Monitoring framework

In line with their commitment to account for progress made, and through a participatory and consultative process, the SDG3 GAP signatory agencies approved a monitoring framework in 2021.

The monitoring framework is expected to allow signatory agencies to review progress, learn together and to enhance shared accountability; its implementation aims to identify and present credible results of the SDG3 GAP, by assessing the additionality of enhanced coordination and cooperation among signatory agencies and the contribution these may have to enhanced alignments and coordination in countries and to acceleration of health-related SDGs.

Through a short, annual questionnaire, the monitoring framework seeks country perspectives on collaboration among development partners and alignment with countries’ priorities.

In 2022, 52 national governments and relevant authorities provided their views on how well multilateral agencies and other development partners align to their national priorities and plans and collaborate with each other to increase efficiencies and avoid duplications when providing support for an equitable and resilient recovery towards the health-related SDGs.

The heatmap of responses, reflects an overall positive assessment of collaboration among SDG3 GAP agencies but indicates that – especially in low-income countries - more efforts are needed to align with national priorities and strengthen coordination.

The responses include many concrete suggestions for improvement and emphasize that coordination should be country driven and that SDG3 GAP should help to strengthen coordination capacities in ministries of health.

A detailed analysis of the 2022 data has been released and is available here.

2022 heat map of responses by focal points to statements on health coordination environment
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