ana — ohhhh damn u right

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Fuck it, I’m saying this one on main, name and all.


[Image ID: screenshot of a post in tumblr dark mode by user nottobeadickoranything, reading “Hey um, everyone,,,uhh do you think the Drake-Kendrick beef started to draw attention away from Israel doing a trail of tears in Rafah,,,,mayb??”

Under the post are the tags ‘kendrick lamar,’ ‘drake,’ and ‘free palestine.’

End ID]

We’re not doing this. We are not fucking giving space for this conspiratorial bullshit that mirrors white supremacist rhetoric about Jewish people using Black people and/or some cabal Illuminati nonsense.

Was the #beef manufactured at all? I don’t think so, but I don’t know.

Would an entire other government call up a pair of Black rappers and have them bringing up predator allegations years in the making only to start attacking once it all died down?

Use your brains! Help Palestinians escape if you can! Donate to the PCRF! (Maybe or maybe not the PCRF part)

But this racist, antisemitic shit with no proof? We’re not fucking doing that.

EDIT: adding on that neither the Met Gala nor Eurovision were/are planned distractions. Those are things that happen. Y’all are acting antisemitic and ridiculous


see the problem w eurovision is that they actively continue to support and condone israel’s actions (not sure about the met gala?but i know israel government also be using it as a platform to hide their genocide with they bitch asses) . the kendrick-audrey beef dont got nothing to do with that and i agree with you there

also possibly OP meant that the kendrick and aubrey beef started to draw attention from israeli war crimes. not that it was started in order to draw attention from israel. it is worded a little bit weird tho


No, the screenshot op posted again about how the beef only happened as a distraction and in this very post’s comments said that anyone who cared about The Beef had been successfully “played.” His wording was intentional.

Onto the Met Gala and Eurovision part: no, the Israeli government did not use either of those event as some kind of smokescreen. The idea that Israel is secretly manipulating events to keep people distracted is a version of the common antisemitic idea of Jewish people ‘controlling the media,’ which is why I added that part to my original post.


ohhhh damn u right