Privacy Policy
At 1Button SARL (defined here as ‘We’ or ‘Our’ or '1Button'), We value your comments, suggestions and feedback. Our Privacy Policy sets out how we collect, use and disclose “personal information” and other “non-personal information” we have gathered about you about you in relation to our apps.
By using our apps, you acknowledge and consent to the terms of this privacy policy.
What data do we collect?
To operate and manage our services we need to use third party service providers.
The type of information that might be collected by them includes:
Third Party Service Providers
Advertisements from third party ad networks may be displayed in our games. All reasonable endeavours are used to ensure that these ad networks comply with all applicable legislation in the provision of their services towards us.
The list of our ad networks privacy policies may be found here:
Our apps may also contain APIs from analytics third parties. The list of our analytics privacy policies may be found here:
Disclosure of Personal Information
We will not sell, trade, rent or disclose any of the personal information you provide to us for any reason, without your prior consent. Otherwise, your Personal Information will only be disclosed where required or allowable by law.
Policy Updates
This Policy may change from time to time. The most current version of our Privacy Policy can be found at https://1button.co/privacy We will always keep this up to date so that you know what information we will collect from you, how we may use it, and when we may disclose it.
If you have any questions about this Policy, please contact us at [email protected]