blob: 54c30a78bba2605e6f61288a33e8ffbdfe743e58 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import androidx.compose.runtime.derivedStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshotFlow
import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.Snapshot
import androidx.compose.runtime.structuralEqualityPolicy
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Rect
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.isSpecified
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.isUnspecified
import androidx.compose.ui.hapticfeedback.HapticFeedback
import androidx.compose.ui.hapticfeedback.HapticFeedbackType
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.PointerEventPass
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.PointerInputScope
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.LayoutCoordinates
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.ClipboardManager
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.TextToolbar
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.TextToolbarStatus
import androidx.compose.ui.text.AnnotatedString
import androidx.compose.ui.text.TextRange
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Density
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.LayoutDirection
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineStart
import kotlinx.coroutines.coroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.distinctUntilChanged
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.drop
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
internal class TextFieldSelectionState(
private val textFieldState: TransformedTextFieldState,
private val textLayoutState: TextLayoutState,
private var density: Density,
private var enabled: Boolean,
private var readOnly: Boolean,
var isFocused: Boolean, /* true iff component is focused and the window is focused */
) {
* [HapticFeedback] handle to perform haptic feedback.
private var hapticFeedBack: HapticFeedback? = null
* [TextToolbar] to show floating toolbar(post-M) or primary toolbar(pre-M).
private var textToolbar: TextToolbar? = null
* [ClipboardManager] to perform clipboard features.
private var clipboardManager: ClipboardManager? = null
* Whether user is interacting with the UI in touch mode.
var isInTouchMode: Boolean by mutableStateOf(true)
private set
* The offset of visible bounds when dragging is started by a cursor or a selection handle.
* Total drag value needs to account for any auto scrolling that happens during dragging of a
* handle.
* This value is an anchor to calculate how much the visible bounds have shifted as the
* dragging continues. If a cursor or a selection handle is not dragging, this value needs to be
* [Offset.Unspecified]. This includes long press and drag gesture defined on TextField.
private var startContentVisibleOffset by mutableStateOf(Offset.Unspecified)
* Calculates the offset of currently visible bounds.
private val currentContentVisibleOffset: Offset
get() = textLayoutCoordinates
?.topLeft ?: Offset.Unspecified
* Current drag position of a handle for magnifier to read. Only one handle can be dragged
* at one time. This uses raw position as in only gesture start position and delta are used to
* calculate it. If auto-scroll happens due to selection changes while the gesture is active,
* it is not reflected on this value. See [handleDragPosition] for such a behavior.
* This value can reflect the drag position of either a real handle like cursor or selection or
* an acting handle when long press dragging happens directly on the text field. However, these
* two systems (real and acting handles) use different coordinate systems. When real handles
* set this value, they send inner text field coordinates. On the other hand, long press and
* drag gesture defined on text field would send coordinates in the decoration coordinates.
private var rawHandleDragPosition by mutableStateOf(Offset.Unspecified)
* Defines where the handle exactly is in text layout node coordinates. This is mainly used by
* Magnifier to anchor itself. Also, it provides an updated total drag value to cursor and
* selection handles to continue scrolling as they are dragged outside the visible bounds.
* This value is primarily used by Magnifier and any handle dragging gesture detector. Since
* these calculations use inner text field coordinates, [handleDragPosition] is also always
* represented in the same coordinate system.
val handleDragPosition: Offset
get() = when {
// nothing is being dragged.
rawHandleDragPosition.isUnspecified -> {
// no real handle is being dragged, we need to offset the drag position by current
// inner-decorator relative positioning.
startContentVisibleOffset.isUnspecified -> {
// a cursor or a selection handle is being dragged, offset by comparing the current
// and starting visible offsets.
else -> {
rawHandleDragPosition + currentContentVisibleOffset - startContentVisibleOffset
* Which selection handle is currently being dragged.
var draggingHandle by mutableStateOf<Handle?>(null)
* Whether to show the cursor handle below cursor indicator when the TextField is focused.
private var showCursorHandle by mutableStateOf(false)
* Whether to show the TextToolbar according to current selection state. This is not the final
* decider for showing the toolbar. Please refer to [observeTextToolbarVisibility] docs.
