blob: 265619806b5094873a1a60b063426dee1423774d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.constraintlayout.compose
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.LaunchedEffect
import androidx.compose.runtime.derivedStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.runtime.rememberUpdatedState
import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue
import androidx.compose.ui.Alignment
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.draw.clip
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.onSizeChanged
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import androidx.constraintlayout.compose.MotionLayoutScope.MotionProperties
import androidx.constraintlayout.compose.carousel.FractionalThreshold
import androidx.constraintlayout.compose.carousel.carouselSwipeable
import androidx.constraintlayout.compose.carousel.rememberCarouselSwipeableState
* Implements an horizontal Carousel of n elements, driven by drag gestures and customizable
* through a provided MotionScene.
* Usage
* -----
* val cardsExample = arrayListOf(...)
* MotionCarousel(motionScene...) {
* items(cardsExample) { card ->
* SomeCardComponent(card)
* }
* }
* or if wanting to use parameters in your components that are defined in the MotionScene:
* MotionCarousel(motionScene...) {
* itemsWithProperties(cardsExample) { card, properties ->
* SomeCardComponent(card, properties)
* }
* }
* Note
* ----
* It is recommended to encapsulate the usage of MotionCarousel:
* fun MyCarousel(content: MotionCarouselScope.() -> Unit) {
* val motionScene = ...
* MotionCarousel(motionScene..., content)
* }
* Mechanism overview and MotionScene architecture
* -----------------------------------------------
* We use 3 different states to represent the Carousel: "previous", "start", and "next".
* A horizontal swipe gesture will transition from one state to the other, e.g. a right to left swipe
* will transition from "start" to "next".
* We consider a scene containing several "slots" for the elements we want to display in the Carousel.
* In an horizontal carousel, the easiest way to think of them is as an horizontal list of slots.
* The overall mechanism thus works by moving those "slots" according to the gesture, and then
* mapping the Carousel's elements to the corresponding slots as we progress through the
* list of elements.
* For example, let's consider using a Carousel with 3 slots [0] [1] and [2], with [1] the
* center slot being the only visible one during the initial state "start" (| and | representing
* the screen borders) and [0] being outside of the screen on the left and [2] outside of the screen
* on the right:
* start [0] | [1] | [2]
* We can setup the previous state in the following way:
* previous | [0] | [1] [3]
* And the next state like:
* next [0] [1] | [2] |
* All three states together allowing to implement the Carousel motion we are looking for:
* previous | [0] | [1] [3]
* start [0] | [1] | [2]
* next [0] [1] | [2] |
* At the end of the swipe gesture, we instantly move back to the start state:
* start [0] | [1] | [2] -> gesture starts
* next [0] [1] | [2] | -> gesture ends
* start [0] | [1] | [2] -> instant snap back to start state
* After the instant snap, we update the elements actually displayed in the slots.
* For example, we can start with the elements {a}, {b} and {c} assigned respectively
* to the slots [0], [1] and [2]. After the swipe the slots will be reassigned to {b}, {c} and {d}:
* start [0]:{a} | [1]:{b} | [2]:{d} -> gesture starts
* next [0]:{a} [1]:{b} | [2]:{c} | -> gesture ends
* start [0]:{a} | [1]:{b} | [2]:{c} -> instant snap back to start state
* start [0]:{b} | [1]:{c} | [2]:{d} -> repaint with reassigned elements
* In this manner, the overall effect emulate an horizontal scroll of a list of elements.
* A similar mechanism is applied the left to right gesture going through the previous state.
* Starting slot
* -------------
* In order to operate, we need a list of slots. We retrieve them from the motionScene by adding
* to the slotPrefix an index number. As the starting slot may not be the first one in the scene,
* we also need to be able to specify a startIndex.
* Note that at the beginning of the Carousel, we will not populate the slots that have a lower
* index than startIndex, and at the end of the Carousel, we will not populate the slots that have
* a higher index than startIndex.
