blob: 5bacbb2250e706852439816ebcc0a6af84fe3bf6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder
import android.text.TextPaint
import androidx.core.content.res.ResourcesCompat
import androidx.test.filters.SmallTest
import androidx.test.filters.SdkSuppress
import androidx.testutils.fonts.R
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import androidx.test.ext.junit.runners.AndroidJUnit4
class TextLayoutFillBoundingBoxesTest {
lateinit var sampleTypeface: Typeface
private val fontSize = 10f
fun setup() {
val instrumentation = InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation()
// This sample font provides the following features:
// 1. The width of most of visible characters equals to font size.
// 2. The LTR/RTL characters are rendered as ▶/◀.
// 3. The fontMetrics passed to TextPaint has descend - ascend equal to 1.2 * fontSize.
sampleTypeface = ResourcesCompat.getFont(instrumentation.context, R.font.sample_font)!!
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException::class)
fun negativeStart() {
val layout = createTextLayout("a")
layout.getBoundingBoxes(1, 1)
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException::class)
fun startEqualToLength() {
val layout = createTextLayout("a")
layout.getBoundingBoxes(1, 1)
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException::class)
fun endGreaterThanLength() {
val layout = createTextLayout("a")
layout.getBoundingBoxes(0, 2)
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException::class)
fun endEqualToStart() {
val layout = createTextLayout("a")
layout.getBoundingBoxes(0, 0)
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException::class)
fun arraySizeSmallerThanTextLength() {
val text = "abc"
val layout = createTextLayout(text)
val array = FloatArray(text.length * 4 - 1)
layout.fillBoundingBoxes(0, text.length, array, 0)
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException::class)
fun arraySizeSmallerThanTextLengthWithStart() {
val text = "abc"
val layout = createTextLayout(text)
val array = FloatArray(text.length * 8)
val arrayStart = text.length * 4 + 1
layout.fillBoundingBoxes(0, text.length, array, arrayStart)
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException::class)
fun arraySizeSmallerThanRange() {
val text = "abc"
val layout = createTextLayout(text)
val startIndex = 1
val endIndex = text.length
val array = FloatArray((endIndex - startIndex) * 4 - 1)
layout.fillBoundingBoxes(startIndex, text.length, array, 0)
fun singleCharacter() {
val text = "a"
val layout = createTextLayout(text)
assertThat(layout.getBoundingBoxes(0, text.length)).isEqualTo(
fun singleCharacterLineHeight() {
val text = "a"
val layout = createTextLayout(
text = text,
lineSpacingMultiplier = 2f
// character bound is still based on character but not the line height
assertThat(layout.getBoundingBoxes(0, text.length)).isEqualTo(
fun singleCharacterRtl() {
val text = "\u05D0"
val width = text.length * 2 * fontSize // a width wider than text
val layout = createTextLayout(
text = text,
width = width
assertThat(layout.getBoundingBoxes(0, text.length)).isEqualTo(
rtlCharacterBoundariesForTestFont(text, width)
fun singleLineLtr() {
val text = "abc"
val layout = createTextLayout(text = text)
assertThat(layout.getBoundingBoxes(0, text.length)).isEqualTo(
fun singleLineRtl() {
val text = "\u05D0\u05D1\u05D2"
val width = text.length * 2 * fontSize // a width wider than text
val layout = createTextLayout(
text = text,
width = width
assertThat(layout.getBoundingBoxes(0, text.length)).isEqualTo(
rtlCharacterBoundariesForTestFont(text, width)
fun bidiLtrLine() {
val text = "a" + "\u05D0\u05D1" + "b"
val layout = createTextLayout(text = text)
val expected = ltrCharacterBoundariesForTestFont(text)
// text with indices 0123 is rendered as 0213
assertThat(layout.getBoundingBoxes(0, text.length)).isEqualTo(
arrayOf(expected[0], expected[2], expected[1], expected[3])
fun bidiRtlLine() {
val text = "\u05D0" + "ab" + "\u05D1"
val width = text.length * 2 * fontSize // a width wider than text
val layout = createTextLayout(
width = width,
text = text
val expected = rtlCharacterBoundariesForTestFont(text, width)
// text with indices 0123 is rendered as 3120
assertThat(layout.getBoundingBoxes(0, text.length)).isEqualTo(
arrayOf(expected[0], expected[2], expected[1], expected[3])
fun multiLineLtr() {
val text = "a\nb\nc"
val layout = createTextLayout(
text = text
assertThat(layout.getBoundingBoxes(0, text.length)).isEqualTo(
RectF(0f, 0f, fontSize, fontSize), // a
RectF(fontSize, 0f, fontSize, fontSize), // \n
RectF(0f, fontSize, fontSize, 2 * fontSize), // b
