blob: db02a04b6e0808ca59c04f6c7701bc6dd959e707 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.navigation
import android.content.Context
import android.content.ContextWrapper
import android.content.Intent
import android.os.Bundle
import android.os.Parcelable
import android.util.Log
import androidx.activity.OnBackPressedCallback
import androidx.activity.OnBackPressedDispatcher
import androidx.annotation.CallSuper
import androidx.annotation.IdRes
import androidx.annotation.MainThread
import androidx.annotation.NavigationRes
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo
import androidx.core.os.bundleOf
import androidx.lifecycle.Lifecycle
import androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleEventObserver
import androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleObserver
import androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleOwner
import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelStore
import androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelStoreOwner
import androidx.navigation.NavDestination.Companion.createRoute
import androidx.navigation.NavDestination.Companion.hierarchy
import androidx.navigation.NavGraph.Companion.findStartDestination
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.BufferOverflow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableSharedFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableStateFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.StateFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.asSharedFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.asStateFlow
* NavController manages app navigation within a [NavHost].
* Apps will generally obtain a controller directly from a host, or by using one of the utility
* methods on the [Navigation] class rather than create a controller directly.
* Navigation flows and destinations are determined by the
* [navigation graph][NavGraph] owned by the controller. These graphs are typically
* [inflated][navInflater] from an Android resource, but, like views, they can also
* be constructed or combined programmatically or for the case of dynamic navigation structure.
* (For example, if the navigation structure of the application is determined by live data obtained'
* from a remote server.)
public open class NavController(
/** @suppress */
public val context: Context
) {
private var activity: Activity? = generateSequence(context) {
if (it is ContextWrapper) {
} else null
}.firstOrNull { it is Activity } as Activity?
private var inflater: NavInflater? = null
private var _graph: NavGraph? = null
* The topmost navigation graph associated with this NavController.
* When this is set any current navigation graph data (including back stack) will be replaced.
* @see NavController.setGraph
* @throws IllegalStateException if called before `setGraph()`.
public open var graph: NavGraph
get() {
checkNotNull(_graph) { "You must call setGraph() before calling getGraph()" }
return _graph as NavGraph
set(graph) {
setGraph(graph, null)
private var navigatorStateToRestore: Bundle? = null
private var backStackToRestore: Array<Parcelable>? = null
private var deepLinkHandled = false
private val backQueue: ArrayDeque<NavBackStackEntry> = ArrayDeque()
private val _currentBackStack: MutableStateFlow<List<NavBackStackEntry>> =
* Retrieve the current back stack.
* @return The current back stack.
public val currentBackStack: StateFlow<List<NavBackStackEntry>> =
private val _visibleEntries: MutableStateFlow<List<NavBackStackEntry>> =
* A [StateFlow] that will emit the currently visible [NavBackStackEntries][NavBackStackEntry]
* whenever they change. If there is no visible [NavBackStackEntry], this will be set to an
* empty list.
* - `CREATED` entries are listed first and include all entries that are in the process of
* completing their exit transition. Note that this can include entries that have been
* popped off the Navigation back stack.
* - `STARTED` entries on the back stack are next and include all entries that are running
* their enter transition and entries whose destination is partially covered by a
* `FloatingWindow` destination
* - The last entry in the list is the topmost entry in the back stack and is in the `RESUMED`
* state only if its enter transition has completed. Otherwise it too will be `STARTED`.
* Note that the `Lifecycle` of any entry cannot be higher than the containing
* Activity/Fragment - if the Activity is not `RESUMED`, no entry will be `RESUMED`, no matter
* what the transition state is.
public val visibleEntries: StateFlow<List<NavBackStackEntry>> =
private val childToParentEntries = mutableMapOf<NavBackStackEntry, NavBackStackEntry>()
private val parentToChildCount = mutableMapOf<NavBackStackEntry, AtomicInteger>()
private fun linkChildToParent(child: NavBackStackEntry, parent: NavBackStackEntry) {
childToParentEntries[child] = parent
if (parentToChildCount[parent] == null) {
parentToChildCount[parent] = AtomicInteger(0)
internal fun unlinkChildFromParent(child: NavBackStackEntry): NavBackStackEntry? {
val parent = childToParentEntries.remove(child) ?: return null
val count = parentToChildCount[parent]?.decrementAndGet()
if (count == 0) {
val navGraphNavigator: Navigator<out NavGraph> =
return parent
private val backStackMap = mutableMapOf<Int, String?>()
private val backStackStates = mutableMapOf<String, ArrayDeque<NavBackStackEntryState>>()
private var lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner? = null
private var onBackPressedDispatcher: OnBackPressedDispatcher? = null
private var viewModel: NavControllerViewModel? = null
private val onDestinationChangedListeners = CopyOnWriteArrayList<OnDestinationChangedListener>()
internal var hostLifecycleState: Lifecycle.State = Lifecycle.State.INITIALIZED
get() {
// A LifecycleOwner is not required by NavController.
// In the cases where one is not provided, always keep the host lifecycle at CREATED
return if (lifecycleOwner == null) {
} else {
private val lifecycleObserver: LifecycleObserver = LifecycleEventObserver { _, event ->
hostLifecycleState = event.targetState
if (_graph != null) {
for (entry in backQueue) {
private val onBackPressedCallback: OnBackPressedCallback =
object : OnBackPressedCallback(false) {
override fun handleOnBackPressed() {
private var enableOnBackPressedCallback = true
* OnDestinationChangedListener receives a callback when the
* [currentDestination] or its arguments change.
public fun interface OnDestinationChangedListener {
* Callback for when the [currentDestination] or its arguments change.
* This navigation may be to a destination that has not been seen before, or one that
* was previously on the back stack. This method is called after navigation is complete,
* but associated transitions may still be playing.
* @param controller the controller that navigated
* @param destination the new destination
* @param arguments the arguments passed to the destination
public fun onDestinationChanged(
controller: NavController,
destination: NavDestination,
arguments: Bundle?
private var _navigatorProvider = NavigatorProvider()
* The NavController's [NavigatorProvider]. All [Navigators][Navigator] used
* to construct the [navigation graph][NavGraph] for this nav controller should be added
* to this navigator provider before the graph is constructed.
* This can only be set before the graph is set via `setGraph()`.
* Generally, the Navigators are set for you by the [NavHost] hosting this NavController
* and you do not need to manually interact with the navigator provider.
* @throws IllegalStateException If this set called after `setGraph()`
public open var navigatorProvider: NavigatorProvider
get() = _navigatorProvider
set(navigatorProvider) {
check(backQueue.isEmpty()) { "NavigatorProvider must be set before setGraph call" }
_navigatorProvider = navigatorProvider
private val navigatorState =
mutableMapOf<Navigator<out NavDestination>, NavControllerNavigatorState>()
private var addToBackStackHandler: ((backStackEntry: NavBackStackEntry) -> Unit)? = null
private var popFromBackStackHandler: ((popUpTo: NavBackStackEntry) -> Unit)? = null
private val entrySavedState = mutableMapOf<NavBackStackEntry, Boolean>()
* Call [Navigator.navigate] while setting up a [handler] that receives callbacks
* when [NavigatorState.push] is called.
private fun Navigator<out NavDestination>.navigateInternal(
entries: List<NavBackStackEntry>,
navOptions: NavOptions?,
navigatorExtras: Navigator.Extras?,
handler: (backStackEntry: NavBackStackEntry) -> Unit = {}
) {
addToBackStackHandler = handler
navigate(entries, navOptions, navigatorExtras)
addToBackStackHandler = null
* Call [Navigator.popBackStack] while setting up a [handler] that receives callbacks
* when [NavigatorState.pop] is called.
private fun Navigator<out NavDestination>.popBackStackInternal(
popUpTo: NavBackStackEntry,
saveState: Boolean,
handler: (popUpTo: NavBackStackEntry) -> Unit = {}
) {
popFromBackStackHandler = handler
popBackStack(popUpTo, saveState)
popFromBackStackHandler = null
private inner class NavControllerNavigatorState(
val navigator: Navigator<out NavDestination>
) : NavigatorState() {
override fun push(backStackEntry: NavBackStackEntry) {
val destinationNavigator: Navigator<out NavDestination> =
if (destinationNavigator == navigator) {
val handler = addToBackStackHandler
if (handler != null) {
} else {
// TODO handle the Navigator calling add() outside of a call to navigate()
"Ignoring add of destination ${backStackEntry.destination} " +
"outside of the call to navigate(). "
} else {
val navigatorBackStack = checkNotNull(navigatorState[destinationNavigator]) {
"NavigatorBackStack for ${backStackEntry.destination.navigatorName} should " +
"already be created"
fun addInternal(backStackEntry: NavBackStackEntry) {
override fun createBackStackEntry(
destination: NavDestination,
arguments: Bundle?
