blob: 8febaf84c7a93ff298ae3e418a239fb37a53cef8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.util.Log;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
* A persistable set of key/value pairs which are used as inputs and outputs for
* {@link ListenableWorker}s. Keys are Strings, and values can be Strings, primitive types, or
* their array variants.
* <p>
* This is a lightweight container, and should not be considered your data store. As such, there is
* an enforced {@link #MAX_DATA_BYTES} limit on the serialized (byte array) size of the payloads.
* This class will throw {@link IllegalStateException}s if you try to serialize or deserialize past
* this limit.
public final class Data {
private static final String TAG = Logger.tagWithPrefix("Data");
* An empty Data object with no elements.
public static final Data EMPTY = new Data.Builder().build();
* The maximum number of bytes for Data when it is serialized (converted to a byte array).
* Please see the class-level Javadoc for more information.
public static final int MAX_DATA_BYTES = 10 * 1024; // 10KB
@SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") /* synthetic access */
Map<String, Object> mValues;
Data() { // stub required for room
public Data(@NonNull Data other) {
mValues = new HashMap<>(other.mValues);
Data(@NonNull Map<String, ?> values) {
mValues = new HashMap<>(values);
* Gets the boolean value for the given key.
* @param key The key for the argument
* @param defaultValue The default value to return if the key is not found
* @return The value specified by the key if it exists; the default value otherwise
public boolean getBoolean(@NonNull String key, boolean defaultValue) {
Object value = mValues.get(key);
if (value instanceof Boolean) {
return (boolean) value;
} else {
return defaultValue;
* Gets the boolean array value for the given key.
* @param key The key for the argument
* @return The value specified by the key if it exists; {@code null} otherwise
public @Nullable boolean[] getBooleanArray(@NonNull String key) {
Object value = mValues.get(key);
if (value instanceof Boolean[]) {
Boolean[] array = (Boolean[]) value;
boolean[] returnArray = new boolean[array.length];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
returnArray[i] = array[i];
return returnArray;
} else {
return null;
* Gets the byte value for the given key.
* @param key The key for the argument
* @param defaultValue The default value to return if the key is not found
* @return The value specified by the key if it exists; the default value otherwise
public byte getByte(@NonNull String key, byte defaultValue) {
Object value = mValues.get(key);
if (value instanceof Byte) {
return (byte) value;
} else {
return defaultValue;
* Gets the byte array value for the given key.
* @param key The key for the argument
* @return The value specified by the key if it exists; {@code null} otherwise
public @Nullable byte[] getByteArray(@NonNull String key) {
Object value = mValues.get(key);
if (value instanceof Byte[]) {
Byte[] array = (Byte[]) value;
byte[] returnArray = new byte[array.length];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
returnArray[i] = array[i];
return returnArray;
} else {
return null;
* Gets the integer value for the given key.
* @param key The key for the argument
* @param defaultValue The default value to return if the key is not found
* @return The value specified by the key if it exists; the default value otherwise
public int getInt(@NonNull String key, int defaultValue) {
Object value = mValues.get(key);
if (value instanceof Integer) {
return (int) value;
} else {
return defaultValue;
* Gets the integer array value for the given key.
* @param key The key for the argument
* @return The value specified by the key if it exists; {@code null} otherwise
public @Nullable int[] getIntArray(@NonNull String key) {
Object value = mValues.get(key);
if (value instanceof Integer[]) {
Integer[] array = (Integer[]) value;
int[] returnArray = new int[array.length];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
returnArray[i] = array[i];
return returnArray;
} else {
return null;
* Gets the long value for the given key.
* @param key The key for the argument
* @param defaultValue The default value to return if the key is not found
* @return The value specified by the key if it exists; the default value otherwise
public long getLong(@NonNull String key, long defaultValue) {
Object value = mValues.get(key);
if (value instanceof Long) {
return (long) value;
} else {
return defaultValue;
* Gets the long array value for the given key.
* @param key The key for the argument
* @return The value specified by the key if it exists; {@code null} otherwise
public @Nullable long[] getLongArray(@NonNull String key) {
Object value = mValues.get(key);
if (value instanceof Long[]) {
Long[] array = (Long[]) value;
long[] returnArray = new long[array.length];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
returnArray[i] = array[i];
return returnArray;
} else {
return null;
* Gets the float value for the given key.