RectF(fontSize, fontSize, fontSize, 2 * fontSize), // \n
RectF(0f, 2 * fontSize, fontSize, 3 * fontSize) // c
fun multiLineCenterAligned() {
val text = "a\nb\nc"
val width = fontSize * 3
val layout = createTextLayout(
text = text,
width = width,
alignment = LayoutCompat.ALIGN_CENTER
assertThat(layout.getBoundingBoxes(0, text.length)).isEqualTo(
// left top right bottom
RectF(fontSize, 0f, 2 * fontSize, fontSize), // a
RectF(2 * fontSize, 0f, 2 * fontSize, fontSize), // \n
RectF(fontSize, fontSize, 2 * fontSize, 2 * fontSize), // b
RectF(2 * fontSize, fontSize, 2 * fontSize, 2 * fontSize), // \n
RectF(fontSize, 2 * fontSize, 2 * fontSize, 3 * fontSize) // c
fun multiLineRtl() {
val text = "\u05D0\n\u05D1\n\u05D2"
val width = 2 * fontSize
val layout = createTextLayout(
text = text,
width = width
assertThat(layout.getBoundingBoxes(0, text.length)).isEqualTo(
// left top right bottom
RectF(width - fontSize, 0f, width, fontSize), // \u05D0
RectF(width - fontSize, 0f, width - fontSize, fontSize), // \n
RectF(width - fontSize, fontSize, width, 2 * fontSize), // \u05D1
RectF(width - fontSize, fontSize, width - fontSize, 2 * fontSize), // \n
RectF(width - fontSize, 2 * fontSize, width, 3 * fontSize) // \u05D2
fun multiLineRtlCenterAligned() {
val text = "\u05D0\n\u05D1\n\u05D2"
val width = 3 * fontSize
val layout = createTextLayout(
text = text,
width = width,
alignment = LayoutCompat.ALIGN_CENTER
assertThat(layout.getBoundingBoxes(0, text.length)).isEqualTo(
// left top right bottom
RectF(fontSize, 0f, 2 * fontSize, fontSize), // \u05D0
RectF(fontSize, 0f, fontSize, fontSize), // \n
RectF(fontSize, fontSize, 2 * fontSize, 2 * fontSize), // \u05D1
RectF(fontSize, fontSize, fontSize, 2 * fontSize), // \n
RectF(fontSize, 2 * fontSize, fontSize * 2, 3 * fontSize) // \u05D2
@SdkSuppress(minSdkVersion = 24)
fun zwjEmoji() {
// Emoji 2.0 - family: man, woman, girl, boy
// 2.0 released in Nov 2015; min version is set to SDK 24 which was released in 2016
val text = "\uD83D\uDC68\u200D\uD83D\uDC69\u200D\uD83D\uDC67\u200D\uD83D\uDC66"
val layout = createTextLayout(text = text)
val expected = layout.getBoundingBoxes(0, text.length)
// since we do not use the test font, the first rect should be non-zero
// the remaining characters should have 0 width starting from the right of the
// first character
val initialRect = expected[0]
assertThat(initialRect.right - initialRect.left).isNonZero()
for (index in 1 until expected.size) {
RectF(initialRect.right,, initialRect.right, initialRect.bottom)
fun withStyling() {
val doubleFontSize = fontSize * 2
val text = SpannableStringBuilder().apply {
setSpan(AbsoluteSizeSpan(doubleFontSize.toInt()), 1, 2, 0)
val layout = createTextLayout(
text = text
assertThat(layout.getBoundingBoxes(0, text.length)).isEqualTo(
// 1 width for a, height is doubleFontSize since line metrics change
RectF(0f, 0f, fontSize, doubleFontSize),
// 2 width for b
RectF(fontSize, 0f, 3 * fontSize, doubleFontSize),
// 1 width for c
RectF(3 * fontSize, 0f, 4 * fontSize, doubleFontSize)
private fun TextLayout.getBoundingBoxes(startOffset: Int, endOffset: Int): Array<RectF> {
val range = endOffset - startOffset
val arraySize = range * 4
val array = FloatArray(arraySize)
this.fillBoundingBoxes(startOffset, endOffset, array, 0)
return array.asRectF()
private fun FloatArray.asRectF(): Array<RectF> {
return Array((size) / 4) { index ->
this[4 * index],
this[4 * index + 1],
this[4 * index + 2],
this[4 * index + 3]
private fun ltrCharacterBoundariesForTestFont(text: String): Array<RectF> {
val array = FloatArray(text.length * 4)
text.indices.forEach { index ->
array[4 * index] = index * fontSize
array[4 * index + 1] = 0f
array[4 * index + 2] = (index + 1) * fontSize
array[4 * index + 3] = fontSize
return array.asRectF()
private fun rtlCharacterBoundariesForTestFont(text: String, width: Float): Array<RectF> {
val array = FloatArray(text.length * 4)
text.indices.forEach { index ->
array[4 * index] = width - (index + 1) * fontSize
array[4 * index + 1] = 0f
array[4 * index + 2] = width - index * fontSize
array[4 * index + 3] = fontSize
return array.asRectF()
private fun createTextLayout(
text: CharSequence,
width: Float = Float.MAX_VALUE,
lineSpacingMultiplier: Float = LayoutCompat.DEFAULT_LINESPACING_MULTIPLIER,
alignment: Int = LayoutCompat.DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT,
): TextLayout {
val textPaint = TextPaint().apply {
typeface = sampleTypeface
textSize = fontSize
return TextLayout(
charSequence = text,
width = width,
textPaint = textPaint,
lineSpacingMultiplier = lineSpacingMultiplier,
alignment = alignment