private var textToolbarState by mutableStateOf(TextToolbarState.None)
* Access helper for text layout node coordinates that checks attached state.
private val textLayoutCoordinates: LayoutCoordinates?
get() = textLayoutState.textLayoutNodeCoordinates?.takeIf { it.isAttached }
* Whether the contents of this TextField can be changed by the user.
private val editable: Boolean
get() = enabled && !readOnly
* The most recent [SelectionLayout] that passed the [SelectionLayout.shouldRecomputeSelection]
* check. Provides context to the next selection update such as if the selection is shrinking
* or not.
private var previousSelectionLayout: SelectionLayout? = null
* The previous offset of a drag, before selection adjustments.
* Only update when a selection layout change has occurred,
* or set to -1 if a new drag begins.
private var previousRawDragOffset: Int = -1
* State of the cursor handle that includes its visibility and position.
val cursorHandle by derivedStateOf {
// For cursor handle to be visible, [showCursorHandle] must be true and the selection
// must be collapsed.
// Also, cursor handle should be in visible bounds of the TextField. However, if
// cursor is dragging and gets out of bounds, we cannot remove it from composition
// because that would stop the drag gesture defined on it. Instead, we allow the handle
// to be visible as long as it's being dragged.
// Visible bounds calculation lags one frame behind to let auto-scrolling settle.
val text = textFieldState.text
val visible = showCursorHandle &&
text.selectionInChars.collapsed &&
text.isNotEmpty() &&
(draggingHandle == Handle.Cursor || cursorHandleInBounds)
if (!visible) return@derivedStateOf TextFieldHandleState.Hidden
// text direction is useless for cursor handle, any value is fine.
visible = true,
position = cursorRect.bottomCenter,
direction = ResolvedTextDirection.Ltr,
handlesCrossed = false
* Whether currently cursor handle is in visible bounds. This derived state does not react to
* selection changes immediately because every selection change is processed in layout phase
* by auto-scroll behavior. Only after giving auto-scroll time to process the cursor movement,
* and possibly scroll the cursor back into view, we can say that whether cursor is in visible
* bounds or not. This is guaranteed to happen after scroll since new [textLayoutCoordinates]
* are reported after the layout phase end.
private val cursorHandleInBounds by derivedStateOf(policy = structuralEqualityPolicy()) {
val position = Snapshot.withoutReadObservation { cursorRect.bottomCenter }
?: false
* Where the cursor should be at any given time in core node coordinates.
* Returns [Rect.Zero] if text layout has not been calculated yet or the selection is not
* collapsed (no cursor to locate).
val cursorRect: Rect by derivedStateOf {
val layoutResult = textLayoutState.layoutResult ?: return@derivedStateOf Rect.Zero
val value = textFieldState.text
if (!value.selectionInChars.collapsed) return@derivedStateOf Rect.Zero
val cursorRect = layoutResult.getCursorRect(value.selectionInChars.start)
val cursorWidth = with(density) { DefaultCursorThickness.toPx() }
// left and right values in cursorRect should be the same but in any case use the
// logically correct anchor.
val cursorCenterX = if (layoutResult.layoutInput.layoutDirection == LayoutDirection.Ltr) {
(cursorRect.left + cursorWidth / 2)
} else {
(cursorRect.right - cursorWidth / 2)
// don't let cursor go beyond the bounds of text layout node or cursor will be clipped.
// but also make sure that empty Text Layout still draws a cursor.
val coercedCursorCenterX = cursorCenterX
// do not use coerceIn because it is not guaranteed that minimum value is smaller
// than the maximum value.
