Make great things happen with Mozilla

Make great things happen with Mozilla

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Help us make this database a robust resource for movement building! We welcome additions, corrections, and updates to actors, issues, AI impacts, justice areas, contact info, and more. Our team will vet your submissions and obtain permission before adding them to the database.

Donate to the Mozilla Foundation

Mozilla is building a movement to reclaim the internet. Together we can build a future where our privacy is protected, where AI is trustworthy, and where irresponsible tech companies are held accountable. But that’s only possible if we do it together. We’re proudly nonprofit. Will you donate to Mozilla today?

Join us at MozFest

Saving the internet takes both work and celebration. From monthly virtual events to larger IRL gatherings, MozFest is the premier gathering for people working to build a better digital world. In this thoughtfully curated space, we unite to share, make, teach, and learn about the important work being done around the world for internet health and imagine a better future that is full of opportunity and abundance (and have fun along the way). Join us!

Take our money

More than ever, we need a movement to ensure the internet remains a force for good. Our Fellowships and Awards team fuels this movement by supporting individual and collective actions who advance a more human-centered internet. We provide funding, mentorship, and amplification to innovators of all types — from technologists and scientists to activists and artists. We’d love to count you in that number.

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AI Intersections Database

This website supports Web Monetization

Read more about our implementation

Mozilla is a global non-profit dedicated to putting you in control of your online experience and shaping the future of the web for the public good. Visit us at Most content available under a Creative Commons license.