) = NavBackStackEntry.create(
context, destination, arguments,
hostLifecycleState, viewModel
override fun pop(popUpTo: NavBackStackEntry, saveState: Boolean) {
val destinationNavigator: Navigator<out NavDestination> =
if (destinationNavigator == navigator) {
val handler = popFromBackStackHandler
if (handler != null) {
super.pop(popUpTo, saveState)
} else {
popBackStackFromNavigator(popUpTo) {
super.pop(popUpTo, saveState)
} else {
navigatorState[destinationNavigator]!!.pop(popUpTo, saveState)
override fun popWithTransition(popUpTo: NavBackStackEntry, saveState: Boolean) {
super.popWithTransition(popUpTo, saveState)
entrySavedState[popUpTo] = saveState
override fun markTransitionComplete(entry: NavBackStackEntry) {
val savedState = entrySavedState[entry] == true
if (!backQueue.contains(entry)) {
// If the entry is no longer part of the backStack, we need to manually move
// it to DESTROYED, and clear its view model
if (entry.lifecycle.currentState.isAtLeast(Lifecycle.State.CREATED)) {
entry.maxLifecycle = Lifecycle.State.DESTROYED
if (backQueue.none { == } && !savedState) {
// Nothing in backQueue changed, so unlike other places where
// we change visibleEntries, we don't need to emit a new
// currentBackStack
} else if (!this@NavControllerNavigatorState.isNavigating) {
// else, updateBackStackLifecycle() will be called after any ongoing navigate() call
// completes
override fun prepareForTransition(entry: NavBackStackEntry) {
if (backQueue.contains(entry)) {
entry.maxLifecycle = Lifecycle.State.STARTED
} else {
throw IllegalStateException("Cannot transition entry that is not in the back stack")
* Constructs a new controller for a given [Context]. Controllers should not be
* used outside of their context and retain a hard reference to the context supplied.
* If you need a global controller, pass [Context.getApplicationContext].
* Apps should generally not construct controllers, instead obtain a relevant controller
* directly from a navigation host via [NavHost.getNavController] or by using one of
* the utility methods on the [Navigation] class.
* Note that controllers that are not constructed with an [Activity] context
* (or a wrapped activity context) will only be able to navigate to
* [new tasks][android.content.Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK] or
* [new document tasks][android.content.Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_DOCUMENT] when
* navigating to new activities.
* @param context context for this controller
init {
* Adds an [OnDestinationChangedListener] to this controller to receive a callback
* whenever the [currentDestination] or its arguments change.
* The current destination, if any, will be immediately sent to your listener.
* @param listener the listener to receive events
public open fun addOnDestinationChangedListener(listener: OnDestinationChangedListener) {
// Inform the new listener of our current state, if any
if (backQueue.isNotEmpty()) {
val backStackEntry = backQueue.last()
* Removes an [OnDestinationChangedListener] from this controller.
* It will no longer receive callbacks.
* @param listener the listener to remove
public open fun removeOnDestinationChangedListener(listener: OnDestinationChangedListener) {
* Attempts to pop the controller's back stack. Analogous to when the user presses
* the system [Back][android.view.KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK] button when the associated
* navigation host has focus.
* @return true if the stack was popped at least once and the user has been navigated to
* another destination, false otherwise
public open fun popBackStack(): Boolean {
return if (backQueue.isEmpty()) {
// Nothing to pop if the back stack is empty
} else {
popBackStack(currentDestination!!.id, true)
* Attempts to pop the controller's back stack back to a specific destination.
* @param destinationId The topmost destination to retain
* @param inclusive Whether the given destination should also be popped.
* @return true if the stack was popped at least once and the user has been navigated to
* another destination, false otherwise
public open fun popBackStack(@IdRes destinationId: Int, inclusive: Boolean): Boolean {
return popBackStack(destinationId, inclusive, false)
* Attempts to pop the controller's back stack back to a specific destination.
* @param destinationId The topmost destination to retain
* @param inclusive Whether the given destination should also be popped.
* @param saveState Whether the back stack and the state of all destinations between the
* current destination and the [destinationId] should be saved for later
* restoration via [NavOptions.Builder.setRestoreState] or the `restoreState` attribute using
* the same [destinationId] (note: this matching ID is true whether
* [inclusive] is true or false).
* @return true if the stack was popped at least once and the user has been navigated to
* another destination, false otherwise
public open fun popBackStack(
@IdRes destinationId: Int,
inclusive: Boolean,
saveState: Boolean
): Boolean {
val popped = popBackStackInternal(destinationId, inclusive, saveState)
// Only return true if the pop succeeded and we've dispatched
// the change to a new destination
return popped && dispatchOnDestinationChanged()
* Attempts to pop the controller's back stack back to a specific destination.
* @param route The topmost destination to retain. May contain filled in arguments as long as
* it is exact match with route used to navigate.
* @param inclusive Whether the given destination should also be popped.
* @param saveState Whether the back stack and the state of all destinations between the
* current destination and the [route] should be saved for later
* restoration via [NavOptions.Builder.setRestoreState] or the `restoreState` attribute using
* the same [route] (note: this matching ID is true whether
* [inclusive] is true or false).
* @return true if the stack was popped at least once and the user has been navigated to
* another destination, false otherwise
public fun popBackStack(
route: String,
inclusive: Boolean,
saveState: Boolean = false
): Boolean {
val popped = popBackStackInternal(route, inclusive, saveState)
// Only return true if the pop succeeded and we've dispatched
// the change to a new destination
return popped && dispatchOnDestinationChanged()
* Attempts to pop the controller's back stack back to a specific destination. This does
* **not** handle calling [dispatchOnDestinationChanged]
* @param destinationId The topmost destination to retain
* @param inclusive Whether the given destination should also be popped.
* @param saveState Whether the back stack and the state of all destinations between the
* current destination and the [destinationId] should be saved for later
* restoration via [NavOptions.Builder.setRestoreState] or the `restoreState` attribute using
* the same [destinationId] (note: this matching ID is true whether
* [inclusive] is true or false).
* @return true if the stack was popped at least once, false otherwise
private fun popBackStackInternal(
@IdRes destinationId: Int,
inclusive: Boolean,
saveState: Boolean = false
): Boolean {
if (backQueue.isEmpty()) {
// Nothing to pop if the back stack is empty
return false
val popOperations = mutableListOf<Navigator<*>>()
val iterator = backQueue.reversed().iterator()
var foundDestination: NavDestination? = null
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
val destination =
val navigator = _navigatorProvider.getNavigator<Navigator<*>>(
if (inclusive || != destinationId) {
if ( == destinationId) {
foundDestination = destination
if (foundDestination == null) {
// We were passed a destinationId that doesn't exist on our back stack.
// Better to ignore the popBackStack than accidentally popping the entire stack
val destinationName = NavDestination.getDisplayName(
context, destinationId
"Ignoring popBackStack to destination $destinationName as it was not found " +
"on the current back stack"
return false
return executePopOperations(popOperations, foundDestination, inclusive, saveState)
* Attempts to pop the controller's back stack back to a specific destination. This does
* **not** handle calling [dispatchOnDestinationChanged]
* @param route The topmost destination with this route to retain
* @param inclusive Whether the given destination should also be popped.
* @param saveState Whether the back stack and the state of all destinations between the
* current destination and the destination with [route] should be saved for later to be
* restored via [NavOptions.Builder.setRestoreState] or the `restoreState` attribute using
* the [] of the destination with this route (note: this matching ID
* is true whether [inclusive] is true or false).
* @return true if the stack was popped at least once, false otherwise
private fun popBackStackInternal(
route: String,
inclusive: Boolean,
saveState: Boolean,
): Boolean {
if (backQueue.isEmpty()) {
// Nothing to pop if the back stack is empty
return false
val popOperations = mutableListOf<Navigator<*>>()
val foundDestination = backQueue.lastOrNull { entry ->
val hasRoute = entry.destination.hasRoute(route, entry.arguments)
if (inclusive || !hasRoute) {
val navigator = _navigatorProvider.getNavigator<Navigator<*>>(
if (foundDestination == null) {
// We were passed a route that doesn't exist on our back stack.
// Better to ignore the popBackStack than accidentally popping the entire stack
"Ignoring popBackStack to route $route as it was not found " +
"on the current back stack"
return false
return executePopOperations(popOperations, foundDestination, inclusive, saveState)
private fun executePopOperations(
popOperations: List<Navigator<*>>,
foundDestination: NavDestination,
inclusive: Boolean,
saveState: Boolean,
): Boolean {
var popped = false
val savedState = ArrayDeque<NavBackStackEntryState>()
for (navigator in popOperations) {
var receivedPop = false
navigator.popBackStackInternal(backQueue.last(), saveState) { entry ->
receivedPop = true
popped = true
popEntryFromBackStack(entry, saveState, savedState)
if (!receivedPop) {
// The pop did not complete successfully, so stop immediately
if (saveState) {
if (!inclusive) {
// If this isn't an inclusive pop, we need to explicitly map the
// saved state to the destination you've actually passed to popUpTo
// as well as its parents (if it is the start destination)
generateSequence(foundDestination) { destination ->
if (destination.parent?.startDestinationId == {
} else {
}.takeWhile { destination ->
// Only add the state if it doesn't already exist
}.forEach { destination ->
backStackMap[] = savedState.firstOrNull()?.id
if (savedState.isNotEmpty()) {
val firstState = savedState.first()
// Whether is is inclusive or not, we need to map the
// saved state to the destination that was popped
// as well as its parents (if it is the start destination)
val firstStateDestination = findDestination(firstState.destinationId)
generateSequence(firstStateDestination) { destination ->
if (destination.parent?.startDestinationId == {
} else {
}.takeWhile { destination ->
// Only add the state if it doesn't already exist
}.forEach { destination ->
backStackMap[] =
// And finally, store the actual state itself
backStackStates[] = savedState
return popped
* Trigger a popBackStack() that originated from a Navigator specifically calling
* [NavigatorState.pop] outside of a call to [popBackStack] (e.g., in response to some
* user interaction that caused that destination to no longer be needed such as
* dismissing a dialog destination).