.coerceAtMost(layoutResult.size.width - cursorWidth / 2)
.coerceAtLeast(cursorWidth / 2)
left = coercedCursorCenterX - cursorWidth / 2,
right = coercedCursorCenterX + cursorWidth / 2,
top =,
bottom = cursorRect.bottom
val startSelectionHandle by derivedStateOf {
getSelectionHandleState(isStartHandle = true)
val endSelectionHandle by derivedStateOf {
getSelectionHandleState(isStartHandle = false)
fun update(
hapticFeedBack: HapticFeedback,
clipboardManager: ClipboardManager,
textToolbar: TextToolbar,
density: Density,
enabled: Boolean,
readOnly: Boolean,
) {
if (!enabled) {
this.hapticFeedBack = hapticFeedBack
this.clipboardManager = clipboardManager
this.textToolbar = textToolbar
this.density = density
this.enabled = enabled
this.readOnly = readOnly
* Implements the complete set of gestures supported by the cursor handle.
suspend fun PointerInputScope.cursorHandleGestures() {
coroutineScope {
launch(start = CoroutineStart.UNDISPATCHED) {
launch(start = CoroutineStart.UNDISPATCHED) {
launch(start = CoroutineStart.UNDISPATCHED) {
detectTapGestures(onTap = {
textToolbarState = if (textToolbarState == TextToolbarState.Cursor) {
} else {
* Implements the complete set of gestures supported by the TextField area.
suspend fun PointerInputScope.textFieldGestures(
requestFocus: () -> Unit,
showKeyboard: () -> Unit
) {
coroutineScope {
launch(start = CoroutineStart.UNDISPATCHED) {
launch(start = CoroutineStart.UNDISPATCHED) {
detectTextFieldTapGestures(requestFocus, showKeyboard)
launch(start = CoroutineStart.UNDISPATCHED) {
* Gesture detector for dragging the selection handles to change the selection in TextField.
suspend fun PointerInputScope.selectionHandleGestures(isStartHandle: Boolean) {
coroutineScope {
launch(start = CoroutineStart.UNDISPATCHED) {
launch(start = CoroutineStart.UNDISPATCHED) {
onDown = {
handle = if (isStartHandle) {
} else {
position = getAdjustedCoordinates(getHandlePosition(isStartHandle))
onUp = {
launch(start = CoroutineStart.UNDISPATCHED) {
* Starts observing changes in the current state for reactive rules. For example, the cursor
* handle or the selection handles should hide whenever the text content changes.
suspend fun observeChanges() {
try {
coroutineScope {
launch { observeTextChanges() }
launch { observeTextToolbarVisibility() }
} finally {
showCursorHandle = false
if (textToolbarState != TextToolbarState.None) {
fun updateTextToolbarState(textToolbarState: TextToolbarState) {
this.textToolbarState = textToolbarState
fun dispose() {
textToolbar = null
clipboardManager = null
hapticFeedBack = null
* Detects the current pointer type in this [PointerInputScope] to update the touch mode state.
* This helper gesture detector should be added to all TextField pointer input receivers such
* as TextFieldDecorator, cursor handle, and selection handles.
private suspend fun PointerInputScope.detectTouchMode() {
awaitPointerEventScope {
while (true) {
val event = awaitPointerEvent(PointerEventPass.Initial)
isInTouchMode = !event.isPrecisePointer
private suspend fun PointerInputScope.detectTextFieldTapGestures(
requestFocus: () -> Unit,
showKeyboard: () -> Unit
) {
onTap = { offset ->
logDebug { "onTapTextField" }
if (editable && isFocused) {
if (textFieldState.text.isNotEmpty()) {
showCursorHandle = true
// do not show any TextToolbar.
// find the cursor position
val cursorIndex = textLayoutState.getOffsetForPosition(offset)
// update the state
if (cursorIndex >= 0) {
onDoubleTap = { offset ->
logDebug { "onDoubleTapTextField" }
// onTap is already called at this point. Focus is requested.
showCursorHandle = false
// go into selection mode.
val index = textLayoutState.getOffsetForPosition(offset)
val newSelection = updateSelection(
// reset selection, otherwise a previous selection may be used
// as context for creating the next selection
textFieldCharSequence = TextFieldCharSequence(
startOffset = index,
endOffset = index,
isStartHandle = false,
adjustment = SelectionAdjustment.Word,
private suspend fun PointerInputScope.detectCursorHandleDragGestures() {
var cursorDragStart = Offset.Unspecified
var cursorDragDelta = Offset.Unspecified
fun onDragStop() {
// Only execute clear-up if drag was actually ongoing.
if (cursorDragStart.isSpecified) {
cursorDragStart = Offset.Unspecified
cursorDragDelta = Offset.Unspecified
// b/288931376: detectDragGestures do not call onDragCancel when composable is disposed.
