Privacy Policy

STANDING OVATION Co. Ltd. (hereafter, “our company” or “we”) specified following Application Privacy Policy to request users to provide their information and to provide our application smoothly through our application for smartphone, named “XZ” (hereafter, “this application”), and through services about this application (hereafter, “these services”). We shall make an effort to protect users’ information.
Users shall be able to refuse the provision of their information based on their own decision if users do not wish to provide their information through this application. In this case, please note that you may not use this application or service.

Our company shall pay full attention to the management of users’ personal information, and shall treat them according to the Privacy Policy defined as following.

1 Acquisition of Personal Information

When providing this application and service, we acquire users’ following information automatically through the application or by users’ manual inputting and registration, to the extent necessary for the achievement of “purpose of use” mentioned in 2. Users’ information we collect shall be following depending on the collecting process.



When users wish to check their own information etc., it is possible by contacting us (mentioned below in 10).


Users’ information etc. shall be stored in servers in Japan.

2 Purposes of Use

1We shall use the personal information acquired mainly for following purposes.

2We will use users’ informative data for following purposes.

3 Use of Statistical Data

4 Providing Information to Third Party

5-1 Opt-Out

If you do not wish the delivery of targeted advertisements and wish to disable (opt-out) the acquisition of related informative data, please check procedures on WEB pages etc. mentioned below.

5-2 Service of Third Party

Our company shall use the following third party to improve services for the purpose mentioned at the right of each item.

Also, for the reference to provide more appropriate services to meet users’ interests and needs, we use Google Analytics provided by Google Inc. for the understanding and analysis of the usage of our services. Google Analytics analyzes the usage of our services by using Cookie. The methods of collection and use of access information adopted by Google Inc. are defined by Terms of Service in the services of Google Analytics and Privacy Policy in Google Inc.

6 Disclosure, Correction, Deletion etc. of Personal Information

7 Identifying Individuals

Our company shall confirm individuals by using either of following methods.

8 Correction

Our company may correct all or part of this “Privacy Policy”.
The significant revisions shall be notified on our site.

9 Disclaimers

Our company shall assume no responsibility in the following cases.

10 Contact

If you have any opinions, questions, complaints, wish to contact with the data protection officer, or for other inquiries, please contact the following e-mail address.

[email protected]

11 Right of Users

People who live in some countries, including the European Economic Area, shall have certain legal rights about their own personal data. In accordance with exclusions which are regulated in laws, the users have rights of requesting the access to information, or demanding the update, deletion and correction of the information.
If you live in EU member country and can be applied GDPR, and when you exercise the rights on GDPR, please contact the e-mail address mentioned above in10. Also, when users would not be able to receive appropriate treatment, they may make an objection against regulatory administrative authorities.

Special Information
For EU Users

Beginning May 25, 2018, the processing of personal data of users in the European Union is subject to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter, “GDPR”). Below is the information as relates to EU users' rights and our responsibilities, under this regulation.

STANDING OVATION Co. Ltd. (hereafter, “our company”), which provides “XZ” service, adopts the following handling policy regarding personal data of XZ users (hereafter, “users”) who live in European Economic Area (hereafter, “EEA”).
“Personal data” refers to the data which identify users including their name, address, birth date, gender, phone number, e-mail address, name of the company, and online identifiers such as IP address and so on.

1.EU User Rights

If you are a user in the EU, about our handling of users’ personal data, you may request access, correction, deletion, limitation for processing, objections against processing, and data portability, in accordance with the provisions of related regulations.
About the exercise of these rights, please refer to the information below or contact our company.

(1)Explanation of How We Use Users’ Information


If our company has information about you that is inaccurate, you have the right to request correction of your information. You may correct or request the correction by sending an e-mail to our following e-mail address.

E-mail Address: [email protected]
Contact Name: Yoshihiro Ogita


You may request deletion of your accounts at any time. You may request deletion through the Settings menu in the XZ app.

(4)Objections and Complaints

2.Grounds for Legality of Data Processing

GDPR requires that companies processing the personal data of EU users do so on the basis of specific legal grounds. As described below, our company processes the information of EU users based on legal basis specified under the GDPR:

(1)to provide the services and features you request

Our company must collect and use users’ personal data in order to provide services which satisfy users. This includes:

User profile information (including profile image) that is necessary to establish and maintain your account, user’s name, gender, birth year, height, residence, e-mail address, positional information obtained from GPS, collaborating information with SNS (Instagram/Twitter/Facebook/LINE), device information, job contents, operating website (blogs, home pages etc.)

(2)to protect the vital interests of our users or of others

XZ may process users’ personal information, including disclosing data, when required by law enforcement authorities in case of threats to the safety of users or of others.

(3)for our company’s legitimate interests

Our company collects and uses users’ personal data to the extent necessary for protecting its legitimate interests. This includes collecting and using information for following purposes:

(4)for the legitimate interests of other persons or parties

Our company collects and uses users’ personal data to the extent necessary for the interests of other persons or the general public.


Our company may collect and use users’ personal data on the basis of their consent. You may revoke your consent at any time. If you revoke your consent, you will not be able to use any services that require use of the personal data we collected or used on the basis of your consent.

Our company relies on consent in connection with data collections or uses that are necessary to enhance the user experience, to enable optional services or features, or to communicate with you. If you are an EU user, the following data collections or uses are done on the basis of your consent:

User profile information (including profile image) that is necessary to establish and maintain your account, user’s name, gender, birth year, height, residence, e-mail address, positional information obtained from GPS, collaborating information with SNS (Instagram/Twitter/Facebook/LINE), device information, job contents, operating website (blogs, home pages etc.)

In addition to the above, our company may collect users’ personal data through voluntary surveys. Their responses to such surveys are collected on the basis of consent, and will be deleted once no longer necessary for the purposes collected.
