blob: 23ab73a30a26372ba947a1e1b07d85827c31d7f7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Dynamic primitive types used by layout elements.
syntax = "proto3";
package androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto;
import "animation_parameters.proto";
import "fixed.proto";
option java_package = "androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto";
option java_outer_classname = "DynamicProto";
// The type of data to provide to a PlatformInt32Source.
enum PlatformInt32SourceType {
// Undefined source.
// The user's current heart rate.
// Note that to use this data source, your app must already have the
// "BODY_SENSORS" permission granted to it. If this permission is not present,
// this source type will never yield any data.
// The user's current daily steps. This is the number of steps they have taken
// since midnight, and will reset to zero at midnight.
// Note that to use this data source, your app must already have the
// "ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION" permission granted to it. If this permission is not
// present, this source type will never yield any data.
// A dynamic Int32 which sources its data from some platform data source, e.g.
// from sensors, or the current time.
message PlatformInt32Source {
// The source to load data from.
PlatformInt32SourceType source_type = 1;
// The type of arithmetic operation used in ArithmeticInt32Op and
// ArithmeticFloatOp.
enum ArithmeticOpType {
// Undefined operation type.
// Addition.
// Subtraction.
// Multiplication.
// Division.
// Modulus.
// An arithmetic operation, operating on two Int32 instances. This implements
// simple binary operations of the form "result = LHS <op> RHS", where the
// available operation types are described in ArithmeticOpType.
message ArithmeticInt32Op {
// Left hand side of the arithmetic operation.
DynamicInt32 input_lhs = 1;
// Right hand side of the arithmetic operation.
DynamicInt32 input_rhs = 2;
// The type of operation to carry out.
ArithmeticOpType operation_type = 3;
// A dynamic Int32 which sources its data from the tile's state.
message StateInt32Source {
// The key in the state to bind to.
string source_key = 1;
// A conditional operator which yields an integer depending on the boolean
// operand. This implements "int result = condition ? value_if_true :
// value_if_false".
message ConditionalInt32Op {
// The condition to use.
DynamicBool condition = 1;
// The integer to yield if condition is true.
DynamicInt32 value_if_true = 2;
// The integer to yield if condition is false.
DynamicInt32 value_if_false = 3;
// A conditional operator which yields a float depending on the boolean
// operand. This implements
// "float result = condition ? value_if_true : value_if_false".
message ConditionalFloatOp {
// The condition to use.
DynamicBool condition = 1;
// The float to yield if condition is true.
DynamicFloat value_if_true = 2;
// The float to yield if condition is false.
DynamicFloat value_if_false = 3;
// Rounding mode to use when converting a float to an int32.
enum FloatToInt32RoundMode {
// An undefined rounding mode.
// Use floor(x) when rounding.
// Use round(x) when rounding (i.e. rounds to the closest int).
// Use ceil(x) when rounding.
// Converts a Float to an Int32, with a customizable rounding mode.
message FloatToInt32Op {
// The float to round.
DynamicFloat input = 1;
// The rounding mode to use. Defaults to ROUND_MODE_FLOOR if not specified.
FloatToInt32RoundMode round_mode = 2;
// A static interpolation node, between two fixed int32 values.
message AnimatableFixedInt32 {
// The value to start animating from.
int32 from_value = 1;
// The value to animate to.
int32 to_value = 2;
// The animation parameters for duration, delay, etc.
AnimationSpec animation_spec = 3;
// A dynamic interpolation node. This will watch the value of its input and,
// when the first update arrives, immediately emit that value. On subsequent
// updates, it will animate between the old and new values.
// If this node receives an invalid value (e.g. as a result of an upstream node
// having no value), then it will emit a single invalid value, and forget its
// "stored" value. The next valid value that arrives is then used as the
// "first" value again.
message AnimatableDynamicInt32 {
// The value to watch, and animate when it changes.
DynamicInt32 input = 1;
// The animation parameters for duration, delay, etc.
AnimationSpec animation_spec = 2;
// A dynamic int32 type.
// It offers a set of helper methods for creating arithmetic and logical
// expressions, e.g. {@link #plus(int)}, {@link #times(int)}, {@link #eq(int)},
// etc. These helper methods produce expression trees based on the order in
// which they were called in an expression. Thus, no operator precedence rules
// are applied.