try {
onDragStart = {
// mark start drag point
cursorDragStart = getAdjustedCoordinates(cursorRect.bottomCenter)
cursorDragDelta = Offset.Zero
isInTouchMode = true
updateHandleDragging(Handle.Cursor, cursorDragStart)
onDragEnd = { onDragStop() },
onDragCancel = { onDragStop() },
onDrag = onDrag@{ change, dragAmount ->
cursorDragDelta += dragAmount
updateHandleDragging(Handle.Cursor, cursorDragStart + cursorDragDelta)
val layoutResult = textLayoutState.layoutResult ?: return@onDrag
val offset = layoutResult.getOffsetForPosition(handleDragPosition)
val newSelection = TextRange(offset)
// Nothing changed, skip onValueChange hand hapticFeedback.
if (newSelection == textFieldState.text.selectionInChars) return@onDrag
// TODO: only perform haptic feedback if filter does not override the change
} finally {
private suspend fun PointerInputScope.detectTextFieldLongPressAndAfterDrag(
requestFocus: () -> Unit
) {
var dragBeginOffsetInText = -1
var dragBeginPosition: Offset = Offset.Unspecified
var dragTotalDistance: Offset = Offset.Zero
var actingHandle: Handle = Handle.SelectionEnd // start with a placeholder.
fun onDragStop() {
// Only execute clear-up if drag was actually ongoing.
if (dragBeginPosition.isSpecified) {
dragBeginOffsetInText = -1
dragBeginPosition = Offset.Unspecified
dragTotalDistance = Offset.Zero
previousRawDragOffset = -1
// offsets received by this gesture detector are in decoration box coordinates
onDragStart = onDragStart@{ dragStartOffset ->
logDebug { "onDragStart after longPress $dragStartOffset" }
// this gesture detector is applied on the decoration box. We do not need to
// convert the gesture offset, that's going to be calculated by [handleDragPosition]
handle = actingHandle,
position = dragStartOffset
dragBeginPosition = dragStartOffset
dragTotalDistance = Offset.Zero
previousRawDragOffset = -1
// Long Press at the blank area, the cursor should show up at the end of the line.
if (!textLayoutState.isPositionOnText(dragStartOffset)) {
val offset = textLayoutState.getOffsetForPosition(dragStartOffset)
showCursorHandle = true
} else {
if (textFieldState.text.isEmpty()) return@onDragStart
val offset = textLayoutState.getOffsetForPosition(dragStartOffset)
val newSelection = updateSelection(
// reset selection, otherwise a previous selection may be used
// as context for creating the next selection
textFieldCharSequence = TextFieldCharSequence(
startOffset = offset,
endOffset = offset,
isStartHandle = false,
adjustment = SelectionAdjustment.CharacterWithWordAccelerate,
// For touch, set the begin offset to the adjusted selection.
// When char based selection is used, we want to ensure we snap the
// beginning offset to the start word boundary of the first selected word.
dragBeginOffsetInText = newSelection.start
onDragEnd = { onDragStop() },
onDragCancel = { onDragStop() },
onDrag = onDrag@{ _, dragAmount ->
// selection never started, did not consume any drag
if (textFieldState.text.isEmpty()) return@onDrag
dragTotalDistance += dragAmount
// "start position + total delta" is not enough to understand the current
// pointer position relative to text layout. We need to also account for any
// changes to visible offset that's caused by auto-scrolling while dragging.
val currentDragPosition = dragBeginPosition + dragTotalDistance
logDebug { "onDrag after longPress $currentDragPosition" }
val startOffset: Int
val endOffset: Int
val adjustment: SelectionAdjustment
if (
dragBeginOffsetInText < 0 && // drag started in end padding
!textLayoutState.isPositionOnText(currentDragPosition) // still in end padding
) {
startOffset = textLayoutState.getOffsetForPosition(dragBeginPosition)
endOffset = textLayoutState.getOffsetForPosition(currentDragPosition)
adjustment = if (startOffset == endOffset) {
// start and end is in the same end padding, keep the collapsed selection
} else {
} else {
startOffset = dragBeginOffsetInText.takeIf { it >= 0 }
?: textLayoutState.getOffsetForPosition(
position = dragBeginPosition,
coerceInVisibleBounds = false
endOffset = textLayoutState.getOffsetForPosition(
position = currentDragPosition,
coerceInVisibleBounds = false
if (dragBeginOffsetInText < 0 && startOffset == endOffset) {
// if we are selecting starting from end padding,
// don't start selection until we have and un-collapsed selection.
