Worldwide eternal Frankenstein living death slavery (Posts tagged vtubers)

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Anonymous asked:

i will be heartbroken for a while now. i remember when nina graduated from niji en i was so shocked. it just hadn’t occurred to me that anything like that would happen what felt like so soon after i started watching nijisanji. when mysta followed, it was less shock and more of a hollow ache. somewhere along the way i just accepted. when mika announced her graduation it was the same thing where i was more than anything just grateful we’d had her at all, and hoped the best for her. But Pomu… Pomu has been my kami oshi for… oh my god it’s been a year. She’s been a favorite content creator and liver of mine. she stole my heart so fast. and now she’s going. I have a feeling she’ll return to us one way or another. and her vods and videos are staying. she’s accomplished so much and i’m so proud of her and i wish her the best always. part of me will always rest with her as Pomu Rainpuff though. my silly little fairy. i will follow her wherever. but a piece of my heart will always stay behind with this version of her

vtuberconfessions answered:



I know it’s kind of taboo to talk about “past lives”, but the person behind Pomu was a vtuber (and my kamioshi!) before she joined Nijisanji and became Pomu (and she’s still my kamioshi), and after watching her latest video it’s pretty clear that she’s not leaving the overall vtubing community.

She’ll be back; probably in Vshojo, but if Hololive En is putting out another generation I wouldn’t be too surprised to see her there.

pomu rainpuff vtubers

Thank you so much for 500 subs, all of the time we have spent and will continue to spend together will be some of the most cherished moments of my life! I love my Llies... I love you all so much. I can't wait for the New Year.

vtuber vtubers mara evantree

one thing about kiryu coco graduating is like… it really does not matter what you think is going on. stop trying to make theories or figure out why she’s leaving. stop saying things like “I don’t believe this is her decision and Cover is forcing her” or some shit

it doesn’t matter. it’s not your place to decide if you get to know or not. coco has told us what she wants us to know, and maybe she’ll say more maybe she will not. she has asked you to support her, and asked you to not ask others about her departure. if you ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT HER you will respect her wishes and simply see her off with a smile and your love.

stop trying to constantly pry in to others lives. lots of people become vtubers because they are shy and don’t want to show themselves, or want to keep their private life separate. yet you all are constantly like “hey here’s a link to a full imgur album of exactly what korone looks like in real life and her home address haha”. literally shut up. you’re being a creepy asshole. leave them alone and just support the personalities you say you love.


also to add to this: every (as far as I’m aware) hololive vtuber has rules in EVERY video description saying to stay on topic. saying not to bring up other talents unless it’s brought up. you are directly telling these talents you say you “love” that you do not give a shit about their chat rules by going in there being annoying as fuck with “WHAT’S UP WITH COCO WHAT HAPPENED?!?!?!”

and this goes for any topic. I see this shit all the time like calli will come in to towas chat or some thing idk and chat will just be “DAD? DAD! YOOO CALLIIII” for the next 10 minutes like. the talents are there to do their thing. if you want calli, go watch her. I’ve seen it so many times where a talent is trying to be serious and have a conversation or be heartfelt and then chat explodes because gura sends a heart and no one is paying attention anymore. they’re all just vying for attention. it’s so frustrating to see you all say you care and love about someone yet it’s only superficial in what they can provide you.

kiryu coco vtubers virtual youtuber