// <p>For example the following expression is equivalent to {@code result = ((a
// + b)*c)/d }:
// ```
// ```
// More complex expressions can be created by nesting expressions. For example
// the following expression is equivalent to {@code result = (a + b)*(c - d) }:
// ```
// (;
// ```
message DynamicInt32 {
oneof inner {
FixedInt32 fixed = 1;
PlatformInt32Source platform_source = 2;
ArithmeticInt32Op arithmetic_operation = 3;
StateInt32Source state_source = 4;
ConditionalInt32Op conditional_op = 5;
FloatToInt32Op float_to_int = 6;
GetDurationPartOp duration_part = 7;
AnimatableFixedInt32 animatable_fixed = 8;
AnimatableDynamicInt32 animatable_dynamic = 9;
// Simple formatting for dynamic int32.
message Int32FormatOp {
// The source of Int32 data to convert to a string.
DynamicInt32 input = 1;
// Minimum integer digits. Sign and grouping characters are not considered
// when applying minIntegerDigits constraint. If not defined, defaults to one.
// For example,in the English locale, applying minIntegerDigit=4 to 12 would
// yield "0012".
optional int32 min_integer_digits = 4;
// Digit grouping used. Grouping size and grouping character depend on the
// current locale. If not defined, defaults to false.
// For example, in the English locale, using grouping with 1234 would yield
// "1,234".
bool grouping_used = 5;
// A dynamic String which sources its data from the tile's state.
message StateStringSource {
// The key in the state to bind to.
string source_key = 1;
// A conditional operator which yields an string depending on the boolean
// operand. This implements "string result = condition ? value_if_true :
// value_if_false".
message ConditionalStringOp {
// The condition to use.
DynamicBool condition = 1;
// The string to yield if condition is true.
DynamicString value_if_true = 2;
// The string to yield if condition is false.
DynamicString value_if_false = 3;
// This implements simple string concatenation "result = LHS+RHS"
message ConcatStringOp {
// Left hand side of the concatenation operation.
DynamicString input_lhs = 1;
// Right hand side of the concatenation operation.
DynamicString input_rhs = 2;
// Simple formatting for dynamic floats.
message FloatFormatOp {
// The source of Float data to convert to a string.
DynamicFloat input = 1;
// Maximum fraction digits. Rounding will be applied if maxFractionDigits is
// smaller than number of fraction digits. If not defined, defaults to three.
// minimumFractionDigits must be <= maximumFractionDigits. If the condition is
// not satisfied, then minimumFractionDigits will be used for both fields.
optional int32 max_fraction_digits = 2;
// Minimum fraction digits. Zeros will be appended to the end to satisfy this
// constraint. If not defined, defaults to zero. minimumFractionDigits must be
// <= maximumFractionDigits. If the condition is not satisfied, then
// minimumFractionDigits will be used for both fields.
int32 min_fraction_digits = 3;
// Minimum integer digits. Sign and grouping characters are not considered
// when applying minIntegerDigits constraint. If not defined, defaults to one.
// For example, in the English locale, applying minIntegerDigit=4 to 12.34
// would yield "0012.34".
optional int32 min_integer_digits = 4;
// Digit grouping used. Grouping size and grouping character depend on the
// current locale. If not defined, defaults to false.
// For example, in the English locale, using grouping with 1234.56 would yield
// "1,234.56".
bool grouping_used = 5;
// A dynamic string type.
message DynamicString {
oneof inner {
FixedString fixed = 1;
Int32FormatOp int32_format_op = 2;
StateStringSource state_source = 3;
ConditionalStringOp conditional_op = 4;
ConcatStringOp concat_op = 5;
FloatFormatOp float_format_op = 6;
// An arithmetic operation, operating on two Float instances. This implements
// simple binary operations of the form "result = LHS <op> RHS", where the
// available operation types are described in ArithmeticOpType.
message ArithmeticFloatOp {
// Left hand side of the arithmetic operation.
DynamicFloat input_lhs = 1;
// Right hand side of the arithmetic operation.
DynamicFloat input_rhs = 2;
// The type of operation to carry out.
