Make Croaks Not Quakes

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

I love MOTM but genuinely what the fuck is up with Murtessa. Why were we expected to just forgive her. Why was everything about her plans to marry Jay played off as a joke. When a royal wanted to marry Nya it was the plot of an entire season that at least *tried* to take itself seriously. But when a royal wants to marry Jay it's all funny haha? He barely even reacts until Nya brings up the nasty food he'd have to eat if he stayed?? Murtessa hugs him in the finale and he's visibly uncomfortable and we're supposed to laugh???

i see this as a “give them something to do” plot that has a miniscule impact as a whole but it just comes off as odd thinking back just to pad the 11 minute run time ig?? ninjago reblog