Terms of Service. Privacy

By using the 2gdpr.com website checking service (hereinafter - 2GDPR), you agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the service that are laid out on this page (hereinafter - Terms).

1. Services
1.1. The services provided by 2GDPR (hereinafter - Services) are free of charge and include the following:
- Checking the website for compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter - GDPR) and the EU Privacy Directive 2009/136/EC (hereinafter - ePrivacy);
- Checking the encryption of the connections that may be established when sending personal data from web forms found on the website;
- Checking the encryption of the connections made when loading a website.
1.2. The checks referred to in point 1.1 are based on only some of the key requirements of the GDPR and ePrivacy in terms of user tracking rules and the basic requirements of the GDPR for the proper protection of the processing of personal data.
The results of such checks are made on the basis of automatic analysis of a limited number of webpages through the use of individual criteria.
Therefore, a positive check result should not be understood as a guarantee that the site is in line with all requirements of the GDPR and ePrivacy.
Meanwhile, a negative check result is most likely an indication that there are potential issues.
1.3. The checks referred to in paragraph 1.1 of this article provide for standard double-thread loads of up to 20 publicly accessible web pages in a browser and may not be carried out more than once every 1 day(s).
1.4. When performing automatic checks, we take into account the general and special rules established by the administrators of the websites in the robots.txt files
The name of our bot for the respective special rules: 2GDPR
When loading web pages of the website for analysis, the browser uses User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; 2GDPR/1.2; https://2gdpr.com)
1.5. The result of the last website check is cached and a link to it is placed in the statistics section.

2. Use of the Services
2.1. You agree to use the Services for the purposes specified in the Terms, relevant laws and generally accepted Internet practices.
2.2. It is strictly prohibited to use the Services or attempt to do so through any automated or non-traditional means.

3. Privacy
3.1. To limit the check threads the subnet mask /24 of your provider is used. This mask is anonymized using one-way MD5 encryption algorithm with the salt.
3.2. We don't log or collect any personal data, including your specific IP or browser headers.
3.3. 2GDPR does not in any way track the users of the site and/or their browsing behavior.
3.4. If we receive personal data from you, you are entitled to the right to access, amend or transfer your personal data, as well as limit the processing of or erase your personal data from the database. To exercise these rights or to address us with any other privacy concerns, please contact us through the following e-mail: [email protected]
3.5. In the event of a dispute, you have the right to contact the information commissioner.

4. Copyright
4.1. Copyrights on the materials of the website and its services belong to the administration of the website.
4.2. Copying of website content without the written consent of the administration is prohibited.
4.3. Partial citation of the materials of the website with a mandatory link to the source page is permitted.
4.4. The cookie consent script is available under MIT license. See script configuration page for details.

5. Disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability
5.1. 2GDPR services are provided «as is» without warranty of any kind. You are not guaranteed that:
- The services will meet your expectations or requirements;
- The delivery of the Services will be permanent, continuous, safe or error-free;
- The information obtained through the use of the Services will be accurate or reliable.
5.2. Information or recommendations that are not explicitly stated in these Terms do not create any additional obligations, warranties or conditions.
5.3. Under no circumstances shall 2GDPR be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental or other damages arising from the use, inability to use or obtain results from the use of the Services.

The terms and conditions of service are not final and can be subject to unilateral modification, the changes will take effect from the date of their publication.

To correctly implement and configure the cookie consent banner on your website, follow this simple guide