* This method is responsible for popping all destinations above the given [popUpTo] entry and
* popping the entry itself and removing it from the back stack before calling the
* [onComplete] callback. Only after the processing here is done and the [onComplete]
* callback completes does this method dispatch the destination change event.
internal fun popBackStackFromNavigator(popUpTo: NavBackStackEntry, onComplete: () -> Unit) {
val popIndex = backQueue.indexOf(popUpTo)
if (popIndex < 0) {
"Ignoring pop of $popUpTo as it was not found on the current back stack"
if (popIndex + 1 != backQueue.size) {
// There's other destinations stacked on top of this destination that
// we need to pop first
backQueue[popIndex + 1],
inclusive = true,
saveState = false
// Now record the pop of the actual entry - we don't use popBackStackInternal
// here since we're being called from the Navigator already
private fun popEntryFromBackStack(
popUpTo: NavBackStackEntry,
saveState: Boolean = false,
savedState: ArrayDeque<NavBackStackEntryState> = ArrayDeque()
) {
val entry = backQueue.last()
check(entry == popUpTo) {
"Attempted to pop ${popUpTo.destination}, which is not the top of the back stack " +
val navigator = navigatorProvider
val state = navigatorState[navigator]
// If we pop an entry with transitions, but not the graph, we will not make a call to
// popBackStackInternal, so the graph entry will not be marked as transitioning so we
// need to check if it still has children.
val transitioning = state?.transitionsInProgress?.value?.contains(entry) == true ||
if (entry.lifecycle.currentState.isAtLeast(Lifecycle.State.CREATED)) {
if (saveState) {
// Move the state through STOPPED
entry.maxLifecycle = Lifecycle.State.CREATED
// Then save the state of the NavBackStackEntry
if (!transitioning) {
entry.maxLifecycle = Lifecycle.State.DESTROYED
} else {
entry.maxLifecycle = Lifecycle.State.CREATED
if (!saveState && !transitioning) {
* Clears any saved state associated with [route] that was previously saved
* via [popBackStack] when using a `saveState` value of `true`.
* @param route The route of the destination previously used with [popBackStack] with a
* `saveState` value of `true`. May contain filled in arguments as long as
* it is exact match with route used with [popBackStack].
* @return true if the saved state of the stack associated with [route] was cleared.
public fun clearBackStack(route: String): Boolean {
val cleared = clearBackStackInternal(route)
// Only return true if the clear succeeded and we've dispatched
// the change to a new destination
return cleared && dispatchOnDestinationChanged()
* Clears any saved state associated with [destinationId] that was previously saved
* via [popBackStack] when using a `saveState` value of `true`.
* @param destinationId The ID of the destination previously used with [popBackStack] with a
* `saveState`value of `true`
* @return true if the saved state of the stack associated with [destinationId] was cleared.
public fun clearBackStack(@IdRes destinationId: Int): Boolean {
val cleared = clearBackStackInternal(destinationId)
// Only return true if the clear succeeded and we've dispatched
// the change to a new destination
return cleared && dispatchOnDestinationChanged()
private fun clearBackStackInternal(@IdRes destinationId: Int): Boolean {
navigatorState.values.forEach { state ->
state.isNavigating = true
val restored = restoreStateInternal(destinationId, null,
navOptions { restoreState = true }, null)
navigatorState.values.forEach { state ->
state.isNavigating = false
return restored && popBackStackInternal(destinationId, inclusive = true, saveState = false)
private fun clearBackStackInternal(route: String): Boolean {
navigatorState.values.forEach { state ->
state.isNavigating = true
val restored = restoreStateInternal(route)
navigatorState.values.forEach { state ->
state.isNavigating = false
return restored && popBackStackInternal(route, inclusive = true, saveState = false)
* Attempts to navigate up in the navigation hierarchy. Suitable for when the
* user presses the "Up" button marked with a left (or start)-facing arrow in the upper left
* (or starting) corner of the app UI.
* The intended behavior of Up differs from [Back][popBackStack] when the user
* did not reach the current destination from the application's own task. e.g. if the user
* is viewing a document or link in the current app in an activity hosted on another app's
* task where the user clicked the link. In this case the current activity (determined by the
* context used to create this NavController) will be [finished][Activity.finish] and
* the user will be taken to an appropriate destination in this app on its own task.
* @return true if navigation was successful, false otherwise
public open fun navigateUp(): Boolean {
// If there's only one entry, then we may have deep linked into a specific destination
// on another task.
if (destinationCountOnBackStack == 1) {
val extras = activity?.intent?.extras
if (extras?.getIntArray(KEY_DEEP_LINK_IDS) != null) {
return tryRelaunchUpToExplicitStack()
} else {
return tryRelaunchUpToGeneratedStack()
} else {
return popBackStack()
/** Starts a new Activity directed to the next-upper Destination in the explicit deep link
* stack used to start this Activity. Returns false if
* the current destination was already the root of the deep link.
private fun tryRelaunchUpToExplicitStack(): Boolean {
if (!deepLinkHandled) {
return false
val intent = activity!!.intent
val extras = intent.extras
val deepLinkIds = extras!!.getIntArray(KEY_DEEP_LINK_IDS)!!.toMutableList()
val deepLinkArgs = extras.getParcelableArrayList<Bundle>(KEY_DEEP_LINK_ARGS)
// Remove the leaf destination to pop up to one level above it
var leafDestinationId = deepLinkIds.removeLast()
// Probably deep linked to a single destination only.
if (deepLinkIds.isEmpty()) {
return false
// Find the destination if the leaf destination was a NavGraph
with(graph.findDestination(leafDestinationId)) {
if (this is NavGraph) {
leafDestinationId = this.findStartDestination().id
// The final element of the deep link couldn't have brought us to the current location.
if (leafDestinationId != currentDestination?.id) {
return false
val navDeepLinkBuilder = createDeepLink()
// Attach the original global arguments, and also the original calling Intent.
val arguments = bundleOf(KEY_DEEP_LINK_INTENT to intent)
extras.getBundle(KEY_DEEP_LINK_EXTRAS)?.let {
deepLinkIds.forEachIndexed { index, deepLinkId ->
navDeepLinkBuilder.addDestination(deepLinkId, deepLinkArgs?.get(index))
return true
* Starts a new Activity directed to the parent of the current Destination. Returns false if
* the current destination was already the root of the deep link.
private fun tryRelaunchUpToGeneratedStack(): Boolean {
val currentDestination = currentDestination
var destId = currentDestination!!.id
var parent = currentDestination.parent
while (parent != null) {
if (parent.startDestinationId != destId) {
val args = Bundle()
if (activity != null && activity!!.intent != null) {
val data = activity!!
// We were started via a URI intent.
if (data != null) {
// Include the original deep link Intent so the Destinations can
// synthetically generate additional arguments as necessary.
val matchingDeepLink = _graph!!.matchDeepLink(
if (matchingDeepLink?.matchingArgs != null) {
val destinationArgs = matchingDeepLink.destination.addInDefaultArgs(
val parentIntents = NavDeepLinkBuilder(this)
return true
destId =
parent = parent.parent
return false
* Gets the number of non-NavGraph destinations on the back stack
private val destinationCountOnBackStack: Int
get() = backQueue.count { entry ->
entry.destination !is NavGraph
private var dispatchReentrantCount = 0
private val backStackEntriesToDispatch = mutableListOf<NavBackStackEntry>()
* Dispatch changes to all OnDestinationChangedListeners.
* If the back stack is empty, no events get dispatched.
