With support from donors and partners WHO provides assistance to vulnerable and remote populations during COVID-19 in push for health equity for all

12 March 2021


As COVID-19 case numbers and deaths continue to fluctuate, the virus still poses a major threat in all regions. WHO remains committed to providing assistance to those who need it the most. This week we highlight ongoing activities in countries around the world with WHO’s support thanks to the vital funding from its many donors:

WHO and Canada boost maintenance of essential health services for women, girls and vulnerable populations in Ethiopia during COVID-19 pandemic

Published by WHO/AFRO on 16 February 2021

WHO and Canada recently signed an agreement to ensure functional health services during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ethiopia. Canada will provide WHO a grant amounting to 9.9 million Canadian dollars to strengthen the country’s primary health care capacity to deliver essential health services. The assistance will particularly benefit women, girls and vulnerable populations, while maintaining an effective response to COVID-19.

In addition, Canada’s support will provide frontline health workers with training, medicine, equipment, and personal protective equipment to prevent, detect, and respond to COVID-19.

WHO supports heroes campaign in Nigeria to help survivors demystify COVID-19 virus and fight stigmatization

Published by WHO/AFRO on 11 February 2021 

In Nigeria and many other countries, the stigma that accompanies testing positive for COVID-19 remains high. In one recent case the fear of being shunned after contracting the disease almost drove survivor Usman Sadiq to take his own life.

To help fight the severe stigma some patients face in the country, WHO is supporting the government to identify with and celebrate survivors of COVID-19 in its ‘Heroes’ Campaign’, which Mr Sadiq is now a proud member of. The campaign aims to de-stigmatize COVID-19 survivors, increase risk perception and drive home the realities of the outbreak.

Meanwhile, WHO continues to provide technical support to the country including capacity building, clinical management of cases in treatment centres and at home, risk communication and community engagement, contact tracing, active surveillance in communities as well as sensitization and referral of suspected COVID-19 cases.

EU and WHO join forces to ensure deployment of COVID-19 vaccines and vaccination in six European countries

Published by WHO/EURO on 11 February 2021. WHO affiliated doctors in Azerbaijan.

The European Union (EU) and the WHO Regional Office for Europe will work together in a major effort to support deployment of COVID-19 vaccines and vaccination in the six EU Eastern Partnership countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine. The project, funded by the EU and implemented by the Regional Office, will cover all phases of COVID-19 vaccine deployment and vaccination. It will also serve as a major investment to strengthen routine immunization systems in the six countries.

With a total budget of €40 million over a three-year period, this is the largest EU and WHO joint action ever implemented in the European Region. It will complement ongoing and forthcoming work through global and regional solidarity initiatives, such as the WHO co-led COVAX Facility and the EU sharing mechanism, to ensure access to vaccines in these countries.

WHO supports Iraq with life-saving medical supplies to boost fight against COVID-19

Published by WHO/EMRO on 21 February 2021

WHO recently delivered a shipment of medical supplies and equipment to the Ministry of Health of Iraq to support its COVID-19 national preparedness and response amid a sharp increase in the number of infections and concerns over the emergence of a new variant.

Following previous shipments in 2020, the new delivery includes intensive care supplies and equipment as well as spare parts for oxygen concentrators. The consignment also includes personal protective equipment, electrocardiograph devices, oximeters, hospital bedding, furniture, and patient monitors.

This timely support to the people of Iraq would not have been possible without the generous contributions of the Government and the people of the State of Kuwait, the Government and the people of Germany, and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

In addition, WHO recently handed over 13 tons of medical supplies and equipment to the Ministry of Health in the Kurdistan region of Iraq.

The shipment, worth US$ 1 million, will support health facilities in the region with personal protective equipment (PPE), COVID-19 diagnostic kits, oxygen concentrators, oximeters, intensive care beds and devices, hospital bedding and related medical furniture, patient monitors, and other items.

WHO sends tests to Brazil to support COVID-19 testing among migrants and refugees

Published by WHO/PAHO on 19 Feb 2021

The WHO Regional Office for the Americas has been providing assistance to Brazilian authorities to strengthen testing capacity among migrant and refugee populations.

Part of Brazil’s humanitarian response to the flow of Venezuelans to the country, the initiative includes the donation of material as well as logistical and personal support from national agencies, international organizations and civil society including WHO, the UN Agency for Refugees (UNHCR), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), UNICEF, UNFPA and others.

