My blog

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hi. i’m katy. i am a certified fandom old™️fair warning, i do not know how to use the queue so following me means you get all my hyperfixations in real time as god intended. this blog is typically wrestling, wrestling, more wrestling, and things that make me laugh so hard i snort liquid out my nose. i only watch aew. i’m in it for the little guys (and gals). i use A LOT of capslock. my tags are a mess and absolutely nothing is searchable, that’s just how we run things around here. generally speaking, i flail about my ride or dies and simply won’t talk about anyone i dislike, so for the most part, this is a hate-free zone. the exception to this is cm punk. i think that man should be lit on fire. do not follow me if you are a punk fan. i’ve probably already blocked you, but there’s a chance i missed if you are quiet about it and weren’t in the tags when i went on my sprees. other than that, no surprises; you know who you gonna hear about here!! pretty transparent.

i used to fill a lot of prompts. maybe someday i will do this again. i’ve got a young kiddo, and i talk about her. she is generally the reason i don’t get much sleep. i love getting asks and typically don’t sugarcoat things! i’m a matched set with @perhapswhoknowsvamp. 💚


🖤 💚 the junglecorpse story video lives here 💚 🖤


reminder that my ao3 account is here

🖤💚junglecorpse (jack/darby)

ride | do you understand | alone together | they say we won’t last | why do they love you | hospital | playing us both | shower | discovery | salon | ‘down into the water black’ - epilogue | naked coffee | taste you | don’t leave me | hesitantly | ruin me | my plan all along | talk to you later | don’t fear the reaper | hospital roommates | can’t say it | just a little more | jekyll & hyde | i think i’m in love | the little things | i’m not leaving | good taste | rainstorm | forever | something good | worse than my mom | i know i’m in love | hot when you’re bossy | got something of yours | what time is it? | we’re not dating | chipotle and concussions | you look like shit | nonverbal: shovel talk | nonverbal: tangles | nonverbal: nap

🧡💚junglehook (jack/hook)

kiss 83 | not what you want | in danger | lighthouse AU flashback | you’re a nightmare | got you against the wall | gum swap | wild things | the next stage | on top | where it hurts | backstage victory | candids | elevator | why didn’t you say anything | make me jealous | don’t know what’s next | lost and found | eventuality | love languages | still | wanna practice? | how much do you want it | absolutely not mad | shouldn’t be here

💚🤜🤛🧡the besties (jack & hook)

college AU | besties break-up part 1 | besties break-up part 2 | ghost hunting | tattoo parlor | coffee shop | new friends | martha is the safe word | matchmaker | commit a felony | i need your help | too many miles | death threats | fell asleep | the theater | no one will find you here | concert | showing affection | party-hopper | thankful for you

⚰️🧡 darby/hook

you miss him too | comfort where you can | someone else | wound tending | the one i want | not the right one | surprise

🍊🖤 orange/darby

where it doesn’t hurt | haven’t died yet | comfort | fingers

🔮🍑spookypeach (anna/julia)

scents | promise | not the right move | wish it were me | an option | ceiling fan | you’re ready | i still miss you

the russian roulette of other wrestle pairings

kiss 48 | kiss 46 | hookcaster | absolutehook | tazhausen | danhausen/evilhausen | jack & julia | orangehausen | darbyhausen | nothing you can give me | junglehookhausen | half-deadjunglehook | max caster gets his shit rocked | jungleorange | the quad | let’s get him back | dariushook | orangehook treats | hook + darby treat | hook talks to RVD | orangehook manflu | hook vs. reader | bluehart | orangehook breakfast | half-deadjunglehook follow my lead | bluehart ice cream date | orangehook tell me how | anything you want jack

chrono trigger

shallow regret | kiss 99 | ‘saints & martyrs’ - follow-up | how dare you | come to laugh at me | mist | destiny | as a yes | never wanted more

chrono cross

kiss 1 | ‘top shot’ - follow-up | feather | on a scar | breakfast | in danger | you weren’t obvious

current tag to search for all works written since the tumblr-pocalypse is tag so you don’t lose this shit. anything posted to AO3 is removed to keep this somewhat manageable.

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jack perry; we all have to sacrifice

sacrifice, bilal al-shams // forbidden door 2024 // a landscape with a goat (ca. 1660–65), oil painting by gerrit dou // leviticus 16:10 // joan of arc, in this moment // the sacrificial lamb (ca. 1670-1684), oil painting by josefa de ayala // agnus (2022), oil painting by konstantin korobov // double or nothing 2024 post match comments, jack perry // john 1:29 // crucified, army of lovers // aew dynamite, jun. 13, 2024 // scapegoat, jack perry on ig // wolf hall, hilary mantel

(via junglemax)

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