* @return If changes were dispatched.
private fun dispatchOnDestinationChanged(): Boolean {
// We never want to leave NavGraphs on the top of the stack
while (!backQueue.isEmpty() && backQueue.last().destination is NavGraph) {
val lastBackStackEntry = backQueue.lastOrNull()
if (lastBackStackEntry != null) {
backStackEntriesToDispatch += lastBackStackEntry
// Track that we're updating the back stack lifecycle
// just in case updateBackStackLifecycle() results in
// additional calls to navigate() or popBackStack()
if (dispatchReentrantCount == 0) {
// Only the outermost dispatch should dispatch
val dispatchList = backStackEntriesToDispatch.toMutableList()
for (backStackEntry in dispatchList) {
// Now call all registered OnDestinationChangedListener instances
for (listener in onDestinationChangedListeners) {
return lastBackStackEntry != null
internal fun updateBackStackLifecycle() {
// Operate on a copy of the queue to avoid issues with reentrant
// calls if updating the Lifecycle calls navigate() or popBackStack()
val backStack = backQueue.toMutableList()
if (backStack.isEmpty()) {
// Nothing to update
// First determine what the current resumed destination is and, if and only if
// the current resumed destination is a FloatingWindow, what destinations are
// underneath it that must remain started.
var nextResumed: NavDestination? = backStack.last().destination
val nextStarted: MutableList<NavDestination> = mutableListOf()
if (nextResumed is FloatingWindow) {
// Find all visible destinations in the back stack as they
// should still be STARTED when the FloatingWindow destination is above it.
val iterator = backStack.reversed().iterator()
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
val destination =
// Add all visible destinations (e.g., FloatingWindow destinations, their
// NavGraphs, and the screen directly below all FloatingWindow destinations)
// to nextStarted
// break if we find first visible screen
if (destination !is FloatingWindow && destination !is NavGraph) {
// First iterate downward through the stack, applying downward Lifecycle
// transitions and capturing any upward Lifecycle transitions to apply afterwards.
// This ensures proper nesting where parent navigation graphs are started before
// their children and stopped only after their children are stopped.
val upwardStateTransitions = HashMap<NavBackStackEntry, Lifecycle.State>()
var iterator = backStack.reversed().iterator()
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
val entry =
val currentMaxLifecycle = entry.maxLifecycle
val destination = entry.destination
if (nextResumed != null && == {
// Upward Lifecycle transitions need to be done afterwards so that
// the parent navigation graph is resumed before their children
if (currentMaxLifecycle != Lifecycle.State.RESUMED) {
val navigator = navigatorProvider
val state = navigatorState[navigator]
val transitioning = state?.transitionsInProgress?.value?.contains(entry)
if (transitioning != true && parentToChildCount[entry]?.get() != 0) {
upwardStateTransitions[entry] = Lifecycle.State.RESUMED
} else {
upwardStateTransitions[entry] = Lifecycle.State.STARTED
if (nextStarted.firstOrNull()?.id == nextStarted.removeFirst()
nextResumed = nextResumed.parent
} else if (nextStarted.isNotEmpty() && == nextStarted.first().id) {
val started = nextStarted.removeFirst()
if (currentMaxLifecycle == Lifecycle.State.RESUMED) {
// Downward transitions should be done immediately so children are
// paused before their parent navigation graphs
entry.maxLifecycle = Lifecycle.State.STARTED
} else if (currentMaxLifecycle != Lifecycle.State.STARTED) {
// Upward Lifecycle transitions need to be done afterwards so that
// the parent navigation graph is started before their children
upwardStateTransitions[entry] = Lifecycle.State.STARTED
started.parent?.let {
if (!nextStarted.contains(it)) { nextStarted.add(it) }
} else {
entry.maxLifecycle = Lifecycle.State.CREATED
// Apply all upward Lifecycle transitions by iterating through the stack again,
// this time applying the new lifecycle to the parent navigation graphs first
iterator = backStack.iterator()
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
val entry =
val newState = upwardStateTransitions[entry]
if (newState != null) {
entry.maxLifecycle = newState
} else {
// Ensure the state is up to date
internal fun populateVisibleEntries(): List<NavBackStackEntry> {
val entries = mutableListOf<NavBackStackEntry>()
// Add any transitioning entries that are not at least STARTED
navigatorState.values.forEach { state ->
entries += state.transitionsInProgress.value.filter { entry ->
!entries.contains(entry) &&
// Add any STARTED entries from the backQueue. This will include the topmost
// non-FloatingWindow destination plus every FloatingWindow destination above it.
entries += backQueue.filter { entry ->
!entries.contains(entry) &&
return entries.filter {
it.destination !is NavGraph
* The [inflater][NavInflater] for this controller.
* @return inflater for loading navigation resources
public open val navInflater: NavInflater by lazy {
inflater ?: NavInflater(context, _navigatorProvider)
* Sets the [navigation graph][NavGraph] to the specified resource.
* Any current navigation graph data (including back stack) will be replaced.
* The inflated graph can be retrieved via [graph].
* @param graphResId resource id of the navigation graph to inflate
* @see NavController.navInflater
* @see NavController.setGraph
* @see NavController.graph
public open fun setGraph(@NavigationRes graphResId: Int) {
setGraph(navInflater.inflate(graphResId), null)
* Sets the [navigation graph][NavGraph] to the specified resource.
* Any current navigation graph data (including back stack) will be replaced.
* The inflated graph can be retrieved via [graph].
* @param graphResId resource id of the navigation graph to inflate
* @param startDestinationArgs arguments to send to the start destination of the graph
* @see NavController.navInflater
* @see NavController.setGraph
* @see NavController.graph
public open fun setGraph(@NavigationRes graphResId: Int, startDestinationArgs: Bundle?) {
setGraph(navInflater.inflate(graphResId), startDestinationArgs)
* Sets the [navigation graph][NavGraph] to the specified graph.
* Any current navigation graph data (including back stack) will be replaced.
* The graph can be retrieved later via [graph].
* @param graph graph to set
* @see NavController.setGraph
* @see NavController.graph
public open fun setGraph(graph: NavGraph, startDestinationArgs: Bundle?) {
if (_graph != graph) {
_graph?.let { previousGraph ->
// Clear all saved back stacks by iterating through a copy of the saved keys,
// thus avoiding any concurrent modification exceptions
val savedBackStackIds = ArrayList(backStackMap.keys)
savedBackStackIds.forEach { id ->
// Pop everything from the old graph off the back stack
popBackStackInternal(, true)
_graph = graph
} else {
// first we update _graph with new instances from graph
for (i in 0 until graph.nodes.size()) {
val newDestination = graph.nodes.valueAt(i)
val key = _graph!!.nodes.keyAt(i)
_graph!!.nodes.replace(key, newDestination)
// then we update backstack with the new instances
backQueue.forEach { entry ->
// we will trace this hierarchy in new graph to get new destination instance
val hierarchy = entry.destination.hierarchy.toList().asReversed()
val newDestination = hierarchy.fold(_graph!!) {
newDest: NavDestination, oldDest: NavDestination ->
if (oldDest == _graph && newDest == graph) {
// if root graph, it is already the node that matches with oldDest
} else if (newDest is NavGraph) {
// otherwise we walk down the hierarchy to the next child
} else {
// final leaf node found
entry.destination = newDestination
private fun onGraphCreated(startDestinationArgs: Bundle?) {
navigatorStateToRestore?.let { navigatorStateToRestore ->
val navigatorNames = navigatorStateToRestore.getStringArrayList(
if (navigatorNames != null) {
for (name in navigatorNames) {
val navigator = _navigatorProvider.getNavigator<Navigator<*>>(name)
val bundle = navigatorStateToRestore.getBundle(name)
if (bundle != null) {
backStackToRestore?.let { backStackToRestore ->
for (parcelable in backStackToRestore) {
val state = parcelable as NavBackStackEntryState
val node = findDestination(state.destinationId)
if (node == null) {
val dest = NavDestination.getDisplayName(
throw IllegalStateException(
"Restoring the Navigation back stack failed: destination $dest cannot be " +
"found from the current destination $currentDestination"
val entry = state.instantiate(context, node, hostLifecycleState, viewModel)
val navigator = _navigatorProvider.getNavigator<Navigator<*>>(node.navigatorName)
val navigatorBackStack = navigatorState.getOrPut(navigator) {
val parent = entry.destination.parent
if (parent != null) {
linkChildToParent(entry, getBackStackEntry(
this.backStackToRestore = null
// Mark all Navigators as attached
_navigatorProvider.navigators.values.filterNot { it.isAttached }.forEach { navigator ->
val navigatorBackStack = navigatorState.getOrPut(navigator) {
if (_graph != null && backQueue.isEmpty()) {
val deepLinked =
!deepLinkHandled && activity != null && handleDeepLink(activity!!.intent)
if (!deepLinked) {
// Navigate to the first destination in the graph
// if we haven't deep linked to a destination
navigate(_graph!!, startDestinationArgs, null, null)
} else {
* Checks the given Intent for a Navigation deep link and navigates to the deep link if present.
* This is called automatically for you the first time you set the graph if you've passed in an
* [Activity] as the context when constructing this NavController, but should be manually
* called if your Activity receives new Intents in [Activity.onNewIntent].
* The types of Intents that are supported include:
* Intents created by [NavDeepLinkBuilder] or
* [createDeepLink]. This assumes that the current graph shares
* the same hierarchy to get to the deep linked destination as when the deep link was
* constructed.
* Intents that include a [data Uri][Intent.getData]. This Uri will be checked
* against the Uri patterns in the [NavDeepLinks][NavDeepLink] added via
* [NavDestination.addDeepLink].
* The [navigation graph][graph] should be set before calling this method.