ArithmeticOpType operation_type = 3;
// A dynamic Float which sources its data from the tile's state.
message StateFloatSource {
// The key in the state to bind to.
string source_key = 1;
// An operation to convert a Int32 value in the dynamic data pipeline to a Float
// value.
message Int32ToFloatOp {
// The input Int32 to convert to a Float.
DynamicInt32 input = 1;
// A static interpolation node, between two fixed floating point values.
message AnimatableFixedFloat {
// The number to start animating from.
float from_value = 1;
// The number to animate to.
float to_value = 2;
// The animation parameters for duration, delay, etc.
AnimationSpec animation_spec = 3;
// A dynamic interpolation node. This will watch the value of its input and,
// when the first update arrives, immediately emit that value. On subsequent
// updates, it will animate between the old and new values.
// If this node receives an invalid value (e.g. as a result of an upstream node
// having no value), then it will emit a single invalid value, and forget its
// "stored" value. The next valid value that arrives is then used as the
// "first" value again.
message AnimatableDynamicFloat {
// The value to watch, and animate when it changes.
DynamicFloat input = 1;
// The animation parameters for duration, delay, etc.
AnimationSpec animation_spec = 3;
// A dynamic float type.
// It offers a set of helper methods for creating arithmetic and logical
// expressions, e.g. {@link #plus(float)}, {@link #times(float)}, {@link
// #eq(float)}, etc. These helper methods produce expression trees based on the
// order in which they were called in an expression. Thus, no operator
// precedence rules are applied.
// <p>For example the following expression is equivalent to {@code result = ((a
// + b)*c)/d }:
// ```
// ```
// More complex expressions can be created by nesting expressions. For example
// the following expression is equivalent to {@code result = (a + b)*(c - d) }:
// ```
// (;
// ```
message DynamicFloat {
oneof inner {
FixedFloat fixed = 1;
ArithmeticFloatOp arithmetic_operation = 2;
Int32ToFloatOp int32_to_float_operation = 3;
StateFloatSource state_source = 4;
ConditionalFloatOp conditional_op = 5;
AnimatableFixedFloat animatable_fixed = 6;
AnimatableDynamicFloat animatable_dynamic = 7;
// A dynamic boolean type which sources its data from the tile's state.
message StateBoolSource {
// The key in the state to bind to.
string source_key = 1;
// The type of comparison used in ComparisonInt32Op and ComparisonFloatOp.
enum ComparisonOpType {
// Undefined operation type.
// Equality check (result = LHS == RHS).
// For floats, for equality check, small epsilon is used, i.e.:
// (result = abs(LHS - RHS) < epsilon).
// Not equal check (result = LHS != RHS).
// Strictly less than (result = LHS < RHS).
// Less than or equal to (result = LHS <= RHS).
// Strictly greater than (result = LHS > RHS).
// Greater than or equal to (result = LHS >= RHS).
// A comparison operation, operating on two Int32 instances. This implements
// various comparison operations of the form "boolean result = LHS <op> RHS",
// where the available operation types are described in ComparisonOpType.
message ComparisonInt32Op {
// The left hand side of the comparison operation.
DynamicInt32 input_lhs = 1;
// The right hand side of the comparison operation.
DynamicInt32 input_rhs = 2;
// The type of the operation.
ComparisonOpType operation_type = 3;
// A comparison operation, operating on two Float instances. This implements
// various comparison operations of the form "boolean result = LHS <op> RHS",
// where the available operation types are described in ComparisonOpType.
message ComparisonFloatOp {
// The left hand side of the comparison operation.
DynamicFloat input_lhs = 1;
// The right hand side of the comparison operation.
DynamicFloat input_rhs = 2;
// The type of the operation.
ComparisonOpType operation_type = 3;
// A boolean operation which implements a "NOT" operator, i.e.
// "boolean result = !input".
message NotBoolOp {
// The input, whose value to negate.
DynamicBool input = 1;
// The type of logical operation to carry out in a LogicalBoolOp operation.
enum LogicalOpType {
// Undefined operation type.
// Logical AND.
// Logical OR.
// A logical boolean operator, implementing "boolean result = LHS <op> RHS",
// for various boolean operators (i.e. AND/OR).
message LogicalBoolOp {
// The left hand side of the logical operation.
DynamicBool input_lhs = 1;
// The right hand side of the logical operation.
