Download Tor for Unix, Linux, BSD

Want Tor to really work?

...then please don't just install it and go on. You need to change some of your habits, and reconfigure your software! Tor by itself is NOT all you need to maintain your anonymity. Read the full list of warnings.

Platform Download Stable Download Unstable Installation and Configuration
Debian Ubuntu Knoppix Debian, Ubuntu, Knoppix repository packages Linux/BSD/Unix
CentOS Fedora CentOS and Fedora yum install tor / dnf install tor Linux/BSD/Unix
Gentoo Linux Gentoo Linux emerge tor Linux/BSD/Unix
FreeBSD FreeBSD pkg install tor Linux/BSD/Unix
OpenBSD OpenBSD pkg_add tor Linux/BSD/Unix
Guide to chrooting Tor in OpenBSD
NetBSD NetBSD cd /usr/pkgsrc/net/tor && make install Linux/BSD/Unix
Source code Source tarballs (sig) (sig) ./configure && make && src/or/tor (or src/app/tor starting in 0.3.5.x)

What's the difference between Stable & Unstable?

Stable packages are released when we believe the features and code will not change for many months.

Unstable packages are released so you can help us test new features and bugfixes. Even though they have a higher version number than the stable versions listed above, there is a much higher chance of serious reliability and security bugs in these downloads. Please be prepared to report bugs.

Tor is distributed as Free Software under the 3-clause BSD license.

There is no fee for installing Tor, or using the Tor network, but if you want Tor to become faster and more usable please consider making a tax-deductible donation to The Tor Project.

To keep informed of security advisories and new stable releases, subscribe to the tor-announce mailing list (you will be asked to confirm via email). You can also watch the list's RSS feed.

If you would like to research any past release of Tor source, packages, or other binaries, see the archive.

If you have trouble downloading Tor from this site, here is a list of sites mirroring the Tor site.

For a list of what has changed in each stable Tor release, see the ReleaseNotes. For a list of changes in both stable and development versions, see the ChangeLog.

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