* @param intent The Intent that may contain a valid deep link
* @return True if the navigation controller found a valid deep link and navigated to it.
* @throws IllegalStateException if deep link cannot be accessed from the current destination
* @see NavDestination.addDeepLink
public open fun handleDeepLink(intent: Intent?): Boolean {
if (intent == null) {
return false
val extras = intent.extras
var deepLink = try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
"handleDeepLink() could not extract deepLink from $intent",
var deepLinkArgs = extras?.getParcelableArrayList<Bundle>(KEY_DEEP_LINK_ARGS)
val globalArgs = Bundle()
val deepLinkExtras = extras?.getBundle(KEY_DEEP_LINK_EXTRAS)
if (deepLinkExtras != null) {
if (deepLink == null || deepLink.isEmpty()) {
val matchingDeepLink = _graph!!.matchDeepLink(NavDeepLinkRequest(intent))
if (matchingDeepLink != null) {
val destination = matchingDeepLink.destination
deepLink = destination.buildDeepLinkIds()
deepLinkArgs = null
val destinationArgs = destination.addInDefaultArgs(matchingDeepLink.matchingArgs)
if (destinationArgs != null) {
if (deepLink == null || deepLink.isEmpty()) {
return false
val invalidDestinationDisplayName = findInvalidDestinationDisplayNameInDeepLink(deepLink)
if (invalidDestinationDisplayName != null) {
"Could not find destination $invalidDestinationDisplayName in the " +
"navigation graph, ignoring the deep link from $intent"
return false
globalArgs.putParcelable(KEY_DEEP_LINK_INTENT, intent)
val args = arrayOfNulls<Bundle>(deepLink.size)
for (index in args.indices) {
val arguments = Bundle()
if (deepLinkArgs != null) {
val deepLinkArguments = deepLinkArgs[index]
if (deepLinkArguments != null) {
args[index] = arguments
val flags = intent.flags
if (flags and Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK != 0 &&
flags and Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK == 0
) {
// Someone called us with NEW_TASK, but we don't know what state our whole
// task stack is in, so we need to manually restart the whole stack to
// ensure we're in a predictably good state.
val taskStackBuilder = TaskStackBuilder
activity?.let { activity ->
// Disable second animation in case where the Activity is created twice.
activity.overridePendingTransition(0, 0)
return true
if (flags and Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK != 0) {
// Start with a cleared task starting at our root when we're on our own task
if (!backQueue.isEmpty()) {
popBackStackInternal(_graph!!.id, true)
var index = 0
while (index < deepLink.size) {
val destinationId = deepLink[index]
val arguments = args[index++]
val node = findDestination(destinationId)
if (node == null) {
val dest = NavDestination.getDisplayName(
context, destinationId
throw IllegalStateException(
"Deep Linking failed: destination $dest cannot be found from the current " +
"destination $currentDestination"
node, arguments,
navOptions {
anim {
enter = 0
exit = 0
val changingGraphs = node is NavGraph &&
node.hierarchy.none { it == currentDestination?.parent }
if (changingGraphs && deepLinkSaveState) {
// If we are navigating to a 'sibling' graph (one that isn't part
// of the current destination's hierarchy), then we need to saveState
// to ensure that each graph has its own saved state that users can
// return to
popUpTo(graph.findStartDestination().id) {
saveState = true
// Note we specifically don't call restoreState = true
// as our deep link should support multiple instances of the
// same graph in a row
}, null
return true
// Assume we're on another apps' task and only start the final destination
var graph = _graph
for (i in deepLink.indices) {
val destinationId = deepLink[i]
val arguments = args[i]
val node = if (i == 0) _graph else graph!!.findNode(destinationId)
if (node == null) {
val dest = NavDestination.getDisplayName(context, destinationId)
throw IllegalStateException(
"Deep Linking failed: destination $dest cannot be found in graph $graph"
if (i != deepLink.size - 1) {
// We're not at the final NavDestination yet, so keep going through the chain
if (node is NavGraph) {
graph = node
// Automatically go down the navigation graph when
// the start destination is also a NavGraph
while (graph!!.findNode(graph.startDestinationId) is NavGraph) {
graph = graph.findNode(graph.startDestinationId) as NavGraph?
} else {
// Navigate to the last NavDestination, clearing any existing destinations
.setPopUpTo(_graph!!.id, true)
deepLinkHandled = true
return true
* Looks through the deep link for invalid destinations, returning the display name of
* any invalid destinations in the deep link array.
* @param deepLink array of deep link IDs that are expected to match the graph
* @return The display name of the first destination not found in the graph or null if
* all destinations were found in the graph.
private fun findInvalidDestinationDisplayNameInDeepLink(deepLink: IntArray): String? {
var graph = _graph
for (i in deepLink.indices) {
val destinationId = deepLink[i]
val node =
if (i == 0)
if (_graph!!.id == destinationId) _graph
else null
) ?: return NavDestination.getDisplayName(context, destinationId)
if (i != deepLink.size - 1) {
// We're not at the final NavDestination yet, so keep going through the chain
if (node is NavGraph) {
graph = node
// Automatically go down the navigation graph when
// the start destination is also a NavGraph
while (graph!!.findNode(graph.startDestinationId) is NavGraph) {
graph = graph.findNode(graph.startDestinationId) as NavGraph?
// We found every destination in the deepLink array, yay!
return null
* The current destination.
public open val currentDestination: NavDestination?
get() {
return currentBackStackEntry?.destination
/** @suppress */
public fun findDestination(@IdRes destinationId: Int): NavDestination? {
if (_graph == null) {
return null
if (_graph!!.id == destinationId) {
return _graph
val currentNode = backQueue.lastOrNull()?.destination ?: _graph!!
return currentNode.findDestination(destinationId)
private fun NavDestination.findDestination(@IdRes destinationId: Int): NavDestination? {
if (id == destinationId) {
return this
val currentGraph = if (this is NavGraph) this else parent!!
return currentGraph.findNode(destinationId)
/** @suppress */
public fun findDestination(route: String): NavDestination? {
if (_graph == null) {
return null
// if not matched by routePattern, try matching with route args
if (_graph!!.route == route || _graph!!.matchDeepLink(route) != null) {
return _graph
val currentNode = backQueue.lastOrNull()?.destination ?: _graph!!
val currentGraph = if (currentNode is NavGraph) currentNode else currentNode.parent!!
return currentGraph.findNode(route)
* Navigate to a destination from the current navigation graph. This supports both navigating
* via an [action][NavDestination.getAction] and directly navigating to a destination.
* @param resId an [action][NavDestination.getAction] id or a destination id to
* navigate to
* @throws IllegalStateException if there is no current navigation node
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the desired destination cannot be found from the
* current destination
public open fun navigate(@IdRes resId: Int) {
navigate(resId, null)
* Navigate to a destination from the current navigation graph. This supports both navigating
* via an [action][NavDestination.getAction] and directly navigating to a destination.
* @param resId an [action][NavDestination.getAction] id or a destination id to
* navigate to
* @param args arguments to pass to the destination
* @throws IllegalStateException if there is no current navigation node
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the desired destination cannot be found from the
* current destination
public open fun navigate(@IdRes resId: Int, args: Bundle?) {
navigate(resId, args, null)
* Navigate to a destination from the current navigation graph. This supports both navigating
* via an [action][NavDestination.getAction] and directly navigating to a destination.
* @param resId an [action][NavDestination.getAction] id or a destination id to
* navigate to
* @param args arguments to pass to the destination
* @param navOptions special options for this navigation operation
* @throws IllegalStateException if there is no current navigation node
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the desired destination cannot be found from the
* current destination
public open fun navigate(@IdRes resId: Int, args: Bundle?, navOptions: NavOptions?) {
navigate(resId, args, navOptions, null)
* Navigate to a destination from the current navigation graph. This supports both navigating
* via an [action][NavDestination.getAction] and directly navigating to a destination.
* @param resId an [action][NavDestination.getAction] id or a destination id to
* navigate to
* @param args arguments to pass to the destination
* @param navOptions special options for this navigation operation
* @param navigatorExtras extras to pass to the Navigator
* @throws IllegalStateException if navigation graph has not been set for this NavController
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the desired destination cannot be found from the
* current destination
public open fun navigate(
@IdRes resId: Int,
args: Bundle?,
navOptions: NavOptions?,
navigatorExtras: Navigator.Extras?
) {
var finalNavOptions = navOptions
val currentNode = (
if (backQueue.isEmpty())
) ?: throw IllegalStateException(
"No current destination found. Ensure a navigation graph has been set for " +
"NavController $this."
var destId = resId
val navAction = currentNode.getAction(resId)
var combinedArgs: Bundle? = null
if (navAction != null) {
if (finalNavOptions == null) {
finalNavOptions = navAction.navOptions
destId = navAction.destinationId
val navActionArgs = navAction.defaultArguments
if (navActionArgs != null) {
combinedArgs = Bundle()
if (args != null) {
if (combinedArgs == null) {
combinedArgs = Bundle()
if (destId == 0 && finalNavOptions != null && finalNavOptions.popUpToId != -1) {
popBackStack(finalNavOptions.popUpToId, finalNavOptions.isPopUpToInclusive())
require(destId != 0) {
"Destination id == 0 can only be used in conjunction with a valid navOptions.popUpTo"
val node = findDestination(destId)
if (node == null) {
val dest = NavDestination.getDisplayName(context, destId)
require(navAction == null) {
"Navigation destination $dest referenced from action " +
"${NavDestination.getDisplayName(context, resId)} cannot be found from " +
"the current destination $currentNode"
throw IllegalArgumentException(
"Navigation action/destination $dest cannot be found from the current " +
"destination $currentNode"
navigate(node, combinedArgs, finalNavOptions, navigatorExtras)
* Navigate to a destination via the given deep link [Uri].
