How to buy / install

  1. Click here to buy and follow the on-screen paying instructions.
  2. Once completed you should be able to download the code in a .txt file format.
  3. Open the downloaded file via Notepad (recommended).
  4. Copy the code.
  5. Go back to your Tumblr theme customize page.
  6. Click on Edit HTML.
  7. Delete all the code that is already there and then paste your new code.
  8. Click on Update Preview then Save.

Getting started

In the main customize page you can select the colours/layout you want.

  • Sometimes when you install a new theme, you may have to toggle some of the theme options a few times to get the theme to work correctly.
  • Also depending on your browser, some theme features does not work in the theme preview, so you'll have to view changes on your actual blog.

Theme layouts

There are various layouts you can choose from but make sure you select the options you want for the Page load type, Theme layout and Post captions position first.

  • For screen sizes smaller than 1224px, the theme will revert back to the default header theme layout.
  • Also, to see the preview for the curved sidebar and normal sidebar layout, you may need to exit out of the cutomize page and visit your actual blog.

Post sizes

Once you have selected your theme layout, you can adjust the post size and margins accordingly.

Custom fonts

  • You can change the font family and font sizes in the repective text boxes.
  • If you want to use a google font, make sure the Enable google fonts option is enabled and then type in the font name into the text box.

Mobile theme

To enable the mobile theme:

  1. In the main customize page, scroll down to the very bottom and click on Advanced options.
  2. Deselect the Use default mobile theme option and then click on Save.

Custom tabs

  • The majority of this section requires you to make changes in the HTML (it should be pretty straightforward).
  • Before you proceed to edit the custom tabs, make sure you have enabled the tabs you want to show.

Updates section

In the HTML editor, scroll right down to the bottom until you find the following :

<!------ UPDATES SECTION: ------>
{block:IfShowUpdatesSection} <div class="updates_section">


<!-- end of updates section -->

There are three ways to style the updates subsections:

  1. info
  2. status
  3. projects
  1. For the info updates subsection, it can be used for general info, a place to put stat counters or as an events schedule.
  2. The <ul> class name is "info" and the template is:

    <section class="subsection">
        <h6> <!--subheading--> </h6> 
        <p> <!--extra info description--> </p>
        <ul class="info">
            <li class="on"> <!--content--> </li>
            <li class="off"> <!--content--> </li>
  3. For the status updates subsection, it can be used to show something that is either "on" or "off".
  4. The <ul> class name is "status" and the template is:

    <section class="subsection">
        <h6> <!--subheading--> </h6> 
        <ul class="status">
            <li> <mark><!--label--></mark> <!--content or stat counter script--> </li>
            <li> <mark><!--label--></mark> <!--content or stat counter script--> </li>

    Just make sure to rename the <li> class names to either "on" or "off".

  5. For the projects updates subsection, it can be used to show how much a project is completed.
  6. The <ul> class name is "projects" and the template is:

    <section class="subsection">
        <h6> <!--subheading--> </h6> 
        <ul class="projects">
            <li><!--project name-->
                <span class="percentage"> <!--% value--> </span>
                <span class="bar" style="width: <!--% value-->"></span>
            <li><!--project name-->
                <span class="percentage"> <!--% value--> </span>
                <span class="bar" style="width: <!--% value-->"></span>

    Each individual project is wrapped in a <li></li> tag. Just remember to add in your % value that is highlighted in red.

HTML Example:

See the Pen Example 3 a by yeoli-thm (@yeoli-thm) on CodePen.

Message tab

This is the only tab where you don't need to edit anything in the HTML. Just make sure your askbox/submit is enabled in your Tumblr settings.

In the your tumblr customize page, there is a textbox provided where you can also include a short askbox description:


About tab

In the HTML editor, scroll down until you find the following :

<!------ ABOUT PANEL TAB: ------>
{block:IfShowAboutTab} <div id="about_panel">


<!-- end of about panel tab -->

There are two sections in this tab: the main about content and the additional summary.

  • For the main about section, put your content between the paragraph <p></p> tags:
<aside class="entry">
    <h2> About </h2> 
  • For the additional summary section, you can include an image and other info. Just add your content where the red hightlighted parts are:
<aside class="summary">

    <div class="about_image">
        <img src="IMAGE URL"/>
    <ul class="info">
        <li> <mark><!--label--></mark> <!--content--> </li>
        <li> <mark><!--label--></mark> <!--content--> </li>
        <li> <mark><!--label--></mark> <!--content--> </li>

( If you do not require the additional summary, you can just delete that section. Or if you don't want to include an image then you can just delete the about_image part. )

Tip: To get the url of an image saved your computer, click on the settings icon at the top of the HTML Editor > Theme assets > ADD A FILE > INSERT.

HTML Example:

See the Pen Example 3 c by yeoli-thm (@yeoli-thm) on CodePen.

Navigation tab

In the HTML editor, scroll down until you find the following :

<!------ NAVIGATION PANEL TAB: ------>
{block:IfShowNavigationTab} <div id="navigation_panel">


<!-- end of navigation panel tab -->

For each navigation subcontainer, use the following template below and put your content where the red hightlighted parts are:

<nav class="links_box">
    <h6> <!--subheading--> </h6>
    <a href="LINK URL"> <!--link label--> </a>
    <a href="LINK URL"> <!--link label--> </a>
    <a href="LINK URL"> <!--link label--> </a>

HTML Example:

See the Pen Example 3 d by yeoli-thm (@yeoli-thm) on CodePen.

FAQ tab

In the HTML editor, scroll down until you find the following :

<!------ FAQ PANEL TAB: ------>
{block:IfShowFAQTab} <div id="faq_panel">


<!-- end of FAQ panel tab -->

Each individual question is wrapped in a <li></li> tag. Use the following template below and put your content where the red hightlighted parts are:

<ul class="faq">

        <i class="question"> <!--question content--> </i>
        <div class="answer"><!--answer content-->
        <i class="question"> <!--question content--> </i>
        <div class="answer"><!--answer content-->

HTML Example:

See the Pen Example 3 e by yeoli-thm (@yeoli-thm) on CodePen.

Blogroll tab

You don't need to edit anything in the HTML for this. Just enable the Blogroll tab option and your Tumblr following list will automatically show up.

Tab linking

If you want to direct someone to a specific tab, for example to your About, then you can do so by providing them the link:

For tab linking, just change the last part of the hashtag to the relevant tab name. So for each tab it'll be:

  • Message tab:
  • About tab:
  • Navigation tab:
  • FAQ tab:
  • Blogroll tab:

Also, if you're adding the link directly in your theme HTML, you can omit your blog url, so for example:

<p> Please refer to my <a href=""c5">#faq">FAQ</a> before sending a question. </p>