Sassy Catgirl With a Few Kinks~

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Pinned Post

Hello and welcome to my tiny little corner of the internet! This blog is primarily horny, so unless I ever get around to retagging and organizing everything there are definitely some lewd posts floating around x3

A little about me: I’m Nat (she/her), a 25 year old trans lesbian furry catgirl with a passion for Dungeons and Dragons and RPGs/storytelling in general. DMs are open and please send me asks, I’d love to answer them! (Girls/enbies are encouraged to flirt and be horny if they so choose :3)

Please DNI if you fall into 1 or more of these categories:
Minors and ageless blogs

That should be it for now! Thanks for stopping by, traveler, and may your journey across this plane of existence be enjoyable <3

Pinned Post it's time for me to do 1 of these hello to my followers and mutuals! I am giving you water and/or kisses <3

hey, next month i have to pay over $800 of yearly bills, and with my regular monthly income only being about 1000 usd this will most likely result in putting me back in massive debt. any contributions my ko-fi help w this (and monthly contributions help make things like this easier in the future) and also helps fund my work! my proudest investigative journalism work should also finally come out in july as well, it took over 5 months to complete so if you wanna help fund future research of similar size this is a great way to do that!


Ahaha, everything's falling apart...


Not only did I spend my birthday in the house sick as a dog (not covid, thank god) but I wasn't able to babysit at all for damn near half the month : /. I need to pay rent, utilities, and groceries, and I need my hair done for yet another round of interviews when I finally finish coughing up phlegm.

If you wanna help out, here my links
Cash|||kofi||venny||ppl:[email protected]


[ID: A simply drawn figure holding a big thumbs up at the viewer while they grit their teeth painfully hard. Their eyes are red and crying /end ID]






asians: pls care about racism against us



like literally the fact that this has 9 notes (and most other posts abt asian american rep i’ve seen, rbed, or written have similar amounts), is proving my point. every time i reblog or post anything about racism agains asians, i can literally see everyone scrolling past it. not even given a performative like. are y’all consciously ignoring it or are you truly just that desensitized to racism against asians?


May I add:

  • Dont fetishize asians.
  • Dont make coronavirus jokes about asians. (Yes, it’s still happening, and it’s still a problem.)
  • Dont like?? Stereotype asians? Not every asian you’re going to meet is good at math or lives on a diet of rice, that’s just rude as hell and wrong

Exactly. Speak up for everyone.

Keep the same energy for racism against all asians as we do with other races. That includes more than just east asians. Asia is more than China, Japan and Korea.

And I see y'all, you’re really selective about the shit y'all reblog from me. This should have more than one reblog.


There has been a sharp increase of AAPI hate crimes ever since the pandemic (especially in the Bay Area if you live in the United States). If you’re going to be an advocate for Asians, please don’t forget to include Southeast Asians, South Asians, Western Asians, Central Asians, and our Pacific Islander cousins in your activism. As well as mixed Asians, too, especially if they’re not white passing