Viewing posts filed under #comic
  • I want to be the first person on the moon to shoot a sniper rifle at earth and hit a wasp nest.  my whole life so far is leading up to that moment

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  • I know everyone’s seen this a million times, but it’s still SICK.

  • The origins of the mission status: sick image

  • Happy 10th birthday to Mission Status: Sick

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    Vixen's origin story

  • A two-panel comic. The first panel features a headshot of an anthropomorphic Siamese cat with colourful hair and spiked collar. Their expression is angry, and they are pointing at the viewer. A caption under them says "You disgust me. Leave." The second panel features an anthropomorphic goat looking to the side and pointing at the aforementioned anthropomorphic cat, now standing at a distance, pointing at the goat. The second panel has significantly less detail in the art compared to the first panel. The goat has a slightly concerned expression, and a caption under them says "What's with this sassy... lost child?"ALT

    Wew, first piece of art in like, 2 months or something

    A thing featuring a very smol cat, also known as @sin-arts-0, in the redraw of the iconic scene from One Punch Man

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    Today I have been gravely offended

    Featuring my friend Charlie (absolute gremlin who is 1 cm taller than I am so they get to mock me for it)

  • kodzuken-sweetbea:
“ Technically true.
He got the job.
He takes his job seriously.
I fuckin’ love this comic. Makes me smile like crazy every time it pops up.
  • Technically true.

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    He got the job.

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    He takes his job seriously.

  • I fuckin’ love this comic. Makes me smile like crazy every time it pops up.

  • Birds Came from Dinosaurs!

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    &. lilac theme by seyche