blob: 4e8898d32d7eda9b911ea100403b83b0b63b18bb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
private const val Sqrt2 = 1.41421356f
* Circle creates a square polygon shape whose four corners are rounded with circular
* arcs.
* @param radius optional radius for the circle, default value is 1.0.
* @param center optional center for the circle, default value is (0, 0)
fun Circle(radius: Float = 1f, center: PointF = Zero): RoundedPolygon {
return RoundedPolygon(4, rounding = CornerRounding(radius), radius = radius * Sqrt2,
center = center)
* Creates a star polygon, which is like a regular polygon except every other vertex is
* on either an inner or outer radius. The two radii specified in the constructor must both
* both nonzero. If the radii are equal, the result will be a regular (not star) polygon with twice
* the number of vertices specified in [numVerticesPerRadius].
* @param numVerticesPerRadius The number of vertices along each of the two radii.
* @param radius Outer radius for this star shape, must be greater than 0. Default value is 1.
* @param innerRadius Inner radius for this star shape, must be greater than 0 and less
* than or equal to [radius]. Note that equal radii would be the same as creating a
* [RoundedPolygon] directly, but with 2 * [numVerticesPerRadius] vertices. Default value is .5.
* @param rounding The [CornerRounding] properties of every vertex. If some vertices should
* have different rounding properties, then use [perVertexRounding] instead. The default
* rounding value is [CornerRounding.Unrounded], meaning that the polygon will use the vertices
* themselves in the final shape and not curves rounded around the vertices.
* @param innerRounding Optional rounding parameters for the vertices on the [innerRadius]. If
* null (the default value), inner vertices will use the [rounding] or [perVertexRounding]
* parameters instead.
* @param perVertexRounding The [CornerRounding] properties of every vertex. If this
* parameter is not null, then it must have the same size as 2 * [numVerticesPerRadius]. If this
* parameter is null, then the polygon will use the [rounding] parameter for every vertex instead.
* The default value is null.
* @param center The center of the polygon, around which all vertices will be placed. The
* default center is at (0,0).
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if either [radius] or [innerRadius] are <= 0 or
* [innerRadius] > [radius].
fun Star(
numVerticesPerRadius: Int,
radius: Float = 1f,
innerRadius: Float = .5f,
rounding: CornerRounding = CornerRounding.Unrounded,
innerRounding: CornerRounding? = null,
perVertexRounding: List<CornerRounding>? = null,
center: PointF = Zero
): RoundedPolygon {
if (radius <= 0f || innerRadius <= 0f) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Star radii must both be greater than 0")
if (innerRadius >= radius) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("innerRadius must be less than radius")
var pvRounding = perVertexRounding
// If no per-vertex rounding supplied and caller asked for inner rounding,
// create per-vertex rounding list based on supplied outer/inner rounding parameters
if (pvRounding == null && innerRounding != null) {
pvRounding = (0 until numVerticesPerRadius).flatMap {
listOf(rounding, innerRounding)
// Star polygon is just a polygon with all vertices supplied (where we generate
// those vertices to be on the inner/outer radii)
return RoundedPolygon((0 until numVerticesPerRadius).flatMap {
radialToCartesian(radius, (FloatPi / numVerticesPerRadius * 2 * it), center),
radialToCartesian(innerRadius, FloatPi / numVerticesPerRadius * (2 * it + 1), center)
}, rounding, pvRounding, center)