* @param key The key for the argument
* @param defaultValue The default value to return if the key is not found
* @return The value specified by the key if it exists; the default value otherwise
public float getFloat(@NonNull String key, float defaultValue) {
Object value = mValues.get(key);
if (value instanceof Float) {
return (float) value;
} else {
return defaultValue;
* Gets the float array value for the given key.
* @param key The key for the argument
* @return The value specified by the key if it exists; {@code null} otherwise
public @Nullable float[] getFloatArray(@NonNull String key) {
Object value = mValues.get(key);
if (value instanceof Float[]) {
Float[] array = (Float[]) value;
float[] returnArray = new float[array.length];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
returnArray[i] = array[i];
return returnArray;
} else {
return null;
* Gets the double value for the given key.
* @param key The key for the argument
* @param defaultValue The default value to return if the key is not found
* @return The value specified by the key if it exists; the default value otherwise
public double getDouble(@NonNull String key, double defaultValue) {
Object value = mValues.get(key);
if (value instanceof Double) {
return (double) value;
} else {
return defaultValue;
* Gets the double array value for the given key.
* @param key The key for the argument
* @return The value specified by the key if it exists; {@code null} otherwise
public @Nullable double[] getDoubleArray(@NonNull String key) {
Object value = mValues.get(key);
if (value instanceof Double[]) {
Double[] array = (Double[]) value;
double[] returnArray = new double[array.length];
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; ++i) {
returnArray[i] = array[i];
return returnArray;
} else {
return null;
* Gets the String value for the given key.
* @param key The key for the argument
* @return The value specified by the key if it exists; the default value otherwise
public @Nullable String getString(@NonNull String key) {
Object value = mValues.get(key);
if (value instanceof String) {
return (String) value;
} else {
return null;
* Gets the String array value for the given key.
* @param key The key for the argument
* @return The value specified by the key if it exists; {@code null} otherwise
public @Nullable String[] getStringArray(@NonNull String key) {
Object value = mValues.get(key);
if (value instanceof String[]) {
return (String[]) value;
} else {
return null;
* Gets all the values in this Data object.
* @return A {@link Map} of key-value pairs for this object; this Map is unmodifiable and should
* be used for reads only.
public @NonNull Map<String, Object> getKeyValueMap() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(mValues);
* @return The number of elements in this Data object.
* @hide
public int size() {
return mValues.size();
* Converts {@link Data} to a byte array for persistent storage.
* @param data The {@link Data} object to convert
* @return The byte array representation of the input
* @throws IllegalStateException if the serialized payload is bigger than
* {@link #MAX_DATA_BYTES}
public static @NonNull byte[] toByteArray(@NonNull Data data) {
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream = null;
try {
objectOutputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(outputStream);
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : data.mValues.entrySet()) {
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Error in Data#toByteArray: ", e);
return outputStream.toByteArray();
} finally {
if (objectOutputStream != null) {
try {
// NOTE: this writes something to the output stream for bookkeeping purposes.
// Don't get the byteArray before we do this!
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Error in Data#toByteArray: ", e);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Error in Data#toByteArray: ", e);
if (outputStream.size() > MAX_DATA_BYTES) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Data cannot occupy more than " + MAX_DATA_BYTES
+ " bytes when serialized");
return outputStream.toByteArray();
* Converts a byte array to {@link Data}.
