Advancing food safety initiatives: strategic plan for food safety including foodborne zoonoses 2013-2022


This Strategic Plan builds on World Health Assembly resolution WHA63.3 (May 2010) and provides a coherent framework for taking action on priority issues in the area of food safety and foodborne zoonoses for the period 2013–2022, and forms the basis of the WHO Twelfth General Programme of Work (2014-2019) for the program area food safety in Category 5.

The scope of the Plan covers food safety in all ramifications, encompassing the farm-to-table approach and including foodborne diseases of zoonotic origin. Therefore, all references to “food safety” or “foodborne diseases” comprise aspects or diseases of non-communicable and communicable origin, including foodborne zoonoses.

The Plan sets out three global strategic directions together with objectives and more detailed activities needed to achieve the overall mission:

To lower the burden of foodborne disease, thereby strengthening the health security and ensuring sustainable development of Member States

The three strategic directions are as follows:

  • Provide the science base for measures along the entire food-chain to decrease foodborne health risks
  • Improve international and national cross-sectoral collaboration, enhance communication and advocacy
  • Provide leadership and assist in the development and strengthening of risk-based, integrated national systems for food safety

WHO Team
Monitoring Nutritional Status & Food Safety Events (MNF), Nutrition and Food Safety (NFS), Technical Advisory Group on Food Safety: Safer Food for Better Health
World Health Organization
Number of pages
Reference numbers
ISBN: 978-92-4-150628-1
All rights reserved