Investing in sexual and reproductive health and rights: essential elements of universal health coverage


Sexual and reproductive health are integral elements of the right of everyone, to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have explicitly recognized sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and reproductive rights as essential not only to health but also to gender equality and wider economic and social development. Access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services are therefore critical for progressing towards universal health coverage (UHC) while also contributing to gender equality.

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Preparing for the UN High-level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage, 2023

In preparation for the 2023 high-level meeting, technical briefings and thematic dialogue series are organized. Through the Group of Friends of UHC and Global Health platform, WHO and other key stakeholders will provide updates on the latest data, evidence, and policy recommendations. Technical briefs in support of the different meetings are available here.

WHO Team
Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research (SRH), UHC/Life Course EXDGO (UHA)
World Health Organization
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