adjustment = SelectionAdjustment.Word
val prevSelection = textFieldState.text.selectionInChars
var newSelection = updateSelection(
textFieldCharSequence = textFieldState.text,
startOffset = startOffset,
endOffset = endOffset,
isStartHandle = false,
adjustment = adjustment,
allowPreviousSelectionCollapsed = false,
// Although we support reversed selection, reversing the selection after it's
// initiated via long press has a visual glitch that's hard to get rid of. When
// handles (start/end) switch places after the selection reverts, draw happens a
// bit late, making it obvious that selection handles switched places. We simply do
// not allow reversed selection during long press drag.
if (newSelection.reversed) {
newSelection = newSelection.reverse()
// When drag starts from the end padding, we eventually need to update the start
// point once a selection is initiated. Otherwise, startOffset is always calculated
// from dragBeginPosition which can refer to different positions on text if
// TextField starts scrolling.
if (dragBeginOffsetInText == -1 && !newSelection.collapsed) {
dragBeginOffsetInText = newSelection.start
// if the new selection is not equal to previous selection, consider updating the
// acting handle. Otherwise, acting handle should remain the same.
if (newSelection != prevSelection) {
// Find the growing direction of selection
// - Since we do not allow reverse selection,
// - selection.start == selection.min
// - selection.end == selection.max
// - If only start or end changes ([A, B] => [A, C]; [C, E] => [D, E])
// - acting handle is the changing handle.
// - If both change, find the middle point and see how it moves.
// - If middle point moves right, acting handle is SelectionEnd
// - Otherwise, acting handle is SelectionStart
actingHandle = when {
newSelection.start != prevSelection.start &&
newSelection.end == prevSelection.end -> Handle.SelectionStart
newSelection.start == prevSelection.start &&
newSelection.end != prevSelection.end -> Handle.SelectionEnd
else -> {
val newMiddle = (newSelection.start + newSelection.end) / 2f
val prevMiddle = (prevSelection.start + prevSelection.end) / 2f
if (newMiddle > prevMiddle) {
} else {
// Do not allow selection to collapse on itself while dragging. Selection can
// reverse but does not collapse.
if (prevSelection.collapsed || !newSelection.collapsed) {
handle = actingHandle,
position = currentDragPosition
private suspend fun PointerInputScope.detectSelectionHandleDragGestures(
isStartHandle: Boolean
) {
var dragBeginPosition: Offset = Offset.Unspecified
var dragTotalDistance: Offset = Offset.Zero
val handle = if (isStartHandle) Handle.SelectionStart else Handle.SelectionEnd
fun onDragStop() {
// Only execute clear-up if drag was actually ongoing.
if (dragBeginPosition.isSpecified) {
dragBeginPosition = Offset.Unspecified
dragTotalDistance = Offset.Zero
previousRawDragOffset = -1
// b/288931376: detectDragGestures do not call onDragCancel when composable is disposed.
try {
onDragStart = {
// The position of the character where the drag gesture should begin. This is in
// the composable coordinates.
dragBeginPosition = getAdjustedCoordinates(getHandlePosition(isStartHandle))
// no need to call markStartContentVisibleOffset, since it was called by the
// initial down event.
updateHandleDragging(handle, dragBeginPosition)
// Zero out the total distance that being dragged.
dragTotalDistance = Offset.Zero
previousRawDragOffset = -1
onDragEnd = { onDragStop() },
onDragCancel = { onDragStop() },
onDrag = onDrag@{ _, delta ->
dragTotalDistance += delta
val layoutResult = textLayoutState.layoutResult ?: return@onDrag
updateHandleDragging(handle, dragBeginPosition + dragTotalDistance)
val startOffset = if (isStartHandle) {
} else {
val endOffset = if (isStartHandle) {
} else {
val prevSelection = textFieldState.text.selectionInChars
val newSelection = updateSelection(
textFieldCharSequence = textFieldState.text,
startOffset = startOffset,
endOffset = endOffset,
isStartHandle = isStartHandle,
adjustment = SelectionAdjustment.CharacterWithWordAccelerate,
// Do not allow selection to collapse on itself while dragging selection
// handles. Selection can reverse but does not collapse.
