Worldwide eternal Frankenstein living death slavery — I'm a Christian and a patriot and as these things...

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Good morning y'all. How many of y'all remember this? This is how we started each day at school. We said the pledge of alligance every morning and said a prayer before school started. We need this back in our schools today.


I’m a Christian and a patriot and as these things I quite disagree. As an American patriot I think it’s against the principles of liberty to compel children to take loyalty oaths, and as a Christian I believe prayer should be a sincere expression of the soul instead of, once again, an act compelled by authority figures.

Children should certainly be taught the Pledge and what it means so that they can choose to take that pledge when they’re of an age to understand what it means, and opportunity should be given to children to pray, but having a teacher make the children in their class do these things strips them of the very things they stand for.