* [NavDestination.hasDeepLink] should be called on
* [the navigation graph][graph] prior to calling this method to check if the deep
* link is valid. If an invalid deep link is given, an [IllegalArgumentException] will be
* thrown.
* @param deepLink deepLink to the destination reachable from the current NavGraph
* @see NavController.navigate
public open fun navigate(deepLink: Uri) {
navigate(NavDeepLinkRequest(deepLink, null, null))
* Navigate to a destination via the given deep link [Uri].
* [NavDestination.hasDeepLink] should be called on
* [the navigation graph][graph] prior to calling this method to check if the deep
* link is valid. If an invalid deep link is given, an [IllegalArgumentException] will be
* thrown.
* @param deepLink deepLink to the destination reachable from the current NavGraph
* @param navOptions special options for this navigation operation
* @see NavController.navigate
public open fun navigate(deepLink: Uri, navOptions: NavOptions?) {
navigate(NavDeepLinkRequest(deepLink, null, null), navOptions, null)
* Navigate to a destination via the given deep link [Uri].
* [NavDestination.hasDeepLink] should be called on
* [the navigation graph][graph] prior to calling this method to check if the deep
* link is valid. If an invalid deep link is given, an [IllegalArgumentException] will be
* thrown.
* @param deepLink deepLink to the destination reachable from the current NavGraph
* @param navOptions special options for this navigation operation
* @param navigatorExtras extras to pass to the Navigator
* @see NavController.navigate
public open fun navigate(
deepLink: Uri,
navOptions: NavOptions?,
navigatorExtras: Navigator.Extras?
) {
navigate(NavDeepLinkRequest(deepLink, null, null), navOptions, navigatorExtras)
* Navigate to a destination via the given [NavDeepLinkRequest].
* [NavDestination.hasDeepLink] should be called on
* [the navigation graph][graph] prior to calling this method to check if the deep
* link is valid. If an invalid deep link is given, an [IllegalArgumentException] will be
* thrown.
* @param request deepLinkRequest to the destination reachable from the current NavGraph
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given deep link request is invalid
public open fun navigate(request: NavDeepLinkRequest) {
navigate(request, null)
* Navigate to a destination via the given [NavDeepLinkRequest].
* [NavDestination.hasDeepLink] should be called on
* [the navigation graph][graph] prior to calling this method to check if the deep
* link is valid. If an invalid deep link is given, an [IllegalArgumentException] will be
* thrown.
* @param request deepLinkRequest to the destination reachable from the current NavGraph
* @param navOptions special options for this navigation operation
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given deep link request is invalid
public open fun navigate(request: NavDeepLinkRequest, navOptions: NavOptions?) {
navigate(request, navOptions, null)
* Navigate to a destination via the given [NavDeepLinkRequest].
* [NavDestination.hasDeepLink] should be called on
* [the navigation graph][graph] prior to calling this method to check if the deep
* link is valid. If an invalid deep link is given, an [IllegalArgumentException] will be
* thrown.
* @param request deepLinkRequest to the destination reachable from the current NavGraph
* @param navOptions special options for this navigation operation
* @param navigatorExtras extras to pass to the Navigator
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given deep link request is invalid
public open fun navigate(
request: NavDeepLinkRequest,
navOptions: NavOptions?,
navigatorExtras: Navigator.Extras?
) {
requireNotNull(_graph) {
"Cannot navigate to $request. Navigation graph has not been set for " +
"NavController $this."
val deepLinkMatch = _graph!!.matchDeepLink(request)
if (deepLinkMatch != null) {
val destination = deepLinkMatch.destination
val args = destination.addInDefaultArgs(deepLinkMatch.matchingArgs) ?: Bundle()
val node = deepLinkMatch.destination
val intent = Intent().apply {
setDataAndType(request.uri, request.mimeType)
action = request.action
args.putParcelable(KEY_DEEP_LINK_INTENT, intent)
navigate(node, args, navOptions, navigatorExtras)
} else {
throw IllegalArgumentException(
"Navigation destination that matches request $request cannot be found in the " +
"navigation graph $_graph"
private fun navigate(
node: NavDestination,
args: Bundle?,
navOptions: NavOptions?,
navigatorExtras: Navigator.Extras?
) {
navigatorState.values.forEach { state ->
state.isNavigating = true
var popped = false
var launchSingleTop = false
var navigated = false
if (navOptions != null) {
if (navOptions.popUpToId != -1) {
popped = popBackStackInternal(
val finalArgs = node.addInDefaultArgs(args)
// Now determine what new destinations we need to add to the back stack
if (navOptions?.shouldRestoreState() == true && backStackMap.containsKey( {
navigated = restoreStateInternal(, finalArgs, navOptions, navigatorExtras)
} else {
launchSingleTop = navOptions?.shouldLaunchSingleTop() == true &&
launchSingleTopInternal(node, args)
if (!launchSingleTop) {
// Not a single top operation, so we're looking to add the node to the back stack
val backStackEntry = NavBackStackEntry.create(
context, node, finalArgs, hostLifecycleState, viewModel
val navigator = _navigatorProvider.getNavigator<Navigator<NavDestination>>(
navigator.navigateInternal(listOf(backStackEntry), navOptions, navigatorExtras) {
navigated = true
addEntryToBackStack(node, finalArgs, it)
navigatorState.values.forEach { state ->
state.isNavigating = false
if (popped || navigated || launchSingleTop) {
} else {
private fun launchSingleTopInternal(
node: NavDestination,
args: Bundle?
): Boolean {
val currentBackStackEntry = currentBackStackEntry
val nodeId = if (node is NavGraph) node.findStartDestination().id else
if (nodeId != currentBackStackEntry?.destination?.id) return false
val tempBackQueue: ArrayDeque<NavBackStackEntry> = ArrayDeque()
// pop from startDestination back to original node and create a new entry for each
backQueue.indexOfLast { it.destination === node }.let { nodeIndex ->
while (backQueue.lastIndex >= nodeIndex) {
val oldEntry = backQueue.removeLast()
val newEntry = NavBackStackEntry(
// add each new entry to backQueue starting from original node to startDestination
tempBackQueue.forEach { newEntry ->
val parent = newEntry.destination.parent
if (parent != null) {
val newParent = getBackStackEntry(
linkChildToParent(newEntry, newParent)
// we replace NavState entries here only after backQueue has been finalized
tempBackQueue.forEach { newEntry ->
val navigator = _navigatorProvider.getNavigator<Navigator<*>>(
return true
private fun restoreStateInternal(
id: Int,
args: Bundle?,
navOptions: NavOptions?,
navigatorExtras: Navigator.Extras?
): Boolean {
if (!backStackMap.containsKey(id)) {
return false
val backStackId = backStackMap[id]
// Clear out the state we're going to restore so that it isn't restored a second time
backStackMap.values.removeAll { it == backStackId }
val backStackState = backStackStates.remove(backStackId)
// Now restore the back stack from its saved state
val entries = instantiateBackStack(backStackState)
return executeRestoreState(entries, args, navOptions, navigatorExtras)
private fun restoreStateInternal(route: String): Boolean {
var id = createRoute(route).hashCode()
// try to match based on routePattern
return if (backStackMap.containsKey(id)) {
restoreStateInternal(id, null, null, null)
} else {
// if it didn't match, it means the route contains filled in arguments and we need
// to find the destination that matches this route's general pattern
val matchingDestination = findDestination(route)
check(matchingDestination != null) {
"Restore State failed: route $route cannot be found from the current " +
"destination $currentDestination"
id =
val backStackId = backStackMap[id]
// Clear out the state we're going to restore so that it isn't restored a second time
backStackMap.values.removeAll { it == backStackId }
val backStackState = backStackStates.remove(backStackId)
val matchingDeepLink = matchingDestination.matchDeepLink(route)
// check if the topmost NavBackStackEntryState contains the arguments in this
// matchingDeepLink. If not, we didn't find the correct stack.
val isCorrectStack = matchingDeepLink!!.hasMatchingArgs(
if (!isCorrectStack) return false
val entries = instantiateBackStack(backStackState)
executeRestoreState(entries, null, null, null)
private fun executeRestoreState(
entries: List<NavBackStackEntry>,
args: Bundle?,
navOptions: NavOptions?,
navigatorExtras: Navigator.Extras?
