly, not using EditCommands.
* This method updates the internal editing buffer with the given TextFieldValue.
* This method may tell the IME about the selection offset changes or extracted text changes.
* Retro(halilibo); this function seems straightforward but it actually does something very
* specific for the previous state hoisting design of TextField. In each recomposition, this
* function was supposed to be called from BasicTextField with the new value. However, this new
* value wouldn't be new to the internal buffer since the changes coming from IME were already
* applied in the previous composition and sent through onValueChange to the hoisted state.
* Therefore, this function has to care for two scenarios. 1) Developer doesn't interfere with
* the value and the editing buffer doesn't have to change because previous composition value
* is sent back. 2) Developer interferes and the new value is different than the current buffer
* state. The difference could be text, selection, or composition.
* In short, `reset` function used to compare newly arrived value in this composition with the
* internal buffer for any differences. This won't be necessary anymore since the internal state
* is going to be the only source of truth for the new BasicTextField. However, `reset` would
* gain a new responsibility in the cases where developer filters the input or adds a template.
* This would again introduce a need for sync between internal buffer and the state value.
fun reset(newValue: TextFieldCharSequence) {
val bufferState = TextFieldCharSequence(
var textChanged = false
var selectionChanged = false
val compositionChanged = newValue.compositionInChars != mBuffer.composition
if (!bufferState.contentEquals(newValue)) {
// reset the buffer in its entirety
mBuffer = EditingBuffer(
text = newValue.toString(),
selection = newValue.selectionInChars
textChanged = true
} else if (bufferState.selectionInChars != newValue.selectionInChars) {
mBuffer.setSelection(newValue.selectionInChars.min, newValue.selectionInChars.max)
selectionChanged = true
val composition = newValue.compositionInChars
if (composition == null || composition.collapsed) {
} else {
mBuffer.setComposition(composition.min, composition.max)
// TODO(halilibo): This could be unnecessary when we figure out how to correctly
// communicate composing region changes back to IME.
if (textChanged || (!selectionChanged && compositionChanged)) {
val finalValue = TextFieldCharSequence(
if (textChanged) newValue else bufferState,
resetListeners.forEach { it.onReset(bufferState, finalValue) }
value = finalValue
* Applies a set of [editCommands] to the internal text editing buffer.
* After applying the changes, returns the final state of the editing buffer as a
* [TextFieldValue]
* @param editCommands [EditCommand]s to be applied to the editing buffer.
* @return the [TextFieldValue] representation of the final buffer state.
fun update(editCommands: List<EditCommand>, filter: TextEditFilter?) {
var lastCommand: EditCommand? = null
try {
editCommands.fastForEach {
lastCommand = it
} catch (e: Exception) {
throw RuntimeException(generateBatchErrorMessage(editCommands, lastCommand), e)
val proposedValue = TextFieldCharSequence(
text = mBuffer.toString(),
selection = mBuffer.selection,
composition = mBuffer.composition
val filter = filter
if (filter == null) {
value = proposedValue
} else {
val oldValue = value
val mutableValue = TextFieldBufferWithSelection(
value = proposedValue,
sourceValue = oldValue,
initialChanges = mBuffer.changeTracker
filter.filter(originalValue = oldValue, valueWithChanges = mutableValue)
// If neither the text nor the selection changed, we want to preserve the composition.
// Otherwise, the IME will reset it anyway.
val newValue = mutableValue.toTextFieldCharSequence(proposedValue.compositionInChars)
if (newValue == proposedValue) {
value = newValue
} else {
private fun generateBatchErrorMessage(
editCommands: List<EditCommand>,
failedCommand: EditCommand?,
): String = buildString {
"Error while applying EditCommand batch to buffer (" +
"length=${mBuffer.length}, " +
"composition=${mBuffer.composition}, " +
editCommands.joinTo(this, separator = "\n") {
val prefix = if (failedCommand === it) " > " else " "
prefix + it.toStringForLog()
internal fun addResetListener(resetListener: ResetListener) {
internal fun removeResetListener(resetListener: ResetListener) {
* A listener that can be attached to an EditProcessor to listen for reset events. State in
* EditProcessor can change through filters or direct access. Unlike IME events (EditCommands),
* these direct changes should be immediately passed onto IME to keep editor state and IME in
* sync. Moreover, some changes can even require an input session restart to reset the state
* in IME.
internal fun interface ResetListener {
fun onReset(oldValue: TextFieldCharSequence, newValue: TextFieldCharSequence)
* Generate a description of the command that is suitable for logging – this should not include
* any user-entered text, which may be sensitive.
internal fun EditCommand.toStringForLog(): String = when (this) {
is CommitTextCommand ->
"CommitTextCommand(text.length=${text.length}, newCursorPosition=$newCursorPosition)"
is SetComposingTextCommand ->
"SetComposingTextCommand(text.length=${text.length}, " +
is SetComposingRegionCommand -> toString()
is DeleteSurroundingTextCommand -> toString()
is DeleteSurroundingTextInCodePointsCommand -> toString()
is SetSelectionCommand -> toString()
is FinishComposingTextCommand -> toString()
is BackspaceCommand -> toString()
is MoveCursorCommand -> toString()
is DeleteAllCommand -> toString()
private val EmptyAnnotatedString = buildAnnotatedString { }