WHO recently provided approximately 250 000 rapid tests to strengthen the testing capacity of four Brazilian states: Amazonas, Pernambuco, Roraima and Rondônia.

WHO fights COVID-19 infodemic among refugees by supporting Cox’s Bazar community radio in Bangladesh

Published by WHO/WPRO on 11 February 2021

In Cox’s Bazar, one of the world’s largest refugee camps and a high risk location for COVID-19, BBC Media Action is helping encourage informed decision-making and positive behaviour change during the COVID-19 crisis to fight the wave of misinformation that has accompanied the pandemic.

Every week, WHO and UNICEF provide English and Bangla versions of a radio script on COVID-19 among refugee, host communities, and partners for wider dissemination through the Rohingya community.

WHO also works with UNHCR and the Community Health Working Group to implement a strategy to strengthen community engagement, while supporting the 1500 Community Health Workers (CHWs) who conduct more than 140 000 household visits per week in the refugee camps. Refugee Community Health Workers have been the backbone of the health response within the Rohingya refugee camps throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

WHO continues to support enhancing of COVID-19 testing capacity in Viet Nam

Published by WHO/WPRO on 20 February 2021. A sample collection using WHO’s sponsored sample collection kit ©WHO/Loan Tran

To support Viet Nam’s response to the current outbreak of COVID-19, WHO recently provided additional laboratory supplies to scale up testing in affected provinces.   

WHO handed over 2 800 specimen collection kits to the National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE) for distribution to provinces.  

Strong testing capability is an essential tool for addressing the challenges presented by this pandemic and for protecting populations. WHO remains committed in sustaining its support to the country not only in delivering supplies but also in continuing to provide technical assistance in the pandemic response.

Five European countries strengthen health supply chains with support from UNICEF and WHO

Published by WHO/EURO on 08 February 2021. A pharmacist reviewing stocks, Republic of Moldova ©WHO/Igor Vrabie

The WHO Regional Office for Europe and UNICEF Supply Division have extended their support to Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Uzbekistan in optimizing the performance of their supply chains to ensure timely delivery of medicines and health products.

Countries in the European Region had repeatedly experienced supply chain challenges, such as shortages of antigens, stockouts and interruptions in immunization services despite marked improvements over the last decade. The unfolding COVID-19 pandemic has further disrupted international, regional and local supply chains, undermining national response efforts and putting a strain on other critical and routine health interventions.

To address these barriers, UNICEF and WHO, with the support of The Global Fund, are uniting technical resources and expertise to support health authorities of those five countries. The integrated teams will establish the development needs in the countries’ supply chain management systems, identifying and quantifying their supply chain strengths, gaps, and opportunities as the basis for planning improvements and next steps.

Without the support of donors and partners, WHO would not be able to reach these countries in need and help them make it through the COVID-19 pandemic.

WHO thanks all governments, organizations and individuals contributing to the COVID-19 response around the world, and in particular those who have provided fully flexible contributions, to ensure a comprehensive fight against the disease.

Member States and observers:  

Afghanistan, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belize, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Canada, Central African Republic, Chad, China, Côte d’Ivoire, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, European Commission, Finland, France, Gabon, Germany, Guinea-Bissau, Holy See, Iceland, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Ireland, Guinea, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Malta, Mauritania, Mozambique, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russian Federation, Sao Tome and Principe, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Ukraine, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Viet Nam, Yemen.  

Other Partners:  

African Development Bank Group, Africa Reinsurance Foundation, Asian Development Bank, Alwaleed Philanthropies, Ancash, Banco Centroamericano de Integracion Economica (BCIE), Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, CAF- Development Bank of Latin America, Caribbean Development Bank (CDB), Clinton Health Access Initiative, COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund, East African Community, Fond d’Assistance Economique et Sociale (FAES), Fondo Mixto, Fundación Yamuni Tabush, Gavi Alliance, Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria, International Organization for Migration (IOM) Islamic Development Bank, King Baudouin Foundation, King Salman Humanitarian Aid & Relief Center (KSrelief Saudi Arabia), National Philanthropic Trust, Novartis, OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID), Pandemic Tech, Shell Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Sandoz AG, Sony, Southern African Development Community, Standard Chartered Bank, Supply Chain Fund, Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation, Tetra Pak Export FZE, UNDP Multi-Partner Trust Fund (MPTF), United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Federal Credit Union (UNFCU), United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Vital Strategies, World Bank, World Food Programme.

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