* @param initialSlotIndex the slot index that holds the current element
* @param numSlots the number of slots in the scene
* @param backwardTransition the name of the previous transition (default "previous")
* @param forwardTransition the name of the next transition (default "next")
* @param slotPrefix the prefix used for the slots widgets in the scene (default "card")
* @param showSlots a debug flag to display the slots in the scene regardless if they are populated
* @param content the MotionCarouselScope we use to map the elements to the slots
fun MotionCarousel(
motionScene: MotionScene,
initialSlotIndex: Int,
numSlots: Int,
backwardTransition: String = "backward",
forwardTransition: String = "forward",
slotPrefix: String = "slot",
showSlots: Boolean = false,
content: MotionCarouselScope.() -> Unit
) {
val swipeStateStart = "start"
val swipeStateForward = "next"
val swipeStateBackward = "previous"
val provider = rememberStateOfItemsProvider(content)
var componentWidth by remember { mutableStateOf(1000f) }
val swipeableState = rememberCarouselSwipeableState(swipeStateStart)
var mprogress = (swipeableState.offset.value / componentWidth)
var state by remember {
var currentIndex = remember { mutableStateOf(0) }
val anchors = if (currentIndex.value == 0) {
mapOf(0f to swipeStateStart, componentWidth to swipeStateForward)
} else if (currentIndex.value == provider.value.count() - 1) {
mapOf(-componentWidth to swipeStateBackward, 0f to swipeStateStart)
} else {
-componentWidth to swipeStateBackward,
0f to swipeStateStart,
componentWidth to swipeStateForward
val transitionName = remember {
if (mprogress < 0 && state.index > 0) {
state.direction = MotionCarouselDirection.BACKWARD
transitionName.value = backwardTransition
mprogress *= -1
} else {
state.direction = MotionCarouselDirection.FORWARD
transitionName.value = forwardTransition
if (!swipeableState.isAnimationRunning) {
if (state.direction == MotionCarouselDirection.FORWARD &&
) {
LaunchedEffect(true) {
if (state.index + 1 < provider.value.count()) {
state.direction = MotionCarouselDirection.FORWARD
} else if (state.direction == MotionCarouselDirection.BACKWARD &&
) {
LaunchedEffect(true) {
if (state.index > 0) {
state.direction = MotionCarouselDirection.FORWARD
currentIndex.value = state.index
MotionLayout(motionScene = motionScene,
transitionName = transitionName.value,
progress = mprogress,
modifier = Modifier
state = swipeableState,
anchors = anchors,
reverseDirection = true,
// TODO: replace this implementation?
thresholds = { _, _ -> FractionalThreshold(0.3f) },
orientation = Orientation.Horizontal
.onSizeChanged { size ->
componentWidth = size.width.toFloat()
) {
for (i in 0 until numSlots) {
val idx = i + currentIndex.value - initialSlotIndex
val visible = idx in 0 until provider.value.count()
ItemHolder(i, slotPrefix, showSlots) {
if (visible) {
if (provider.value.hasItemsWithProperties()) {
val properties = motionProperties("$slotPrefix$i")
provider.value.getContent(idx, properties).invoke()
} else {
fun ItemHolder(i: Int, slotPrefix: String, showSlot: Boolean, function: @Composable () -> Unit) {
var modifier = Modifier
if (showSlot) {
modifier = modifier
width = 2.dp,
color = Color(0, 0, 0, 60),
shape = RoundedCornerShape(20.dp)
modifier = modifier,
contentAlignment = Alignment.Center
) {
private enum class MotionCarouselDirection {
private data class CarouselState(
var direction: MotionCarouselDirection,
var index: Int,
var targetIndex: Int,
var snapping: Boolean,
var animating: Boolean
inline fun <T> MotionCarouselScope.items(
items: List<T>,
crossinline itemContent: @Composable (item: T) -> Unit
) = items(items.size) { index ->
interface MotionCarouselScope {
fun items(
count: Int,
itemContent: @Composable (index: Int) -> Unit
fun itemsWithProperties(
count: Int,
itemContent: @Composable (
index: Int,
properties: androidx.compose.runtime.State<MotionProperties>
) -> Unit
inline fun <T> MotionCarouselScope.itemsWithProperties(
items: List<T>,
crossinline itemContent: @Composable (
item: T,
properties: androidx.compose.runtime.State<MotionProperties>
) -> Unit
) = itemsWithProperties(items.size) { index, properties ->
itemContent(items[index], properties)
private fun rememberStateOfItemsProvider(
content: MotionCarouselScope.() -> Unit
): androidx.compose.runtime.State<MotionItemsProvider> {
val latestContent = rememberUpdatedState(content)
return remember {
derivedStateOf { MotionCarouselScopeImpl().apply(latestContent.value) }
interface MotionItemsProvider {
fun getContent(index: Int): @Composable() () -> Unit
fun getContent(
index: Int,
properties: androidx.compose.runtime.State<MotionProperties>
): @Composable() () -> Unit
fun count(): Int
fun hasItemsWithProperties(): Boolean
private class MotionCarouselScopeImpl() : MotionCarouselScope, MotionItemsProvider {
var itemsCount = 0
var itemsProvider: @Composable ((index: Int) -> Unit)? = null
var itemsProviderWithProperties: @Composable ((index: Int,
properties: androidx.compose.runtime.State<MotionProperties>) -> Unit)? =
override fun items(
count: Int,
itemContent: @Composable (index: Int) -> Unit
) {
itemsCount = count
itemsProvider = itemContent
override fun itemsWithProperties(
count: Int,
itemContent: @Composable (
index: Int,
properties: androidx.compose.runtime.State<MotionProperties>
) -> Unit
) {
itemsCount = count
itemsProviderWithProperties = itemContent
override fun getContent(index: Int): @Composable () -> Unit {
return {
override fun getContent(
index: Int,
properties: androidx.compose.runtime.State<MotionProperties>
): @Composable () -> Unit {
return {
itemsProviderWithProperties?.invoke(index, properties)
override fun count(): Int {
return itemsCount
override fun hasItemsWithProperties(): Boolean {
return itemsProviderWithProperties != null