if (prevSelection.collapsed || !newSelection.collapsed) {
} finally {
logDebug {
"Selection Handle drag cancelled for " +
"draggingHandle: $draggingHandle definedOn: $handle"
if (draggingHandle == handle) {
private suspend fun observeTextChanges() {
snapshotFlow { textFieldState.text }
// first value needs to be dropped because it cannot be compared to a prior value
.collect {
showCursorHandle = false
// hide the toolbar any time text content changes.
* Manages the visibility of text toolbar according to current state and received events from
* various sources.
* - Tapping the cursor handle toggles the visibility of the toolbar [TextToolbarState.Cursor].
* - Dragging the cursor handle or selection handles temporarily hides the toolbar
* [draggingHandle].
* - Tapping somewhere on the TextField, whether it causes a cursor position change or not,
* fully hides the toolbar [TextToolbarState.None].
* - When cursor or selection leaves the visible bounds, text toolbar is temporarily hidden.
* [getContentRect]
* - When selection is initiated via long press, double click, or semantics, text toolbar shows
* [TextToolbarState.Selection]
private suspend fun observeTextToolbarVisibility() {
snapshotFlow {
val isCollapsed = textFieldState.text.selectionInChars.collapsed
val textToolbarStateVisible =
isCollapsed && textToolbarState == TextToolbarState.Cursor ||
!isCollapsed && textToolbarState == TextToolbarState.Selection
val textToolbarVisible =
// toolbar is requested specifically for the current selection state
textToolbarStateVisible &&
draggingHandle == null && // not dragging any selection handles
isInTouchMode // toolbar hidden when not in touch mode
// final visibility decision is made by contentRect visibility.
// if contentRect is not in visible bounds, just pass Rect.Zero to the observer so that
// it hides the toolbar. If Rect is successfully passed to the observer, toolbar will
// be displayed.
if (!textToolbarVisible) {
} else {
// contentRect is calculated in root coordinates. VisibleBounds are in parent
// coordinates. Convert visibleBounds to root before checking the overlap.
val visibleBounds = textLayoutCoordinates?.visibleBounds()
if (visibleBounds != null) {
val visibleBoundsTopLeftInRoot =
val visibleBoundsInRoot =
Rect(visibleBoundsTopLeftInRoot!!, visibleBounds.size)
// contentRect can be very wide if a big part of text is selected. Our toolbar
// should be aligned only to visible region.
.takeIf { visibleBoundsInRoot.overlaps(it) }
?: Rect.Zero
} else {
}.collect { rect ->
if (rect == Rect.Zero) {
} else {
* Calculate selected region as [Rect]. The top is the top of the first selected
* line, and the bottom is the bottom of the last selected line. The left is the leftmost
* handle's horizontal coordinates, and the right is the rightmost handle's coordinates.
private fun getContentRect(): Rect {
val text = textFieldState.text
// accept cursor position as content rect when selection is collapsed
// contentRect is defined in text layout node coordinates, so it needs to be realigned to
// the root container.