DynamicBool input_rhs = 2;
// The operation type to apply to LHS/RHS.
LogicalOpType operation_type = 3;
// A dynamic boolean type.
message DynamicBool {
oneof inner {
FixedBool fixed = 1;
StateBoolSource state_source = 2;
ComparisonInt32Op int32_comparison = 3;
NotBoolOp not_op = 4;
LogicalBoolOp logical_op = 5;
ComparisonFloatOp float_comparison = 6;
// A dynamic Color which sources its data from the tile's state.
message StateColorSource {
// The key in the state to bind to.
string source_key = 1;
// A static interpolation node, between two fixed color values.
message AnimatableFixedColor {
// The color value (in ARGB format) to start animating from.
uint32 from_argb = 1;
// The color value (in ARGB format) to animate to.
uint32 to_argb = 2;
// The animation parameters for duration, delay, etc.
AnimationSpec animation_spec = 3;
// A dynamic interpolation node. This will watch the value of its input and,
// when the first update arrives, immediately emit that value. On subsequent
// updates, it will animate between the old and new values.
// If this node receives an invalid value (e.g. as a result of an upstream node
// having no value), then it will emit a single invalid value, and forget its
// "stored" value. The next valid value that arrives is then used as the
// "first" value again.
message AnimatableDynamicColor {
// The value to watch, and animate when it changes.
DynamicColor input = 1;
// The animation parameters for duration, delay, etc.
AnimationSpec animation_spec = 3;
// A conditional operator which yields a color depending on the boolean
// operand. This implements:
// ```color result = condition ? value_if_true : value_if_false```
message ConditionalColorOp {
// The condition to use.
DynamicBool condition = 1;
// The color to yield if condition is true.
DynamicColor value_if_true = 2;
// The color to yield if condition is false.
DynamicColor value_if_false = 3;
// A dynamic color type.
message DynamicColor {
oneof inner {
FixedColor fixed = 1;
StateColorSource state_source = 2;
AnimatableFixedColor animatable_fixed = 3;
AnimatableDynamicColor animatable_dynamic = 4;
ConditionalColorOp conditional_op = 5;
// A dynamic time instant that sources its value from the platform.
message PlatformTimeSource {}
// A dynamic time instant type.
message DynamicInstant {
oneof inner {
FixedInstant fixed = 1;
PlatformTimeSource platform_source = 2;
// A dynamic duration type that represents the duration between two dynamic time
// instants.
message BetweenDuration {
// The time instant value marking the start of the duration.
DynamicInstant start_inclusive = 1;
// The time instant value marking the end of the duration.
DynamicInstant end_exclusive = 2;
// A dynamic duration type.
message DynamicDuration {
oneof inner {
BetweenDuration between = 1;
// The duration part to retrieve using GetDurationPartOp.
enum DurationPartType {
// Undefined duration part type.
// Total number of days in a duration. The fraction part of the result will be
// truncated. This is based on the standard definition of a day as 24 hours.
// Notice that the duration can be negative, in which case total number of
// days will be also negative.
// Total number of hours in a duration. The fraction part of the result will
// be truncated. Notice that the duration can be negative, in which case total
// number of hours will be also negative.
// Total number of minutes in a duration. The fraction part of the result will
// be truncated. Notice that the duration can be negative, in which case total
// number of minutes will be also negative.
// Total number of seconds in a duration. Notice that the duration can be
// negative, in which case total number of seconds will be also negative.
// Number of days part in the duration. This represents the absolute value of
// the total number of days in the duration based on the 24 hours day
// definition. The fraction part of the result will be truncated.
// Number of hours part in the duration. This represents the absolute value of
// remaining hours when dividing total hours by hours in a day (24 hours).
// Number of minutes part in the duration. This represents the absolute value
// of remaining minutes when dividing total minutes by minutes in an hour (60
// minutes).
// Number of seconds part in the duration. This represents the absolute value
// of remaining seconds when dividing total seconds by seconds in a minute (60
// seconds).
// Retrieve the specified duration part of a DynamicDuration instance as a
// DynamicInt32.
message GetDurationPartOp {
// The duration input.
DynamicDuration input = 1;
// The duration part to retrieve.
DurationPartType duration_part = 2;