* @param bytes The byte array representation to convert
* @return An {@link Data} object built from the input
* @throws IllegalStateException if bytes is bigger than {@link #MAX_DATA_BYTES}
public static @NonNull Data fromByteArray(@NonNull byte[] bytes) {
if (bytes.length > MAX_DATA_BYTES) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Data cannot occupy more than " + MAX_DATA_BYTES + " bytes when serialized");
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes);
ObjectInputStream objectInputStream = null;
try {
objectInputStream = new ObjectInputStream(inputStream);
for (int i = objectInputStream.readInt(); i > 0; i--) {
map.put(objectInputStream.readUTF(), objectInputStream.readObject());
} catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Error in Data#fromByteArray: ", e);
} finally {
if (objectInputStream != null) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Error in Data#fromByteArray: ", e);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Error in Data#fromByteArray: ", e);
return new Data(map);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
return false;
Data other = (Data) o;
return mValues.equals(other.mValues);
public int hashCode() {
return 31 * mValues.hashCode();
@SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") /* synthetic access */
static @NonNull Boolean[] convertPrimitiveBooleanArray(@NonNull boolean[] value) {
Boolean[] returnValue = new Boolean[value.length];
for (int i = 0; i < value.length; ++i) {
returnValue[i] = value[i];
return returnValue;
static @NonNull Byte[] convertPrimitiveByteArray(@NonNull byte[] value) {
Byte[] returnValue = new Byte[value.length];
for (int i = 0; i < value.length; ++i) {
returnValue[i] = value[i];
return returnValue;
@SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") /* synthetic access */
static @NonNull Integer[] convertPrimitiveIntArray(@NonNull int[] value) {
Integer[] returnValue = new Integer[value.length];
for (int i = 0; i < value.length; ++i) {
returnValue[i] = value[i];
return returnValue;
@SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") /* synthetic access */
static @NonNull Long[] convertPrimitiveLongArray(@NonNull long[] value) {
Long[] returnValue = new Long[value.length];
for (int i = 0; i < value.length; ++i) {
returnValue[i] = value[i];
return returnValue;
@SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") /* synthetic access */
static @NonNull Float[] convertPrimitiveFloatArray(@NonNull float[] value) {
Float[] returnValue = new Float[value.length];
for (int i = 0; i < value.length; ++i) {
returnValue[i] = value[i];
return returnValue;
@SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") /* synthetic access */
static @NonNull Double[] convertPrimitiveDoubleArray(@NonNull double[] value) {
Double[] returnValue = new Double[value.length];
for (int i = 0; i < value.length; ++i) {
returnValue[i] = value[i];
return returnValue;
* A builder for {@link Data} objects.
public static final class Builder {
private Map<String, Object> mValues = new HashMap<>();
* Puts a boolean into the arguments.
* @param key The key for this argument
* @param value The value for this argument
* @return The {@link Builder}
public @NonNull Builder putBoolean(@NonNull String key, boolean value) {
mValues.put(key, value);
return this;
* Puts a boolean array into the arguments.
* @param key The key for this argument
* @param value The value for this argument
* @return The {@link Builder}
public @NonNull Builder putBooleanArray(@NonNull String key, @NonNull boolean[] value) {
mValues.put(key, convertPrimitiveBooleanArray(value));
return this;
* Puts an byte into the arguments.
* @param key The key for this argument
* @param value The value for this argument
* @return The {@link Builder}
public @NonNull Builder putByte(@NonNull String key, byte value) {
mValues.put(key, value);
return this;
* Puts an integer array into the arguments.
* @param key The key for this argument
* @param value The value for this argument
* @return The {@link Builder}
public @NonNull Builder putByteArray(@NonNull String key, @NonNull byte[] value) {
mValues.put(key, convertPrimitiveByteArray(value));
return this;
* Puts an integer into the arguments.
* @param key The key for this argument
* @param value The value for this argument
* @return The {@link Builder}
public @NonNull Builder putInt(@NonNull String key, int value) {
mValues.put(key, value);
return this;
* Puts an integer array into the arguments.
* @param key The key for this argument
* @param value The value for this argument
* @return The {@link Builder}
public @NonNull Builder putIntArray(@NonNull String key, @NonNull int[] value) {
mValues.put(key, convertPrimitiveIntArray(value));
return this;
* Puts a long into the arguments.
* @param key The key for this argument
* @param value The value for this argument
* @return The {@link Builder}
public @NonNull Builder putLong(@NonNull String key, long value) {
mValues.put(key, value);
return this;
* Puts a long array into the arguments.
* @param key The key for this argument
* @param value The value for this argument
* @return The {@link Builder}
public @NonNull Builder putLongArray(@NonNull String key, @NonNull long[] value) {
mValues.put(key, convertPrimitiveLongArray(value));
return this;
* Puts a float into the arguments.
