Chimera Fantasy Zone

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277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

"tumblr has made it clear they don't care about transfems, we should all move to cohost/mastadon/etc" mother fucker we have never been welcome anywhere we have either been temporarily tolerated or outright shunned from online and irl spaces from day fucking one there is no transmisogyny free space to go especially for the paraphiles and other tgirls that have been deemed extra disposable even by other transfems. im overstaying my welcome im surviving in the cracks in the pavement until they try to kill me like we have always done and once I'm banned I'll find somewhere else to spread like a pestilence but I'll keep on living despite their best efforts to eradicate girls like us. we make our own spaces in the gutters and back alleys and we thrive and they'll never be rid of us no matter how hard they try


Sleeping trains vibe

Have you heard the melody to which the tired train sleeps? Listen carefully 🎶

This is the result of collaboration with the wonderful musician Alex Gosh. An original soundtrack was specially created together to accompany these cozy scenes. This track will be available soon on all streaming platforms

Soundtrack: Alex Gosh, aleha_84 - Sleeping trains