Spoons Meter Troubleshooting

I’ll try to update this whenever I find something to add to it!

Can I use this with cute battery images, hearts, or other images? What about an HP bar of some sort? [Click Here]

What if I want it in an updates box/tab instead of under my description? [Click Here]

Or somewhere else entirely? You can put it in other places in your theme too, with basic knowledge of HTML/CSS! Just put the <div id=“spoons”> section where you want to put it in your HTML, and use CSS like #spoons { position: fixed; top: 5%, right: 5% } for example, to position it! If none of that makes sense to you, I don’t mind being contacted for help. :)

I got the spoons selection thing to show up in customization, but I can’t see the spoons! The third part of the code is probably in the wrong spot, under the wrong {Description} or something. Try moving it around!

Same as above, but I’m trying to use the cute battery images or some other non-spoon image. Make sure all your quotation marks are straight (“) and not angled (“) or (”). Angled quotations marks can mess with the code.

Every single spoon image is appearing at once, instead of just one of them. Make sure the second part of the code is in the right place, or, find </head> in your theme, put <style></style> right above that, and then place the second part of the code between those style tags (right after the first >) and see if that works.

Will this code work with any theme? In theory, yes! In reality, it can be harder to get it to work right on some themes. If that’s the case, and you’re having a lot of trouble, feel free to contact me.

I’m having trouble installing them for yukoki’s theme R.P.G. I have the full-screen version of that theme covered. I’ll happily install it on either of the other two versions if asked.

I screwed up my theme. Can I get it back to the way it was before I started messing with it? Not strictly spoons related, but try this! [Click Here]

If all else fails, let me know! Better yet, put your HTML code in a pastebin and link me to that! (You can just give me the /(keysmash) part of the link.) I’ll usually find the time to pre-install the spoons for you within a day or so.

post made on 02 March 2015, Monday at 01.16PM
with 24 notes
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