): Boolean {
// Split up the entries by Navigator so we can restore them as an atomic operation
val entriesGroupedByNavigator = mutableListOf<MutableList<NavBackStackEntry>>()
entries.filterNot { entry ->
// Skip navigation graphs - they'll be added by addEntryToBackStack()
entry.destination is NavGraph
}.forEach { entry ->
val previousEntryList = entriesGroupedByNavigator.lastOrNull()
val previousNavigatorName = previousEntryList?.last()?.destination?.navigatorName
if (previousNavigatorName == entry.destination.navigatorName) {
// Group back to back entries associated with the same Navigator together
previousEntryList += entry
} else {
// Create a new group for the new Navigator
entriesGroupedByNavigator += mutableListOf(entry)
var navigated = false
// Now actually navigate to each set of entries
for (entryList in entriesGroupedByNavigator) {
val navigator = _navigatorProvider.getNavigator<Navigator<NavDestination>>(
var lastNavigatedIndex = 0
navigator.navigateInternal(entryList, navOptions, navigatorExtras) { entry ->
navigated = true
// If this destination is part of the restored back stack,
// pass all destinations between the last navigated entry and this one
// to ensure that any navigation graphs are properly restored as well
val entryIndex = entries.indexOf(entry)
val restoredEntries = if (entryIndex != -1) {
entries.subList(lastNavigatedIndex, entryIndex + 1).also {
lastNavigatedIndex = entryIndex + 1
} else {
addEntryToBackStack(entry.destination, args, entry, restoredEntries)
return navigated
private fun instantiateBackStack(
backStackState: ArrayDeque<NavBackStackEntryState>?
): List<NavBackStackEntry> {
val backStack = mutableListOf<NavBackStackEntry>()
var currentDestination = backQueue.lastOrNull()?.destination ?: graph
backStackState?.forEach { state ->
val node = currentDestination.findDestination(state.destinationId)
checkNotNull(node) {
val dest = NavDestination.getDisplayName(
context, state.destinationId
"Restore State failed: destination $dest cannot be found from the current " +
"destination $currentDestination"
backStack += state.instantiate(context, node, hostLifecycleState, viewModel)
currentDestination = node
return backStack
private fun addEntryToBackStack(
node: NavDestination,
finalArgs: Bundle?,
backStackEntry: NavBackStackEntry,
restoredEntries: List<NavBackStackEntry> = emptyList()
) {
val newDest = backStackEntry.destination
if (newDest !is FloatingWindow) {
// We've successfully navigating to the new destination, which means
// we should pop any FloatingWindow destination off the back stack
// before updating the back stack with our new destination
while (!backQueue.isEmpty() &&
backQueue.last().destination is FloatingWindow &&
popBackStackInternal(backQueue.last(), true)
) {
// Keep popping
// When you navigate() to a NavGraph, we need to ensure that a new instance
// is always created vs reusing an existing copy of that destination
val hierarchy = ArrayDeque<NavBackStackEntry>()
var destination: NavDestination? = newDest
if (node is NavGraph) {
do {
val parent = destination!!.parent
if (parent != null) {
val entry = restoredEntries.lastOrNull { restoredEntry ->
restoredEntry.destination == parent
} ?: NavBackStackEntry.create(
context, parent,
finalArgs, hostLifecycleState, viewModel
// Pop any orphaned copy of that navigation graph off the back stack
if (backQueue.isNotEmpty() && backQueue.last().destination === parent) {
destination = parent
} while (destination != null && destination !== node)
// Now collect the set of all intermediate NavGraphs that need to be put onto
// the back stack. Destinations can have multiple parents, so we check referential
// equality to ensure that same destinations with a parent that is not this _graph
// will also have their parents added to the hierarchy.
destination = if (hierarchy.isEmpty()) newDest else hierarchy.first().destination
while (destination != null && findDestination( !== destination) {
val parent = destination.parent
if (parent != null) {
val args = if (finalArgs?.isEmpty == true) null else finalArgs
val entry = restoredEntries.lastOrNull { restoredEntry ->
restoredEntry.destination == parent
} ?: NavBackStackEntry.create(
context, parent, parent.addInDefaultArgs(args), hostLifecycleState,
destination = parent
val overlappingDestination: NavDestination =
if (hierarchy.isEmpty())
// Pop any orphaned navigation graphs that don't connect to the new destinations
while (!backQueue.isEmpty() && backQueue.last().destination is NavGraph &&
(backQueue.last().destination as NavGraph).findNode(, false
) == null
) {
// The _graph should always be on the top of the back stack after you navigate()
val firstEntry = backQueue.firstOrNull() ?: hierarchy.firstOrNull()
if (firstEntry?.destination != _graph) {
val entry = restoredEntries.lastOrNull { restoredEntry ->
restoredEntry.destination == _graph!!
} ?: NavBackStackEntry.create(
context, _graph!!, _graph!!.addInDefaultArgs(finalArgs), hostLifecycleState,
// Now add the parent hierarchy to the NavigatorStates and back stack
hierarchy.forEach { entry ->
val navigator = _navigatorProvider.getNavigator<Navigator<*>>(
val navigatorBackStack = checkNotNull(navigatorState[navigator]) {
"NavigatorBackStack for ${node.navigatorName} should already be created"
// And finally, add the new destination
// Link the newly added hierarchy and entry with the parent NavBackStackEntry
// so that we can track how many destinations are associated with each NavGraph
(hierarchy + backStackEntry).forEach {
val parent = it.destination.parent
if (parent != null) {
linkChildToParent(it, getBackStackEntry(
* Navigate via the given [NavDirections]
* @param directions directions that describe this navigation operation
public open fun navigate(directions: NavDirections) {
navigate(directions.actionId, directions.arguments, null)
* Navigate via the given [NavDirections]
* @param directions directions that describe this navigation operation
* @param navOptions special options for this navigation operation
public open fun navigate(directions: NavDirections, navOptions: NavOptions?) {
navigate(directions.actionId, directions.arguments, navOptions)
* Navigate via the given [NavDirections]
* @param directions directions that describe this navigation operation
* @param navigatorExtras extras to pass to the [Navigator]
public open fun navigate(directions: NavDirections, navigatorExtras: Navigator.Extras) {
navigate(directions.actionId, directions.arguments, null, navigatorExtras)
* Navigate to a route in the current NavGraph. If an invalid route is given, an
* [IllegalArgumentException] will be thrown.
* @param route route for the destination
* @param builder DSL for constructing a new [NavOptions]
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given route is invalid
public fun navigate(route: String, builder: NavOptionsBuilder.() -> Unit) {
navigate(route, navOptions(builder))
* Navigate to a route in the current NavGraph. If an invalid route is given, an
* [IllegalArgumentException] will be thrown.
* @param route route for the destination
* @param navOptions special options for this navigation operation
* @param navigatorExtras extras to pass to the [Navigator]
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given route is invalid
public fun navigate(
route: String,
navOptions: NavOptions? = null,
navigatorExtras: Navigator.Extras? = null
) {
NavDeepLinkRequest.Builder.fromUri(createRoute(route).toUri()).build(), navOptions,
* Create a deep link to a destination within this NavController.
* @return a [NavDeepLinkBuilder] suitable for constructing a deep link
public open fun createDeepLink(): NavDeepLinkBuilder {
return NavDeepLinkBuilder(this)
* Saves all navigation controller state to a Bundle.
* State may be restored from a bundle returned from this method by calling
* [restoreState]. Saving controller state is the responsibility
* of a [NavHost].
* @return saved state for this controller
public open fun saveState(): Bundle? {
var b: Bundle? = null
val navigatorNames = ArrayList<String>()
val navigatorState = Bundle()
for ((name, value) in _navigatorProvider.navigators) {
val savedState = value.onSaveState()
if (savedState != null) {
navigatorState.putBundle(name, savedState)
if (navigatorNames.isNotEmpty()) {
b = Bundle()
navigatorState.putStringArrayList(KEY_NAVIGATOR_STATE_NAMES, navigatorNames)
b.putBundle(KEY_NAVIGATOR_STATE, navigatorState)
if (backQueue.isNotEmpty()) {
if (b == null) {
b = Bundle()
val backStack = arrayOfNulls<Parcelable>(backQueue.size)
var index = 0
for (backStackEntry in this.backQueue) {
backStack[index++] = NavBackStackEntryState(backStackEntry)
b.putParcelableArray(KEY_BACK_STACK, backStack)
if (backStackMap.isNotEmpty()) {
if (b == null) {
b = Bundle()
val backStackDestIds = IntArray(backStackMap.size)
val backStackIds = ArrayList<String?>()
var index = 0
for ((destId, id) in backStackMap) {
backStackDestIds[index++] = destId
backStackIds += id
b.putIntArray(KEY_BACK_STACK_DEST_IDS, backStackDestIds)
b.putStringArrayList(KEY_BACK_STACK_IDS, backStackIds)
if (backStackStates.isNotEmpty()) {
if (b == null) {
b = Bundle()
val backStackStateIds = ArrayList<String>()
for ((id, backStackStates) in backStackStates) {
backStackStateIds += id
val states = arrayOfNulls<Parcelable>(backStackStates.size)
backStackStates.forEachIndexed { stateIndex, backStackState ->
states[stateIndex] = backStackState
b.putParcelableArray(KEY_BACK_STACK_STATES_PREFIX + id, states)
b.putStringArrayList(KEY_BACK_STACK_STATES_IDS, backStackStateIds)
if (deepLinkHandled) {
if (b == null) {
b = Bundle()
b.putBoolean(KEY_DEEP_LINK_HANDLED, deepLinkHandled)
return b
* Restores all navigation controller state from a bundle. This should be called before any
* call to [setGraph].