* @param key The key for this argument
* @param value The value for this argument
* @return The {@link Builder}
public @NonNull Builder putFloat(@NonNull String key, float value) {
mValues.put(key, value);
return this;
* Puts a float array into the arguments.
* @param key The key for this argument
* @param value The value for this argument
* @return The {@link Builder}
public @NonNull Builder putFloatArray(@NonNull String key, @NonNull float[] value) {
mValues.put(key, convertPrimitiveFloatArray(value));
return this;
* Puts a double into the arguments.
* @param key The key for this argument
* @param value The value for this argument
* @return The {@link Builder}
public @NonNull Builder putDouble(@NonNull String key, double value) {
mValues.put(key, value);
return this;
* Puts a double array into the arguments.
* @param key The key for this argument
* @param value The value for this argument
* @return The {@link Builder}
public @NonNull Builder putDoubleArray(@NonNull String key, @NonNull double[] value) {
mValues.put(key, convertPrimitiveDoubleArray(value));
return this;
* Puts a String into the arguments.
* @param key The key for this argument
* @param value The value for this argument
* @return The {@link Builder}
public @NonNull Builder putString(@NonNull String key, @Nullable String value) {
mValues.put(key, value);
return this;
* Puts a String array into the arguments.
* @param key The key for this argument
* @param value The value for this argument
* @return The {@link Builder}
public @NonNull Builder putStringArray(@NonNull String key, @NonNull String[] value) {
mValues.put(key, value);
return this;
* Puts all input key-value pairs from a {@link Data} into the Builder.
* <p>
* Valid value types are: Boolean, Integer, Long, Float, Double, String, and their array
* versions. Invalid types will throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
* @param data {@link Data} containing key-value pairs to add
* @return The {@link Builder}
public @NonNull Builder putAll(@NonNull Data data) {
return this;
* Puts all input key-value pairs from a {@link Map} into the Builder.
* <p>
* Valid value types are: Boolean, Integer, Long, Float, Double, String, and their array
* versions. Invalid types will throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
* @param values A {@link Map} of key-value pairs to add
* @return The {@link Builder}
public @NonNull Builder putAll(@NonNull Map<String, Object> values) {
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : values.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey();
Object value = entry.getValue();
put(key, value);
return this;
* Puts an input key-value pair into the Builder. Valid types are: Boolean, Integer,
* Long, Float, Double, String, and array versions of each of those types.
* Invalid types throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
* @param key A {@link String} key to add
* @param value A nullable {@link Object} value to add of the valid types
* @return The {@link Builder}
* @hide
public @NonNull Builder put(@NonNull String key, @Nullable Object value) {
if (value == null) {
mValues.put(key, null);
} else {
Class<?> valueType = value.getClass();
if (valueType == Boolean.class
|| valueType == Byte.class
|| valueType == Integer.class
|| valueType == Long.class
|| valueType == Float.class
|| valueType == Double.class
|| valueType == String.class
|| valueType == Boolean[].class
|| valueType == Byte[].class
|| valueType == Integer[].class
|| valueType == Long[].class
|| valueType == Float[].class
|| valueType == Double[].class
|| valueType == String[].class) {
mValues.put(key, value);
} else if (valueType == boolean[].class) {
mValues.put(key, convertPrimitiveBooleanArray((boolean[]) value));
} else if (valueType == byte[].class) {
mValues.put(key, convertPrimitiveByteArray((byte[]) value));
} else if (valueType == int[].class) {
mValues.put(key, convertPrimitiveIntArray((int[]) value));
} else if (valueType == long[].class) {
mValues.put(key, convertPrimitiveLongArray((long[]) value));
} else if (valueType == float[].class) {
mValues.put(key, convertPrimitiveFloatArray((float[]) value));
} else if (valueType == double[].class) {
mValues.put(key, convertPrimitiveDoubleArray((double[]) value));
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
String.format("Key %s has invalid type %s", key, valueType));
return this;
* Builds a {@link Data} object.
* @return The {@link Data} object containing all key-value pairs specified by this
* {@link Builder}.
public @NonNull Data build() {
Data data = new Data(mValues);
// Make sure we catch Data objects that are too large at build() instead of later. This
// method will throw an exception if data is too big.
return data;