blob: 0c3372f5405102ef6556128a55af0c436c319c15 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.ui.material
import androidx.compose.Composable
import androidx.compose.ambient
import androidx.compose.unaryPlus
import androidx.ui.core.Alignment
import androidx.ui.core.CurrentTextStyleProvider
import androidx.ui.core.dp
import androidx.ui.layout.Column
import androidx.ui.layout.Container
import androidx.ui.layout.CrossAxisAlignment
import androidx.ui.layout.EdgeInsets
import androidx.ui.layout.ExpandedHeight
import androidx.ui.layout.HeightSpacer
import androidx.ui.layout.MainAxisAlignment
import androidx.ui.layout.Row
import androidx.ui.layout.WidthSpacer
import androidx.ui.material.surface.Surface
* Alert dialog is a [Dialog] which interrupts the user with urgent information, details or actions.
* There are two different layouts for showing the buttons inside the Alert dialog provided by
* [AlertDialogButtonLayout].
* Sample of dialog with side by side buttons:
* @sample androidx.ui.material.samples.SideBySideAlertDialogSample
* Sample of dialog with stacked buttons:
* @sample androidx.ui.material.samples.StackedAlertDialogSample
* @param onCloseRequest Executes when the user tries to dismiss the Dialog by clicking outside
* or pressing the back button.
* @param title The title of the Dialog which should specify the purpose of the Dialog. The title
* is not mandatory, because there may be sufficient information inside the [text].
* @param text The text which presents the details regarding
* the Dialog's purpose.
* @param confirmButton A button which is meant to confirm a proposed action, thus resolving
* what triggered the dialog.
* @param dismissButton A button which is meant to dismiss the dialog.
* @param buttonLayout An enum which specifies how the buttons are positioned inside the dialog:
* SideBySide or Stacked.
fun AlertDialog(
onCloseRequest: () -> Unit,
title: @Composable() (() -> Unit)? = null,
text: @Composable() () -> Unit,
confirmButton: @Composable() () -> Unit,
dismissButton: @Composable() (() -> Unit)? = null,
buttonLayout: AlertDialogButtonLayout = AlertDialogButtonLayout.SideBySide
) {
onCloseRequest = onCloseRequest,
title = title,
text = text,
buttons = {
confirmButton = confirmButton,
dismissButton = dismissButton,
buttonLayout = buttonLayout
* Alert dialog is a [Dialog] which interrupts the user with urgent information, details or actions.
* This function can be used to fully customize the button area, e.g. with:
* @sample androidx.ui.material.samples.CustomAlertDialogSample
* @param onCloseRequest Executes when the user tries to dismiss the Dialog by clicking outside
* or pressing the back button.
* @param title The title of the Dialog which should specify the purpose of the Dialog. The title
* is not mandatory, because there may be sufficient information inside the [text].
* @param text The text which presents the details regarding
* the Dialog's purpose.
* @param buttons Function that emits the layout with the buttons
fun AlertDialog(
onCloseRequest: () -> Unit,
title: (@Composable() () -> Unit)? = null as @Composable() (() -> Unit)?,
text: (@Composable() () -> Unit),
buttons: @Composable() () -> Unit
) {
// TODO: Find a cleaner way to pass the properties of the MaterialTheme
val currentColors = +ambient(Colors)
val currentTypography = +ambient(Typography)
Dialog(onCloseRequest = onCloseRequest) {
MaterialTheme(colors = currentColors, typography = currentTypography) {
Surface(shape = AlertDialogShape) {
Container(width = AlertDialogWidth) {
Column(crossAxisAlignment = CrossAxisAlignment.Start) {
if (title != null) {
alignment = Alignment.CenterLeft,
padding = TitlePadding
) {
val textStyle = +themeTextStyle { h6 }
CurrentTextStyleProvider(textStyle, title)
} else {
// TODO(b/138924683): Temporary until padding for the Text's
// baseline
Container(alignment = Alignment.CenterLeft, padding = TextPadding) {
val textStyle = +themeTextStyle { body1 }
CurrentTextStyleProvider(textStyle, text)
HeightSpacer(height = TextToButtonsHeight)
// TODO(b/138925106): Add Auto mode when the flow layout is implemented
* An enum which specifies how the buttons are positioned inside the [AlertDialog]:
* [SideBySide] - positions the dismiss button on the left side of the confirm button.
* [Stacked] - positions the dismiss button below the confirm button.
enum class AlertDialogButtonLayout {
private fun AlertDialogButtonLayout(
confirmButton: @Composable() () -> Unit,
dismissButton: @Composable() (() -> Unit)?,
buttonLayout: AlertDialogButtonLayout
) {
Container(padding = ButtonsPadding, alignment = Alignment.CenterRight, expanded = true) {
if (buttonLayout == AlertDialogButtonLayout.SideBySide) {
Row(mainAxisAlignment = MainAxisAlignment.End) {
if (dismissButton != null) {
} else {
Column(ExpandedHeight) {
if (dismissButton != null) {
private val AlertDialogWidth = 280.dp
private val ButtonsPadding = EdgeInsets(all = 8.dp)
private val ButtonsWidthSpace = 8.dp
private val ButtonsHeightSpace = 12.dp
// TODO(b/138924683): Top padding should be actually be a distance between the Text baseline and
// the Title baseline
private val TextPadding = EdgeInsets(left = 24.dp, top = 20.dp, right = 24.dp, bottom = 0.dp)
// TODO(b/138924683): Top padding should be actually be relative to the Text baseline
private val TitlePadding = EdgeInsets(left = 24.dp, top = 24.dp, right = 24.dp, bottom = 0.dp)
// The height difference of the padding between a Dialog with a title and one without a title
private val NoTitleExtraHeight = 2.dp
private val TextToButtonsHeight = 28.dp
// TODO: The corner radius should be customizable
private val AlertDialogShape = RoundedCornerShape(4.dp)