if (text.selectionInChars.collapsed) {
val topLeft = textLayoutCoordinates?.localToRoot(cursorRect.topLeft) ?: Offset.Zero
return Rect(topLeft, cursorRect.size)
val startOffset =
textLayoutCoordinates?.localToRoot(getHandlePosition(true)) ?: Offset.Zero
val endOffset =
textLayoutCoordinates?.localToRoot(getHandlePosition(false)) ?: Offset.Zero
val startTop =
)?.top ?: 0f
)?.y ?: 0f
val endTop =
)?.top ?: 0f
)?.y ?: 0f
return Rect(
left = min(startOffset.x, endOffset.x),
right = max(startOffset.x, endOffset.x),
top = min(startTop, endTop),
bottom = max(startOffset.y, endOffset.y)
private fun getSelectionHandleState(isStartHandle: Boolean): TextFieldHandleState {
val handle = if (isStartHandle) Handle.SelectionStart else Handle.SelectionEnd
val layoutResult = textLayoutState.layoutResult ?: return TextFieldHandleState.Hidden
val selection = textFieldState.text.selectionInChars
if (selection.collapsed) return TextFieldHandleState.Hidden
val position = getHandlePosition(isStartHandle)
val visible = draggingHandle == handle ||
?: false)
if (!visible) return TextFieldHandleState.Hidden
val directionOffset = if (isStartHandle) selection.start else max(selection.end - 1, 0)
val direction = layoutResult.getBidiRunDirection(directionOffset)
val handlesCrossed = selection.reversed
// Handle normally is visible when it's out of bounds but when the handle is being dragged,
// we let it stay on the screen to maintain gesture continuation. However, we still want
// to coerce handle's position to visible bounds to not let it jitter while scrolling the
// TextField as the selection is expanding.
val coercedPosition = textLayoutCoordinates?.visibleBounds()?.let { position.coerceIn(it) }
?: position
return TextFieldHandleState(
visible = true,
position = coercedPosition,
direction = direction,
handlesCrossed = handlesCrossed
private fun getHandlePosition(isStartHandle: Boolean): Offset {
val layoutResult = textLayoutState.layoutResult ?: return Offset.Zero
val selection = textFieldState.text.selectionInChars
val offset = if (isStartHandle) {
} else {
return getSelectionHandleCoordinates(
textLayoutResult = layoutResult,
offset = offset,
isStart = isStartHandle,
areHandlesCrossed = selection.reversed
* Sets currently dragging handle state to [handle] and positions it at [position]. This is
* mostly useful for updating the magnifier.
* @param handle A real or acting handle that specifies which one is being dragged.
* @param position Where the handle currently is
private fun updateHandleDragging(
handle: Handle,
position: Offset
) {
draggingHandle = handle
rawHandleDragPosition = position
* When a Selection or Cursor Handle is started to being dragged, this function should be called
* to mark the current visible offset, so that if content gets scrolled during the drag, we
* can correctly offset the actual position where drag corresponds to.
private fun markStartContentVisibleOffset() {
startContentVisibleOffset = textLayoutCoordinates
?.topLeft ?: Offset.Unspecified
* Call this function when a selection or cursor handle is stopped dragging.
private fun clearHandleDragging() {
draggingHandle = null
rawHandleDragPosition = Offset.Unspecified
startContentVisibleOffset = Offset.Unspecified
* The method for cutting text.
* If there is no selection, return.
* Put the selected text into the [ClipboardManager].
* The new text should be the text before the selection plus the text after the selection.
* And the new cursor offset should be between the text before the selection, and the text
* after the selection.
fun cut() {
val text = textFieldState.text
if (text.selectionInChars.collapsed) return
* The method for copying text.
* If there is no selection, return.
* Put the selected text into the [ClipboardManager], and cancel the selection, if
* [cancelSelection] is true.
* The text in the text field should be unchanged.
* If [cancelSelection] is true, the new cursor offset should be at the end of the previous
* selected text.
fun copy(cancelSelection: Boolean = true) {
val text = textFieldState.text
if (text.selectionInChars.collapsed) return
if (!cancelSelection) return
* The method for pasting text.
* Get the text from [ClipboardManager]. If it's null, return.
* The new content should be the text before the selected text, plus the text from the
* [ClipboardManager], and plus the text after the selected text.
* Then the selection should collapse, and the new cursor offset should be at the end of the
* newly added text.
fun paste() {
val clipboardText = clipboardManager?.getText()?.text ?: return
undoBehavior = TextFieldEditUndoBehavior.NeverMerge
* This function get the selected region as a Rectangle region, and pass it to [TextToolbar]
* to make the FloatingToolbar show up in the proper place. In addition, this function passes
* the copy, paste and cut method as callbacks when "copy", "cut" or "paste" is clicked.