* State may be saved to a bundle by calling [saveState].
* Restoring controller state is the responsibility of a [NavHost].
* @param navState state bundle to restore
public open fun restoreState(navState: Bundle?) {
if (navState == null) {
navState.classLoader = context.classLoader
navigatorStateToRestore = navState.getBundle(KEY_NAVIGATOR_STATE)
backStackToRestore = navState.getParcelableArray(KEY_BACK_STACK)
val backStackDestIds = navState.getIntArray(KEY_BACK_STACK_DEST_IDS)
val backStackIds = navState.getStringArrayList(KEY_BACK_STACK_IDS)
if (backStackDestIds != null && backStackIds != null) {
backStackDestIds.forEachIndexed { index, id ->
backStackMap[id] = backStackIds[index]
val backStackStateIds = navState.getStringArrayList(KEY_BACK_STACK_STATES_IDS)
backStackStateIds?.forEach { id ->
val backStackState = navState.getParcelableArray(KEY_BACK_STACK_STATES_PREFIX + id)
if (backStackState != null) {
backStackStates[id] = ArrayDeque<NavBackStackEntryState>(
).apply {
for (parcelable in backStackState) {
add(parcelable as NavBackStackEntryState)
deepLinkHandled = navState.getBoolean(KEY_DEEP_LINK_HANDLED)
/** @suppress */
public open fun setLifecycleOwner(owner: LifecycleOwner) {
if (owner == lifecycleOwner) {
lifecycleOwner = owner
/** @suppress */
public open fun setOnBackPressedDispatcher(dispatcher: OnBackPressedDispatcher) {
if (dispatcher == onBackPressedDispatcher) {
val lifecycleOwner = checkNotNull(lifecycleOwner) {
"You must call setLifecycleOwner() before calling setOnBackPressedDispatcher()"
// Remove the callback from any previous dispatcher
// Then add it to the new dispatcher
onBackPressedDispatcher = dispatcher
dispatcher.addCallback(lifecycleOwner, onBackPressedCallback)
// Make sure that listener for updating the NavBackStackEntry lifecycles comes after
// the dispatcher
lifecycleOwner.lifecycle.apply {
/** @suppress */
public open fun enableOnBackPressed(enabled: Boolean) {
enableOnBackPressedCallback = enabled
private fun updateOnBackPressedCallbackEnabled() {
onBackPressedCallback.isEnabled = (
enableOnBackPressedCallback && destinationCountOnBackStack > 1
/** @suppress */
public open fun setViewModelStore(viewModelStore: ViewModelStore) {
if (viewModel == NavControllerViewModel.getInstance(viewModelStore)) {
check(backQueue.isEmpty()) { "ViewModelStore should be set before setGraph call" }
viewModel = NavControllerViewModel.getInstance(viewModelStore)
* Gets the [ViewModelStoreOwner] for a NavGraph. This can be passed to
* [androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelProvider] to retrieve a ViewModel that is scoped
* to the navigation graph - it will be cleared when the navigation graph is popped off
* the back stack.
* @param navGraphId ID of a NavGraph that exists on the back stack
* @throws IllegalStateException if called before the [NavHost] has called
* [NavHostController.setViewModelStore].
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the NavGraph is not on the back stack
public open fun getViewModelStoreOwner(@IdRes navGraphId: Int): ViewModelStoreOwner {
checkNotNull(viewModel) {
"You must call setViewModelStore() before calling getViewModelStoreOwner()."
val lastFromBackStack = getBackStackEntry(navGraphId)
require(lastFromBackStack.destination is NavGraph) {
"No NavGraph with ID $navGraphId is on the NavController's back stack"
return lastFromBackStack
* Gets the topmost [NavBackStackEntry] for a destination id.
* This is always safe to use with [the current destination][currentDestination] or
* [its parent][NavDestination.parent] or grandparent navigation graphs as these
* destinations are guaranteed to be on the back stack.
* @param destinationId ID of a destination that exists on the back stack
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the destination is not on the back stack
public open fun getBackStackEntry(@IdRes destinationId: Int): NavBackStackEntry {
val lastFromBackStack: NavBackStackEntry? = backQueue.lastOrNull { entry -> == destinationId
requireNotNull(lastFromBackStack) {
"No destination with ID $destinationId is on the NavController's back stack. The " +
"current destination is $currentDestination"
return lastFromBackStack
* Gets the topmost [NavBackStackEntry] for a route.
* This is always safe to use with [the current destination][currentDestination] or
* [its parent][NavDestination.parent] or grandparent navigation graphs as these
* destinations are guaranteed to be on the back stack.
* @param route route of a destination that exists on the back stack. May contain filled in
* arguments as long as it is exact match with route used to navigate.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the destination is not on the back stack
public fun getBackStackEntry(route: String): NavBackStackEntry {
val lastFromBackStack: NavBackStackEntry? = backQueue.lastOrNull { entry ->
entry.destination.hasRoute(route, entry.arguments)
requireNotNull(lastFromBackStack) {
"No destination with route $route is on the NavController's back stack. The " +
"current destination is $currentDestination"
return lastFromBackStack
* The topmost [NavBackStackEntry].
* @return the topmost entry on the back stack or null if the back stack is empty
public open val currentBackStackEntry: NavBackStackEntry?
get() = backQueue.lastOrNull()
private val _currentBackStackEntryFlow: MutableSharedFlow<NavBackStackEntry> =
MutableSharedFlow(replay = 1, onBufferOverflow = BufferOverflow.DROP_OLDEST)
* A [Flow] that will emit the currently active [NavBackStackEntry] whenever it changes. If
* there is no active [NavBackStackEntry], no item will be emitted.
public val currentBackStackEntryFlow: Flow<NavBackStackEntry> =
* The previous visible [NavBackStackEntry].
* This skips over any [NavBackStackEntry] that is associated with a [NavGraph].
* @return the previous visible entry on the back stack or null if the back stack has less
* than two visible entries
public open val previousBackStackEntry: NavBackStackEntry?
get() {
val iterator = backQueue.reversed().iterator()
// throw the topmost destination away.
if (iterator.hasNext()) {
return iterator.asSequence().firstOrNull { entry ->
entry.destination !is NavGraph
public companion object {
private const val TAG = "NavController"
private const val KEY_NAVIGATOR_STATE = "android-support-nav:controller:navigatorState"
private const val KEY_NAVIGATOR_STATE_NAMES =
private const val KEY_BACK_STACK = "android-support-nav:controller:backStack"
private const val KEY_BACK_STACK_DEST_IDS =
private const val KEY_BACK_STACK_IDS =
private const val KEY_BACK_STACK_STATES_IDS =
private const val KEY_BACK_STACK_STATES_PREFIX =
/** @suppress */
public const val KEY_DEEP_LINK_IDS: String = "android-support-nav:controller:deepLinkIds"
/** @suppress */
public const val KEY_DEEP_LINK_ARGS: String = "android-support-nav:controller:deepLinkArgs"
/** @suppress */
public const val KEY_DEEP_LINK_EXTRAS: String =
/** @suppress */
public const val KEY_DEEP_LINK_HANDLED: String =
* The [Intent] that triggered a deep link to the current destination.
public const val KEY_DEEP_LINK_INTENT: String =
private var deepLinkSaveState = true
* By default, [handleDeepLink] will automatically add calls to
* [NavOptions.Builder.setPopUpTo] with a `saveState` of `true` when the deep
* link takes you to another graph (e.g., a different navigation graph than the
* one your start destination is in).
* You can disable this behavior by passing `false` for [saveState].
public fun enableDeepLinkSaveState(saveState: Boolean) {
deepLinkSaveState = saveState
* Construct a new [NavGraph]
* @param id the graph's unique id
* @param startDestination the route for the start destination
* @param builder the builder used to construct the graph
"Use routes to create your NavGraph instead",
"createGraph(startDestination = startDestination.toString(), route = id.toString()) " +
"{ builder.invoke() }"
public inline fun NavController.createGraph(
@IdRes id: Int = 0,
@IdRes startDestination: Int,
builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit
): NavGraph = navigatorProvider.navigation(id, startDestination, builder)
* Construct a new [NavGraph]
* @param startDestination the route for the start destination
* @param route the route for the graph
* @param builder the builder used to construct the graph
public inline fun NavController.createGraph(
startDestination: String,
route: String? = null,
builder: NavGraphBuilder.() -> Unit
): NavGraph = navigatorProvider.navigation(startDestination, route, builder)