* @param contentRect Rectangle region where the toolbar will be anchored.
private fun showTextToolbar(contentRect: Rect) {
val selection = textFieldState.text.selectionInChars
val paste: (() -> Unit)? = if (editable && clipboardManager?.hasText() == true) {
} else null
val copy: (() -> Unit)? = if (!selection.collapsed) {
} else null
val cut: (() -> Unit)? = if (!selection.collapsed && editable) {
} else null
val selectAll: (() -> Unit)? = if (selection.length != textFieldState.text.length) {
} else null
rect = contentRect,
onCopyRequested = copy,
onPasteRequested = paste,
onCutRequested = cut,
onSelectAllRequested = selectAll
fun deselect() {
if (!textFieldState.text.selectionInChars.collapsed) {
showCursorHandle = false
private fun hideTextToolbar() {
if (textToolbar?.status == TextToolbarStatus.Shown) {
* Update the text field's selection based on new offsets.
* @param textFieldCharSequence the current text editing state
* @param startOffset the start offset to use
* @param endOffset the end offset to use
* @param isStartHandle whether the start or end handle is being updated
* @param adjustment The selection adjustment to use
* @param allowPreviousSelectionCollapsed Allow a collapsed selection to be passed to selection
* adjustment. In most cases, a collapsed selection should be considered "no previous
* selection" for selection adjustment. However, in some cases - like starting a selection in
* end padding - a collapsed selection may be necessary context to avoid selection flickering.
private fun updateSelection(
textFieldCharSequence: TextFieldCharSequence,
startOffset: Int,
endOffset: Int,
isStartHandle: Boolean,
adjustment: SelectionAdjustment,
allowPreviousSelectionCollapsed: Boolean = false,
): TextRange {
val newSelection = getTextFieldSelection(
rawStartOffset = startOffset,
rawEndOffset = endOffset,
previousSelection = textFieldCharSequence.selectionInChars
.takeIf { allowPreviousSelectionCollapsed || !it.collapsed },
isStartHandle = isStartHandle,
adjustment = adjustment,
if (newSelection == textFieldCharSequence.selectionInChars) return newSelection
val onlyChangeIsReversed =
newSelection.reversed != textFieldCharSequence.selectionInChars.reversed && { TextRange(end, start) } == textFieldCharSequence.selectionInChars
// don't haptic if we are using a mouse or if we aren't moving the selection bounds
if (isInTouchMode && !onlyChangeIsReversed) {
return newSelection
private fun getTextFieldSelection(
rawStartOffset: Int,
rawEndOffset: Int,
previousSelection: TextRange?,
isStartHandle: Boolean,
adjustment: SelectionAdjustment
): TextRange {
val layoutResult = textLayoutState.layoutResult ?: return TextRange.Zero
// When the previous selection is null, it's allowed to have collapsed selection on
// TextField. So we can ignore the SelectionAdjustment.Character.
if (previousSelection == null && adjustment == SelectionAdjustment.Character) {
return TextRange(rawStartOffset, rawEndOffset)
val selectionLayout = getTextFieldSelectionLayout(
layoutResult = layoutResult,
rawStartHandleOffset = rawStartOffset,
rawEndHandleOffset = rawEndOffset,
rawPreviousHandleOffset = previousRawDragOffset,
previousSelectionRange = previousSelection ?: TextRange.Zero,
isStartOfSelection = previousSelection == null,
isStartHandle = isStartHandle,
if (previousSelection != null &&
) {
return previousSelection
val result = adjustment.adjust(selectionLayout).toTextRange()
previousSelectionLayout = selectionLayout
previousRawDragOffset = if (isStartHandle) rawStartOffset else rawEndOffset
return result
private fun TextRange.reverse() = TextRange(end, start)
* A state that indicates when to show TextToolbar.
* - [None] Do not show the TextToolbar at all.
* - [Cursor] if selection is collapsed and all the other criteria are met, show the TextToolbar.
* - [Selection] if selection is expanded and all the other criteria are met, show the TextToolbar.
* @see [TextFieldSelectionState.observeTextToolbarVisibility]
internal enum class TextToolbarState {
private const val DEBUG = false
private const val DEBUG_TAG = "TextFieldSelectionState"
private fun logDebug(text: () -> String) {
if (DEBUG) {
println("$DEBUG_TAG: ${text()}")